Keeping Pets & Rights of Animals
By TracyLu
@TracyLu (23)
March 28, 2009 3:14am CST
Dear friends,
I am so pleasure to stand at the front of screen to discuss something about the intimate relationship amid our humanbeing`s act and animals, as you know it`s a rather sought-after topic.
Nowadays, there does exist a sharp tendency that more and more people form a habit of keeping animals as pets acccording to respective purposes. At least, from the word itself "pet", it seems not bad for animals. Whereas, have you ever considered at the second thought that your act of keeping pets will interfere with the rights of animal?Maybe on hearing that, you will be a little bit of confusing and duzzling while it is quite true.
Thus,you may wonder what is animal rights exactly?
As a matter of fact, it is nothing but mainly the suvive right, the freedom right, and the right for their voicing in the nature. All animals including pets, ought to share thier world belonging to themselves. Arenot they a part of the nature and shouldnot enjoy their life, I mean, their true life?
Let`s move on what our humanbeings have done to them.
You might have seen such all-round situation that a lot dogs and cats accompany with their owners happily while have you ignored such a basic phenomenon that with the incidents of abusement and mistreatment ought to be laid on the table. It`s act of keeping animals that adds up the potential rate of maltreatments occuring. What`s more, although a sea of people keep pets with a kind and good mind or purpose initially, a equal number of animals or used to be callled pets only to be found near the garbage park or another example you might more obvious to see that the animal sanctuarys have been overstuffed approximately. Why? You may wonder.
It is our acts of keeping animals. With the initial mind lowering and some occasional accidents taking place, no one is able to predict what the fate of that pets will be in future. Espeically during these period of time, the whole world is covered by the haze of finanical crisis, therefore, the end of disposing animals may be beyond our expection and acceptation in order to cut down a large sum of money on pets. Last but not least, if you were someone`s pets compelled to be seperared from your family members, just to satisfy their sights, what will you think? Just like Truman Show, Truman acted by Jim Carrey, he is the pets of the entire world in the movie. To him, he is eager to fly,to pursue his dream to FiJi. In the end of moive, look at his emotional and struggling action towards his world. Donnot our act of keeping pets deprive them of their freedom? Donnot we should calm down when we detemine to do something toward our friends?
Mr.Darwin made a great and marvellous achievement and of course left a wealth of legacy for us that is not only his extraoridary theory but also his profoud idea how we should to deal with the relationship amid humanbings and our friends on the chain of evolution road. What we should pay more attention to is that people`s act of keeping pets should be evoked our thinking further on the standpoint of animal rights.
Donnot you think so?
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