Birthday Blues
By Humbug25
@Humbug25 (12540)
March 26, 2009 9:51am CST
Well yesterday was my birthday and not that I am bothered about turning 38 but it was just a normal day for me. No birthday cake, cooked, cleaned, did the laundry, did the grocery shopping, got some mediocre presents and went to bed early. Being a single you can't really have the day off and in fact I probably accomplished more that day that I normally do!! As March has been a busy and expensive month for me, I couldn't really hire a babysitter and go for a drink or two. I wasn't bothered as I know that in a couple of years time I will have a big blast out! I must say that the worst birthday I had was my 30th, it was also my first ever Mother's Day that day too. It should have been a great day but my husband at the time couldn't care less and it was a very uneventful day.
Did you ever have a birthday that was a bit miserable and gave you the birthday blues?
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23 responses
• United States
26 Mar 09
happy birthday. sorry it wasn't more eventful. u are just a spring chicken being 38. that's enough to give u a reason to celebrate. wait till u get to my age. lol
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@amanda333 (739)
• France
26 Mar 09
Hi Humbug, I'm sorry you had a rotten birthday..."A BIG HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY" from me. My birthday last June was a bit like that, kids at school and hubby at work, I to didn't go out anywhere, but hey we are still living and breathing, so have a great day today, try and put your feet up with a nice book, and treat your self to a big bar of chocolate

@mummyofthree (2715)
27 Mar 09
Belated birthday wishes.
I don't tend to consider my birthday as anything other than a normal day.
But the kids don't let me get off that easy lol!
I have been very lucky and not really had any birthdays that have given me the birthday blues!
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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
27 Mar 09
My 50th birthday was the worst yet. I was depressed for about two years and anm just
getting over it now. I am going to turn 52 this year and it is okay, now that the big
50 is over. But for about two years I was so depressed I had to go on medicine for it
and now I am off of the medicine and I am okay.
We don't celebrate birthdays in our family anymore. We don't bother to go out anymore
as it is just another day to me now. I don't like birthdays, not my own, anymore. So
I just let the day go by now, as per my physicoligist, as just another day.
Happy birthday my friend.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
30 Mar 09
Hi ya christoltz
I just think it is nice to be felt special at least once a year as I don't have a partner to do that for me. We had Mother's Day a couple of weeks ago too and I didn't feel great on that day really either because my mum had to arrange flowers for me. Not that I wasn't grateful for her efforts but felt like it should have had more involvement from my sons! Nevermind, life goes on!
Thanks for your response 

@Carpathian (582)
• United States
29 Mar 09
I really don't take my birthday that seriously. I mean when I was a kids my birthday was in winter so not many people would come over in the cold. And, it was always to much snow! And, then when I had my daughter two days after my birthday. Well, now I live in another state and the weather is o.k. to go out in people just say I am to old now and give me a simple card on my daughter's birthday. So, I sort of get skipped. So, I guess I really don't care one way or the other any more! Missed to many to even remember when my birthday is half the time and what age I am. I just think it's my daughter's month now!
**Peace and Love get's you through everything in Life**
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@Jennlk84 (4205)
• United States
27 Mar 09
My birthday was yesterday (Thursday) !! I didn't exacly have the birthday blues, but I tell ya - as you get older, birthdays really do just feel like another day! I turned 25 this year and if it weren't for my Pre-Kindergarten students making a big deal out my birthday, it would've been just like any other day. I miss the days of being a kid when you got lots of toys and had a big party with cake and balloons. Kids don't realize how good they have it. lol
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@Humbug25 (12540)
30 Mar 09
Hi ya Jennlk84
Well happy belated birthday to you!! Yes those were the days huh? My mum used to always make sure we had a good party and as you get older your aunties and uncles don't seem to bother with a gift anymore either. My nan hasn't bought me anything since I can remember!
Thanks for your response 

@aidenw (632)
• United States
26 Mar 09
well happy birthday, humbug! you can celebrate your birthday up to a week after it, so why not do some fun stuff today or over the weekend?
when i was little i always looked forward to my birthday but after i reached 25 i kinda stopped doing that since i heard that everything goes downhill from then on
. so i've had birthdays that were just like any other day, nothing special, but i can't call them 'miserable' either. later on i got excited about birthdays again because i believe that's another opportunity to celebrate life. so now i make sure i do something special to celebrate my birthday no matter how small and simple it is and feel great about it. best wishes for your birthday!

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@Humbug25 (12540)
30 Mar 09
Hi ya aidenw
Well I will make sure the same thing doesn't happen again. I was a bit disappointed that not even one of my friends said to go out for a meal or a drink. I might had to have said no because March has been a expensive month with birthdays and such like but it still would have been nice to make the suggestion!
Thanks for your response 

@apples99 (6556)
• United States
26 Mar 09

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@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
27 Mar 09
Well, Happy Belated Birthday! I have had some pretty bad ones myself. I have just gotten to the point where I treat my birthday as just another day. I don't expect anything and I don't bother reminding anyone when it is. I figure if they remember, they do, if not, oh well. My parents and brothers always remember and at the very least, send me a text or email. My husband is getting better, and so are my kids, but, if I want a cake, I have to make it myself, if I want a nice dinner, I make that too.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
30 Mar 09
Hi there lynnemg
I can't even remember what I did for dinner that night now. I think as my kids get older they will do more as they are only 4, 6 and 8 now and need guidance in that direction for sure. My 6 year old did ask me where my birthday cake was and I told him that he hadn't made me one as you are not supposed to make your own cake on your birthday and he just said that he couldn't make one. I told him that, that was ok and when he was older he could!! I think he was just disappointed he was getting cake to eat!
Thanks for your response 

@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
26 Mar 09
My last birthday was one of my blue-er ones. I turned 25 in December and it was the first time my fiance had to work a weekend at his new job plus I had a tummy ache so I spent the whole day alone in my PJ's. I went to my parent's house for my birthday supper but hardly touched it because I was still queasy. And no one called to wish me a happy birthday. I was also feeling the weight of my age for the first time. I sort of realized that I can't keep saying 'in a few years' for much longer because now it IS 'in a few years'. I got over it though and now I'm happy with being 25 and am also OK with the fact that we wont be ready for kids until we're 30 or so. It was bothering me but I'm good with it now.
And happy birthday to you, Humbug!
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
26 Mar 09
I know I have, but I can't think of it right off hand. However, my birthday was not that long ago either. It was the 17th of march. My day was no different than any other either. I was sort of disappointed that my friend of 10 years didn't even say happy birthday. But I don't blame her because I am not one that remmebers birthdays and for all I know I could have missed hers too. My sister got me a couple roses and that is all I got for my birthday :( I guess when you get older no one really thinks about your birthday anymore. What made me more mad was that my sons is the day after mine and no one in my family even got him a card!! He turned 4 but I still think they should have gotten him something!
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@Humbug25 (12540)
30 Mar 09
Hi ya messageme
Well it was my mum's 60th on the 13th March, my dad's 16th March and my son also turned 4 on the 19th March how weird is all that? LOL
. That was such a shame that no one got your son anything I would have been really cross with my family if they had forgotten his!
Thanks messageme

@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
26 Mar 09
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday dear humbug???
Happy Birthday to you!
And be rest assured that you are glad that you cant hear me sing!!!
I was really depressed on my 3oth birthday. I felt like a turned a huge corner and was getting old..After that, they were all fine. Now I am worried about next year..Oh thats right, I am counting backward starting next year so I will officially be 49 again, for the second year!!

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@la_chique (1498)
26 Mar 09
Aww, happy birthday for yesterday.
Actually I had the birthday blues for my 18th. I locked myself in my room all day and did nothing because my then bf went on holiday without me the day before. He wasnt worth it and I'm so annoyed that I let him ruin my milestone birthday!
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
26 Mar 09
well,belated happy birthday to you.i often get these birthday blues but i really dont know the reason why!!my worst birthday was when i turned 30 aand i was moping alone in my room and was snaping at anybody and everybody who dared to come across me.(maybe because i was turning 30)
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
7 Apr 09
I had a few birthdays like that when I was very young
so I never bothered celebrating it anymore
but since I got married hubby always cares about my birthday
for now that's all I want, that he cares about it
I'm not bothered with presents, have been living frugal for many years
all I want is my husband spending more time with me, and the cat :)
@littleowl (7157)
12 Apr 09
Hi humbug...yes my 50th birthday my son never got me a card or present, my daughter got me a small CD player that was too sensitive she had to take it back, but she gave me the money instead which as she is unemployed I knew she had saved for it, her friend gave me a bunch of flowers and a card, and my best friend Tamara got me a little something too..apart from that I just got cards and my Dad just sent an ordinary plain card nothing personal and no was the worst birthday I have ever had! After all you only turn half a century once but everyone kept saying that the 60th birthday is the one that is celebrated more now! My 50th I will never forget..and guess it still hurts that no-one really thought of how half a century is a turning point in a person's life..even my 40th was just another day so now I just take all of my birthdays like that...hugs littleowl
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
14 Apr 09
happy Belated Birthday to you too! may you have many many more, I just had one too, in Feb, 19th.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
26 Mar 09
I wish that I had known Humbug. I'm sending you a belated birthday hug and kiss. My 21st could have been a bad birthday. I had my motorbike vandalised and I can't remember where I left it. The police found it in a ditch. I do know that I was put to bed by someone that I would not have dreamed of going to bed with in a million years. Not my type of guy at all! LOL!
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@lilcee (2703)
• United States
26 Mar 09
Yes, lots of times. As I get older, the less I enjoy my birthdays. My hubby was nice enough to take me out to eat and we spent a nice day together. But I didn't get a cake or anything like that. I got a few cards but birthdays are starting to be like any other day for me. By the way - Happy Birthday.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
30 Mar 09
Hi lilcee
I get what you are saying. I just feel that people just can't really be bothered and some cards and gifts came late which really bothers me as everyone know's when it is your birthday and had 365 days since the last one to get it right!! LOL
Thanks for your response 

@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Mar 09
Despite my advancing years, I do like my birthday to be special somehow. I;'ve had a few that were pretty desperate but most of them were o.k. One year, when we weere in a real finacial bind when living on the farm, I told my husband not to worry about my birthday as I knew that money was worse than tight.
But I thought that at least he would have bought me a card. Not even that! I cried and cried and he kept saying that I had told him not to bother. and I am crying 'I am not even worth a car?"
He got in the car with the three little sons and drove 20 miles to buy me a card - actually 3 cards. As our Wedding Anniversary was the next day and the next day was also Mother's day.
I have to tell you that he did not make that mistake again!
Happy Birthday my dear friend. It is still your birthday where I live (well, I;m stretching that a bit but who cares?)
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@Humbug25 (12540)
30 Mar 09
Hi cynthiann
Aww that is sad! I would be upset too but then for the 10 years that I was with my, he never once did anything for my birthday as they don't celebrate birthdays where they come from so I never expected anything from, would have been nice though.
Thanks cynth