How does it feel when your crush doesn't like you back?

March 27, 2009 1:41pm CST
Are you a type of person that has many crushes or have just 1 crush of all time? I do have like tons of crushes in terms of celebrity crushes, but like the real guy crushes. I think I've got none. But don't get me wrong, I get to crush at some guys too.. I guess I'm just lucky that most of them have a crush on me. Anyway, going back to the question, I guess I would be like, wouldn't care much about my crush if he doesn't have a crush on me. Anyway, it's just a crush, it's not like I'm going to marry him.. Lol What about your feelings about it?
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12 responses
@SuzyLong (775)
27 Mar 09
I had a really bad crush years ago when I was at school, he was all I ever talking about and thought about. We were friends so we were always talking and hanging out but when I finally asked him out and he said he just wanted to be friends I was crushed. I made my excuses to go home and just laid on my bed. I couldn't even talk to him for a few days because I was so upset. Then one day when I was sitting on the school field at lunch time (on my own) he came up and sat next to me. He was chatting to me but I was still upset so didn't really talk back and he said the sweetest thing I've ever heard. "Suze, please don't be mad at me. I'd love it if you were my girlfriend but I don't want to lose you as a friend if anything went wrong. You are my best friend in the whole world and I don't like you being so unhappy and knowing it's my fault. I'm sorry". I actually started crying lol then we had a long hug and agreed to be friends forever. Strangly enough, we still are 11 years later, we still have a great laugh together and think of each other as our closest of mates.
• Philippines
27 Mar 09
So sweet of your crush.. After all the things, even you didn't end up as couple, still the genuine friendship remains.. There's nothing better than that. But who know, in time, maybe you'll expect the unexpected.. Goodluck!
@SuzyLong (775)
27 Mar 09
oh no, nothing will ever happen. He's now married and I'm getting married next year. We're just really great mates and that's all we'll ever be.
• Philippines
28 Mar 09
We have the same feelings, I not very much affected if my crush doesn't like me.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
28 Mar 09
It's been a few years since I had a crush on someone, but I felt a little heartbroken when they didn't feel the same way that I did. However I got over it quickly enough and moved on. Why dwell on someone that doesn't have feelings for me?
@Gladys22 (416)
• Philippines
28 Mar 09
hahaha I remembered during my school days, i got crush to my schoolmate then, i'll do some research for him.. It's sounds like Crazy heheh Am doing some creative ways to get attention from him like for example he is a member of __ then i entered too.. what is his activities in school my activities too hehehehe.
• United States
28 Mar 09
I know exaclty what you mean. i usually have a lot of crushes at once and they uslally tend to change pretty fast too. But if my crush doesnt like me back or have a crush on me too then hey dont sweat it. im like that cause you cant let soemthing stupid get you down and chances are im probably not going to know my crush that well, and neither are you probably, so if if they dont like you, her move on to the next one.
• United States
28 Mar 09
i know exactly what your saying. i think im kind of the same person. I usually have a lot of crushes and they usualt tnd to change frequently. BUt hey if my crush doesnt have a crush on me or dooesnt like me back then its no sweat, im like that cause im cant let stupid stuff like that get me down. besdies chances are im not even going to know my crush that well so if i end up going out with them then lucky me, if not. hey move on to the next one.
@cuttyrish (2667)
• United States
27 Mar 09
same with me, it the guy i have a crush, doesn't have a crush on me, so be it..i do not get sad, i just move on and continue with my life, and i do not usually let them know that i have a crush on them, i am just like so if does'nt have a crush on me, i am not going to blame them for not liking me.. on the first place, i do not tell them even my friends who my crush is.. its just me...
@ds6413 (2070)
• United States
27 Mar 09
I have had two crushes. One was in the 8th grade that became a friendship and a little bit extra on my part and the other one became my very first b/f when I was 19, yeah I was a late blomer. My last crush on a real guy almost ended up in marriage but it didn't thanks to my stupidity. Now the one who didnt return my feelings told me recently he was stupid to chase me away and that he had always loved me but couldn't get the courage to say anything and was sorry he was too late.How I felt when he didn't return my feelings, I was sad but glad he became a friend.
@laedyan (189)
• Philippines
27 Mar 09
Hi there smooch091784. I am the type of person who have many crushes. Its a mix of celebrities and guys whom i met in my daily life. I am usually disappointed when the person i like doesn't like me back but well, that's life. We can't make everybody like us. So instead of crying over the guy, i just go in other directions and look for other guys. That's my way of coping up.
@jshekhar (1562)
• India
28 Mar 09
I feel pretty much the same as you. I do get crushes every time I go to the market and it is okay if we just exchange a smiling look. Even if that does not happen, I do not bother and move on. Five minutes later, i would find a new crush and it will carry on. Hence, i am really okay with it.
@daneg33 (1128)
• Canada
27 Mar 09
It can definitely be tough on your ego if you have feelings for someone and they don't even know you exist. It depends if you want to be involved with them. You would have to leave your "comfort zone" and make it known how you feel, and then see what their response is.
@CMTS_87 (1339)
• Philippines
27 Mar 09
It's ok.I'll just go on with my life. Actually, it is not my loss. hehe