Do you trust policemen?
@krupesh (2608)
March 28, 2009 11:47pm CST
There are n number of examples that you cant trust a policeman.If suppose your chain is snatched , you go to the police station to give a complaint.The police whose job is to take the complaint & do the needful job in apprehending the culprit doesn't even bother to take the complaint.The reasons are:
1. If they fail to apprehend the culprit the recors show that the case is still pending & the Seniors would fire them why they haven't taken up the matter seriously.
2. They somehow convince the people that the place where the chain was snatched would not fall under their jurisdiction.
3. Unless & untill you bribe them they wont take the complaint.
4. Even after catching the culprit he can walk away free after bribing them.
So would you trust policemen?
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15 responses
@venkataraman_vc (5293)
• Chennai, India
29 Mar 09
To say honestly, I won't.
But they act neutrally when it comes to civil cases. The act bias only in criminal cases, where they should be more neutral.
They do take the complaint if the accused is a general public. On the contrary, if the accused happens to be their affiliate (?), they don't take the complaint. Later, we become the accused in those situations. (Yes. The book a complaint against us, filed by the affiliate)
But it is the common mentality of the people reflecting in their duties, I think. I mean, most people themselves have become corrupt.
How many of us follow the rules, when we are on the road? Rather, we would expect a policeman to be corrupt, so that we can escape the rules just bribing him a small amount. This is one just example. There are many people ready to offer bribes for various needs, say for school admission, for better treatment in hospitals, for getting employed and so on.
When a person gets employment by giving bribe, can you expect him to be honest?
@krupesh (2608)
• India
29 Mar 09
Yes when they ought to act neutrally in criminal cases they wont.The offenders are the ones to enjoy most as they are not caught because of these corrupt policemen.Dont you think that the politicians are the real cause for all these.The corruption starts from them & the policemen(usually all polimen) who have links with these politicians who almost upto 99% are corrupt & get away even if they are caught taking bribes.
@krupesh (2608)
• India
29 Mar 09
Yes I totally agree with you.Again what about the educated class?Do they cast their vote?Not more than 30% of the educated class vote which makes easier for an illiterate candidate to win the election.What does he impart to the society , just corruption.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
29 Mar 09
Hi Krupesh, I have had a couple of dealings with the police. Once when my wallet was stolen and again when someone hit my car from behind and damaged it. I found them very helpful and co operative. They were very respectful and took a lot of pains keeping constantly in touch with me and i really have changed my opinion about them. Earlier i was given a very bad impression of the police in general by others..

@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
30 Mar 09
The Wallet incident was minor no doubt, and i never bribed them nor did they ask for it. I have had other experiences too and so did the others in my family and none of us have had any bad experience with the police so far...and i have found them to be quite efficient in dealing with any matter..
@krupesh (2608)
• India
30 Mar 09
I think you were one of the luckiest person in India to have got a helping hand by the police.For some silly matters like losing your wallet majority of the policemen wont be co-operative though as if they taks a complaint from you the chances for them to nab the culprit are very less.So you are very lucky there.Hope you did not bribe them...hahaha.Did they take a written complaint or acted just like that?Did you get the wallet back?

@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
29 Mar 09
oh yes i don't trust policemen. cause i think that most policemen are there for money. they don't do their job. they will just want to be bribed most of the time. though there are still honest policemen a few of them. but there are too few to notice them. most of them will just turn out to be interested in gaining more money dishonestly specially here in my country being a policemen means you will be given so little money or salaries.
@terriann75 (10)
29 Mar 09
I used to trust the police, but no longer do. I was receiving hate mail a while back and turned to the police, they took the complaint but after a while "decided" it was me doing it, because they were told I have a mental illness. They even interviewed me, had my mum completely stressed out. My mum even stayed with me once when I received a letter, she was there, and she would have seen me write it if it was me. A cousin of mine is a police officer (not allowed to work on the case due to conflict of interest) and he later said that they had said that after they spoke to me the letters stopped, but my mum told him, that wasn't the case...I was too scared to carry on reporting it, fearing I'd be prosecuted, he understood and believed us, but I no longer respect the police or trust them. I feel they couldn't be bothered dealing with someone who has a mental illness.
@krupesh (2608)
• India
30 Mar 09
Hello Terriann ,
Sorry to hear what happened to you.I think your cousin could have done something in your case.
@Aquilis (175)
29 Mar 09
It is a sad world we live in when the police cannot be trusted 100% Even though the few I know personally are decent and mostly upright people, even in 'civilised' countries there is still so much corruption amoungst the very people who are supposed to be protecting us. Even so, where I live I am genrally happy to trust the police around here, but only because I know so many of them personally. In other areas of this country I do not know that I would be so willing to trust them as easily.
@krupesh (2608)
• India
30 Mar 09
Why you trust them coz' you know them personally & they cant take any bribe from you & so you can get the things done without bribing them.But otherwise you cant trust them so easily.
@parvezs (105)
• India
29 Mar 09
I think to some extent you are correct. However it depends on your real interaction with them. I agree they take bribe. But not all of them are alike. They are still the law keepers of his society. Imagine the crime rate if there were no police force in place. I think we should not put them all under one umbrella. There are still honest police men around. I I think we will soon see a revolution where we can finally have an honest police force. (Some times it good to fantasize)
@krupesh (2608)
• India
30 Mar 09
As you said they are just good in our fantasies.One honest policeman cant survive with majority of the others who are not good.Even he has to go with them if he has to survive or else he will come under the flak of the higher ups , who are also corrupt.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
29 Mar 09
No I don't trust them, I lost a son on a count of one. I hate them all! Some of them are nice though.
@jd107nette (1454)
• Philippines
30 Mar 09
aww... reality hurts...
I do not really trust policemen...
Whenever I see them I know they mean trouble.. Sometimes, I have an impression that they are like "LEGAL- day light robbers" like what you've mentioned in number 3..
I hope something could be done about it someday...
@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
29 Mar 09
I don't know much about should I or not trust those policemen. But all I knew is that some policemen really taking advantage of their badges. They can cross the traffic light randomly just turn on the siren. They can even speed if they want to. Who ever gotta monitor their speed right? They never get fine, because they are the only one give people tickets. I felt so shame on those policemen.
@krupesh (2608)
• India
29 Mar 09
Police are meant to maintain the discipline but if they break their own rules then what can one say?Its really a shame on their part that they indulge in all these things which they should not do.
But who takes action against them?
@LittlePrince2s (141)
• Greece
29 Mar 09
no.. never.. they have power..and men with power, are not so good in most cases..
@krupesh (2608)
• India
29 Mar 09
Then who would you go to when you really need some help?You know that they are corrupt & wont do the work when needed.Would you bribe them to get your work done?
@sharon2009 (199)
• China
29 Mar 09
oh,i can't agree with you. i won't trust a policeman. there are a lot of examples that make me can't trust a policeman.they speak to you with unpolite. i hope i will not have a relationship with policeman.
@itsmauricecassidy (298)
29 Mar 09
I dont always trust em as they dont always help you.
So many people have been asking police to protect them from people to harm them and police always said no and then they end up dying. However I think the best way to safe yourself is just hire a bodyguard than call the police as they wont do noting to help you really because my ps2 was jacked also known as stolen and the police didnt do anything about it.