Do you regret the one you chose to be with now?

By Niah
@Niah1976 (739)
Paranaque, Philippines
March 26, 2009 12:51pm CST
I met someone and she is 41 years old and she told me about what's going on with her married life. She said that they are so poor bacause his husband do not have a job. So they don't have money to buy their needs.She said that if she can only bring back the hand of time she wouldn't chose her husband. Her children is aware of it and even ask her that if she never chose their fathers they will not be here. She said yes. I am somewhat afraid because I don't want to feel the way she feels. I don't want to regret the one I chose. So I pray so hard that eventhough problems arise from time to time, I hope that the love we have for each other remains the same.
2 responses
@gicolet (1702)
• United States
26 Mar 09
The regretful feelings only come up when 2 people don't see eye to eye but believe me they did see eye to eye during the courtship or before marriage otherwise they wouldn't have settled down in the first place. My ex-husband and I did not see eye to eye. We just had different beliefs in life which we didn't see before we got married so we ended up in divorce after 9 yrs of obvious mistake. We are out of control on things like this. These are one of those things that needs to happen so we could learn and grow from there. I have been re-married for over 6 yrs now and eventhough it was tough in the first few yrs of marriage because of adjustments we're still going strong. I don't believe in accidents. I believe in destiny and that no relationship is ever perfect. It takes 2 to make a marriage work. If one is not cooperating then a separation or divorce is foreseeable.
@Niah1976 (739)
• Paranaque, Philippines
26 Mar 09
ok thank you for sharing your experience with me. Good luck to you. Happy my lotting
@geetnx (51)
• Kuwait
26 Mar 09
you're correct in that matter. it takes two to make a marriage work. when the couple does not have the same ideals, definitely the marriage will little by little dissolve
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
28 Mar 09
The reason your friend feels the way she does is about her and the choices she has made. I am sure her husband was not rich when she married him and I am sure your friend was not either. In some cultures where marriages are arranged through the families and need approval of the parents this is the sort of thing that is discussed and planned for. Your friend would be better served to do something proactive to help her family. Her children don't need to be made to feel bad about their father.