By callahanb78
@callahanb78 (529)
United States
March 26, 2009 9:37pm CST
Ugh I hated it! I knew each time I was pregnant within days of being so. I could feel it and sense it immediately...anyone else? I hated the whole thing! Pregnancy did not agree with me at all, or maybe I didnt agree with it, whatever the case....
Dont get me wrong, its a great thing to know you have a baby in there and all those little wonders of life however I hated not being able to sleep yet always being tired. And I felt tired all the time! I never actually got sick but I would feel so queezy sometimes. I didnt crave too much but when I did it had to be then, it was usually ice or tea. I found some clothes that were cute but overall I am not into the pregnant clothes...blah! And being in Florida it is so hot and all my pregnanices went thru the summer...AAAGHH, it was crazy hot!
I know there are alot of women who love being pregnant and never have any issues and so on and thats great, I am just not one of them. Anyone like it as much as I did? :)
My youngest is 10 months now but I was just talking to someone who is currently pregnant and she isnt sure how she is going to handle it. She has no previous chilren and she is only 1 month for her!
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14 responses
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
27 Mar 09
Pregnancy was rough for me both times. My youngest is just 3 1/2 months old. I love my kids. But if I could have had them without the pregnancy that would have been my way to go. Just my opinion. I know how you feel.
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@callahanb78 (529)
• United States
27 Mar 09
Yeah I am the same way, I love kids but its that 10 month period of BLAH! I have 4 as of now. Am not planning on having anymore but my husband wants 1 more....hope he can get pregnant and carry it :p
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
27 Mar 09
I had to have both of mine by c-section. My hubby wouldn't want me to do that again. Good Luck!
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@cherriemae (3370)
• Philippines
2 May 09
hi there are you? pregnancy for me is mixed emotions.. it gives me a depression moment when my x-bf leave me in that situation that i needed him beside me..i don't hate being pregnant because from that experienced, having that feeling of craving from foods, that theres food that i dont really like to smell and eat, that i felt very hot specially summer days, and the scratches in my tummy that leaves a scar until's fine for me, knowing that my 4yr old daughter now is very active, very talkative, willing to learn many things, that has lots of's so amazing..don't hate being pregnant's just a normal feeling of being pregnant.. all pregnant women experienced that..happy mylotting and God Bless your family
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
1 Apr 09
I am currently 28 weeks pregnant and feeling my baby girl kick is a delightful feeling. However I feel very tired I know it is the sort of life I have. Maternity clothing can be uncomfortable. I have never had morning sickness but did feel sick around weeks 8 to 12 weeks. I felt well enough to go to South Africa in January with my toddler son. I love not having any monthly bother. I always worry about the birth but my last one was amazing. It only lasted two and a half hours and I didn't have any pain relief. I always have a home birth. I think pregnancy is worth the dear little baby at the end.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
27 Mar 09
For the most part pregnancy was not bad for me EXCEPT that I was horribly sick for about 20 weeks. I'm not talking just nauseated or queasy, I'm talking I threw up sometimes 10-25 TIMES a day. MORNING sickness is a misnomer, I had ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT SICKNESS. Some remedies helped, but never consistently. Sometimes something would work a few times, then all of a sudden not at all, other times something else might partially work, yet another time it worked TOTALLY, but on a different day... NOT AT ALL. I'd never know!
In addition, many pregnant mommies will feel nauseated or queasy and that stops their desire for food. I would be STARVING and then sick, STARVING and then sick, think about food, crave food, buy it, make it, eat it... and SICK YET AGAIN. At least if I had just not been hungry or not have cravings then maybe I wouldn't have gotten sick!
My husband suspected I was pregnant shortly after it happened, because I suddenly became so fatigued and sleepy that I'd zonk out suddenly in the middle of a conversation, even in public. Everything hurt, mostly my chest, I felt bloated, had to pee all the time. I took a test finally around 6 weeks and it was positive.
I did like the clothes, I only bought maternity shirts and bras. I was able to keep wearing my regular jeans, shorts, etc, I just used a rubber band around the buttons. Thank goodness for low-rise under-the-belly style, I could not STAND anything over my belly. I got pregnant in late April so I made it through the summer okay, I didn't start feeling beached-whaleish until somewhere around October. By then it's chilly even in the California desert so I could bundle up.
My daughter is five now, we aren't planning to have more kids but one of the biggest reasons aside from the economy and the fact that we are in our 30s and 40s is that I am honestly not sure I could manage to take care of my daughter or my son decently if I were to get as sick as I did during that pregnancy or for it to last 20 weeks. That's 5 MONTHS. On top of that, were I to be stuck on bedrest for any reason, again I wouldn't be able to take care of anything and I HATE depending on other people.
@lingzi (567)
• China
28 Mar 09
you will have five children before great! i have only one kid, and can never have the second .because the policy doesn't permit. most couples can only have one child i our country except some minorites.but i do want more kids. you don't know how crave i you are so happy in my view.
@hustonphotography (569)
• United States
27 Mar 09
I knew instantly when I was pregnant this last time. The test said negative and my husband told me to stop getting up my hopes. But could tell something was going on with my body. It got worse in a week and sure enough I took another test and it said pregnant. I got sick bad. Also I have a lot of leg cramps. I am also without energy and tired a lot. I know it will be worth it when I have my baby. But it seems to rough on my body this time. I wish I could be one of those women without many issues.
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
27 Mar 09
I was sick throughout most of all three of my pregnancies. And with each one the sickness got worse. So yes I hated it as well and just couldn't wait for the nine months to come to an end. I also had two of my children in September so went through the heaviest part of the pregnancy in the summer.
@shaggin (74036)
• United States
27 Mar 09
I know just how you feel. I know a lot of women who felt the same way actually so its not such a weird thing to not like being pregnant. I love the outcome of pregnancy when I got to hold my babies and sleep on my belly again but I hated being pregnant. By about 4 months I was fed up with being pregnant. I hated that I couldnt go shopping for clothes because I didnt know what was going to fit after I had the baby. I hated feeling nauseated all the time. Like you I never actually vomitied but felt like I was going to the majority of the time. I remember how horribly hot I was all the time. Just wearing clothes made me sweat horribly. I hated being so tired all the time. With my first child I wasent working so I could sleep when I felt tired and when I slept just a little bit even I felt like I had slept for hours I felt so refreshed. When I had me second child I couldnt just sleep when I wanted to and if I took a short nap I only felt more tired when I woke up. I want 6 children and lol cant imagine how I will deal with 4 more pregnancies when I hated being pregnant so much. Through my entire pregnancy with my first child I had a chronic UTI. It got bad and went into my kidneys and I was in so much pain it was horrible I had to take medication pretty much through the entire pregnancy. With my son I had a UTI but didnt realize it until the very end 3 days before I had my son when I had a 104 fever and couldnt get out of bed to take care of my daughter. I went into labor and was still really sick afterwards when they started treating me for a UTI. It was horrible pushing the baby out when every contraction sent a shooting pain up through my urethra. I cringe just thinking about it. I remember after giving birth saying now I know why people say they will never have children again hehe. I also found out that the UTI was what put me into labor with my son. I had him 2 1/2 weeks early. Before that they had given me this mineral to take so I wouldnt go into labor since I was again thinning out to early. 2 1/2 weeks wasent to early though and honestly I was glad to have it over and done with. I had so many worries while I was pregnant. I was nervous driving because if I got in an accident it could kill the baby growing inside me. I was afriad to go outside when it was icy because if I fell it could kill the baby growing inside me. I felt so helpless to protect it.
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
27 Mar 09
I enjoyed the pregnancy experience except for my last 6 weeks with my first 2 and my delivery with my 3rd.
I never wore maternity clothes they were too expensive, I was clothes one size bigger & with elastic waistbands.
I was pregnant thru summer with all 3, yeah that stunk. Big as a house and it felt like you were dehydrated within a halfhour of time outside.
It's differnet for everyone and how they look at it. I miss being pregnant. I dislike the idea I will never be pregnant again, but with finances being what they are and the trama of PPD from my C-sect it's best that we are done.
@sysdexlicwriter (1619)
• United States
27 Mar 09
I had to wait six years to have a baby. Somehow I didn't notice most of the bad stuff. I did know within days that I was pregnant. I had a lot of good support from some very well-trained midwives and I think that helped a lot.
I do kid my sister to this day about how she was always red in the face for the last six weeks and all she would say was: "this baby is never gonna be born!" She is a small person and her first son grew to be 6'6" tall. The other two were close behind.
I do envy you living in Florida because when you live in cold country you never get out the door for all the junk you need to put on and haul around with you to take the kids out. That is a major hassle.
All in all, children are a whole new experience.
@JHawkin214 (279)
• United States
27 Mar 09
I agree I hated being pregnant. Especially after I was pretty far along. I felt extremly sick with both of my kids. With my daughter I never actually got sick but with my son for about two weeks straight thats all I did was get sick. I hate gaining all the weight and being so moody. My kids were born in June and July so of course it was extremly hot (not as hot as Florida though). I do love the feeling of having a baby inside of you though and feeling them kicking. As far as being tired with my daughter through certin parts of my pregnancy I was extremly tired and going to bed at around 8 but then I would be full of energy at other times. With my second pregnancy I was always tired!
@pentaluda0878 (118)
• United States
27 Mar 09
It looks like you have 4 kids, if it sucked so much why do it again and again and again? I have terrible pregnancies, but I love every miserable moment of it. I'm sick all the time, tired all the time and due to complications always end up on bed rest, with my last at 4 months pregnant, so for 5 months I wasn't aloud to live my life, but I'd go through anything to have kids and to have more kids. It might not be the easy joyful experience for me that it is for some but how can anyone hate anything that in the end gives you a baby? And I've lived in florida pregnant in the summer and in Cali pregnant as well as Ohio in the winter, each has it's own hardships but again, hate seems like a very strong word for something that is so miraculous.
@minder_2007 (13)
• United States
27 Mar 09
I am currently pregnant now for the first time. I am 20 weeks in and lol it hasnt been fun but i love it at the same time. i had morning sickness all the way through my first trimester not a day went by when i didnt get sick at least once. Now that i am in the second trimester its better now it only happens here and there. But even when i was getting sick all the time i was so excited and happy that i am having a baby and i would go through anything to bring my child into the world.
@PeachyBebe (42)
• United States
27 Mar 09
I think it's incredible that even though your pregnancies were hard, you still had more kids!
If I didn't just guess that I was pregnant with my first child, I would have never known! I never had morning sickness. I was only a little more tired than usual. I only gained 2 lbs the whole pregnancy... and I ate, a lot, believe me!! I never really showed much and my baby was breech so I never really felt him kicking me!
One of my best friends had to go on bed rest for 2 of 3 of her pregnancies!! I cannot even begin to imagine how hard it is for some people.