has your child ever swallowed any harmful substances?
@ethansmommy06 (401)
United States
March 26, 2009 4:30pm CST
Man you cant look away two seconds before they are into something huh? I thought my son was napping today so I decided to play on the internet for a while as he napped. I was reading something dont remember what now and my son came in the room and was squinting his eyes. I asked him what was wrong. Before he could say anything I smelled the windex on his face! OMG!! I was freaking out and I think i scared him when I jerked him up and took off his clothes and placed him in the shower franticly. I made him put his face in the water to wash away the windex. I did call the poision control center and the lady said that I was doing the right thing. that as long as he was not complaining of his eyes hurting or burning then he was okay. I did not smell it on his breath. so he didnt swallow any. thank goodness. How he got up on the cabinet is a mystery to me. he had to have climbed up from standing on a box i dont leave things like that laying around for him to get. I was scared. He thought I was mad and i had to tell him i was not mad but scared. He is okay now and i had to re child proff my kitchen. Have you had an experience like this?
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6 responses
@tcycharmy (102)
• United States
27 Mar 09
Kids can definatly get into things fast and place where you least expect it. My nephew was about 1 or 1 1/2 at the time and literally reached out of his crib onto my sister's vanity and downed a brand new bottle of teething tablets. He ate the whole bottle! We called poison control and they said nothing will happen. He was okay, but I bet his mouth or gums was numb for days.
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@ethansmommy06 (401)
• United States
27 Mar 09
dang. i bet his little mouth did feel good for a while lol. its not funny at the time but it can be a funny story to tell them when they get older. im glas he was okay tho.
@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
27 Mar 09
My 5 year old was 2 at the time and she swallowed the remaining 28 childrens Tylenol in the bottle. She had a fever from cutting a few teeth and I gave her 1 chewable and about 5 hours later I gave her another one. About 3 hours later, she disappeared to her bedroom. I went looking for her and found her with the "Bubblegum candy". She ate the whole bottle. I panicked and called poison control and they said that it would take more than that to really harm her but not to let her sleep for about 5 hours and if she started breaking out in a rash or vomited or spiked a fever to take her in. I swear I thought I put that lid on tight. I just turned for a few seconds and to this day I still feel like crap about it. All of my kids know now that they have to ask Mom first before touching anything that isn't in the toybox! I learned a lesson and thank goodness she was my only child to do something like that!
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@ethansmommy06 (401)
• United States
27 Mar 09
woa. yea its great that they make the meds for kids flavored but they like the flavor too much they think its candy. my son will ask for it especially if its grape flavor. its scarry what they get into. thank god she was okay.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
27 Mar 09
I've had similar experiences so many times I've lost count! Of course I have 5 kids.. and had to have gone through it at least once per child, right?
The twins have been the worst. They once got into a bottle of Tums, and I could't tell how many they'd eaten. I called poison control on that, but it turns out it's okay for kids to have some Tums... and they hadn't had the entire bottle.
But the worst and scariest was the time the twins got into bleach!
My computer was in my bedroom, and I left the door open so I could hear what the kids were doing, but couldn't usually see them. Hubby and I were both on the computers, and we thought the twins were watching a movie. They were around 2 or 3 at the time. One of us poked our heads out to check on them, and saw that one of the twins had pulled a chair up to the washing machine, climbed on top of the machine to reach the shelf above it, and taken down the bleach. They managed to open the child proof cap, and the bleach had created a small puddle on top of the washer, and on the floor below it. One twin was sitting in the puddle on the washer, the other twin was happily slashing in the puddle on the floor!!
Of course we both freaked, ran out and each grabbed a child. Raced to the bathroom to run a tub of water. Tossed the twins in fully clothed. Removed the clothing in the tub with water running on them. Poured water on their face. Forced their eyes open as we're dumping water on their faces to flush out any bleach that may have gotten into their eyes. Then I tossed some clothes on them, but not shoes, and drove them to immediate care. Here I am trying to carry both twins into the place at the same time because I hadn't taken the time to even grab shoes to take with me! But the doctors checked them out and there were no burns or anything on them at all. We'd gotten them into the tub before the bleach had a chance to burn their skin, the clothes were ruined of course, but they hadn't gotten any in their mouth or eyes or anything. So it all worked out okay and they're still perfectly healthy today.
Your not a full fledged mom until you've had a panic like this... at least that's my opinion, lol.
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@ethansmommy06 (401)
• United States
27 Mar 09
oh i cannot imagine my child getting into bleach! i bet you were so scared. i would be too. and how do they figure out how to open those child proof caps? sometimes i have a hard time getting them open lol! kids are smarter than we think! im glad your little ones are okay from the experience
@srganesh (6339)
• India
27 Mar 09
Yes!My son when he was 1 year old,drank some drops of kerosene we kept for cleaning rust from the gas stove.Learning that,we immediately rushed to the hospital and the doctor washed out his stomach completely using suction tube.Even after that for a day,his mouth had the smell of kerosene which worried us a lot.We were blaming ourselves to keep that bottle within his reach.that as really a dreadful day,I can't forget.
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
27 Mar 09
Yes..many years ago when my son was just a toddler. We had my motherinlaw living with us as she had health problems..
This day, I was at work and the babysitter had to come earlier than usual and prepare breakfast. My mominlaw took quite a few pills and would sit them on the table at her spot where she sat.
My son got into her pills, as the babysitter wasnt aware they were there. He swallowed them and had to be taken to hospital to have his stomache pumped out. Yes, it only takes a few minutes for them to find something!
Another time, I was sick and a friend had come over to help out. She had left a bucket of water with cleaner in it at the end of the hall while she went to hang out laundry. My same son got into it and decided he wanted to taste it. It was a very toxic cleaner that she had got from her work. I will never forget how his eyes bugged out of his head....
Now I think he was just a monkey, I have 3 other kids who never got into anything like that!! No matter how closely you watch them, accidents still happen.
@luvmysons (497)
• United States
27 Mar 09
Thank god he is ok.. I know its so scary.. When my son was 1 we were both in my bedroom I was in the middle of making the bed when I turned around and he reached up on my vanity and was eating the deoderant. I was freaking out.. There was a huge chunk bit out of it.. I called poison control center and they giggled and told me to calm down that he would have need to eat a hell of alot of deoderant for it to be harmful.. A mouthful was ok.. THANK GOD
@ethansmommy06 (401)
• United States
27 Mar 09
lol what is so funny about your post is as i was reading it i happened to have a tall bottle of dove deoderant at my desk! i just moved it lol! oh anyhow. i would have freaked out too. its like it dont matter to them what goes in thier mouths. but then they also dont know what is harmful and what is not.