Diaper duty and the problem of poo.....

@mommyboo (13174)
United States
March 29, 2009 12:10am CST
So I have to know! If you used disposable diapers on your kids when they were babies, did you actually DUMP THE POOP in the toilet or did you just wrap it up in the diaper and toss it in the trash outside? Yes, I just tossed the whole thing. I cannot imagine doing anything but. I also never used anything other than disposable diapers.
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11 responses
• Australia
7 May 09
We have used only disposable nappies/diapers too. Having for much of my 'parenthood'lived in accomodations where having nappy buckets filled with cleaning chemicals around was a big no no (caravans, units without own laundry). I have found, that many of the nappies/diapers have actually been resonably enviornmentally friendly, being made from platation pine pulp and recycled materials, or by being able to break down (majority of nappy/diaper) naturally. The whole 'but they are bad for the enviornment' arguement is truly going out the window these days, though I have to say, it was out the window with soaking, rinsing, washing and drying cloth nappies, which made it even harder on our enviornment. We through ours out poop and all, because the microbes in the poop help to break the nappy/diaper down even quicker. Good manure, though I wouldn't be wacking nappies/diapers in your compost bin or worm farm any time soon.
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• Australia
10 May 09
You have certainly come up with the best excuse for using disposable diapers: Having other people change them when you can't/or won't (you know, when you've already done 10 that hour! lol).
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
30 Mar 09
Hi, mommyboo! If diaper poop is mushy and messy, in the ash can it goes! If it is a lump, I will dump it in the toilet. One time, I used to dump a diaper that had a lump in the trash can. But, I was wasting diapers that way. But, if it has a lump and a smelly stain in the diaper, I will throw it in the trash can. I have seen many diapers of my kids that has a small or big lump that does not leave a boo boo stain. My mother-in-law has a tendecny to dump the poo poo in the trash can, no matter how messy and nasty that the diaper is. I can't see how she can do that! I have no patience for that! In the trash can it goes!
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
30 Mar 09
Sorry for the error, my mother-in-law dumps it in the toilet, not the trash can. On the first sentence, I meant to say, trash not ash.. Sorry.. And the word tendency is misspelled in the post..
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
31 Mar 09
I've never dumped any diaper before, I just wrap it up and take it outside. I didn't have one of those diaper genie things either, it was easier just to take the individual poop diaper outside.
@4mymak (1793)
• Malaysia
30 Mar 09
with my first born i did use the old nappy (cloth).. and of course i had to dump her poo into the toilet and wash the nappy old style - handwash... but her younger brother and sisters.. it was disposable diapers all the way.. and i left the poo inside the diaper and threw the whole thing away...
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
31 Mar 09
That's actually why I wouldn't even choose to use a diaper service, you still have to handle them WAY too much even if you don't have to wash, dry, and fold them lol.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
31 Mar 09
With all my kids I have used dispossible diapers I just really don't have the time to clean cloth diapers and plus they are very convienant and I don't have to worry about leakage of the diaper while out and about... Thank the lord my kids have been out of diapers for a while now.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
7 May 09
Diapers are a once in awhile thing for me, like when I have someone else's kids. it's so much easier when it's not your own, even if you have them for a day or two lol.
• United States
29 Mar 09
Sadly i dont have children of my own to answer the question with, but i have taken care of others babies. They all used disposable diapers, and it was always just wrapped up and thrown away, no dumping the poo in the toilet. Actually i never thought to do that.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
31 Mar 09
I am so glad to see all of the answers here echo how I feel. If you ever read a package of diapers, I think it actually mentions dumping the poop but I really have no idea why anybody would want to do that lol.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
30 Mar 09
I only ever used cloth diapers as disposable diapers were not available in my country. We used to put the diaper in the toilet and whilst holding a corner of the diaper tightly then flush the diaper to get rid of the poop. It was then put in a bucket of soapy water ready to be washed the following morning. I really do not miss the days of doing diaperes every day for YEARS. It was not a fun time
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
31 Mar 09
I cannot imagine living in a place that did not have disposable diapers lol. My daughter was born in 2004, I thought disposables were available in every developed nation these days... or at least in the last 10 years!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
31 Mar 09
Although originally from a first world nation I have lived all my married life in a third world country. yes,, they are avaialble now but were not in my time!lol
@34momma (13882)
• United States
29 Mar 09
oh so gross! i would never thing of dumping the poo in the toilet. i say toss it out and never ever thing of it again
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
30 Mar 09
I know! That's the same thought that went through MY mind. I mean I used disposable diapers for a grand purpose - buy them, use them to contain the poop and pee that a baby can't just wait to do - THROW THEM AWAY. People who think too much are exceptionally gross, yes lol.
• United States
29 Mar 09
You'll get a kick out of this but when the kids would ware diaper's they would just pee mostly. When they where really little they would poo a little. And, I would just wrap it up and toss it. But, when they got to be close to 1 yr. old they was potty trained. They was both potty trained fully by the age of 2 yrs. old. So, I did not have to do the whole diaper thing for long. I was very happy about it and people still don't know how I did it! I just trained my daughter fast and my son followed me and her in the training. It was well worth it. I really don't know how people let their kids go to four and five in diapers. I would go nuts myself! **Peace and Love get's you through everything in Life**
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Mar 09
Well i'm a new mother but that would be weird if people did dump the poo in the toilet when they use disposable diapers. My husband and I just throw them away. Besides my son doesn't really poop anything that would be able to come off the diaper lol.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
30 Mar 09
LOL! Well back when I was still pregnant, I used to frequent a pregnancy and birth site and a due date forum, and apparently if you actually READ the package of diapers, they recommend you dump the poo. Now I didn't think anybody would actually DO something like this, but because I had met these moms at this site, I found out that SOME OF THEM ACTUALLY DID THIS! Not only that but I discovered a huge following of 'cloth diaper addicts' and a lot of them turned their noses up at moms who bought diapers to throw away. Oh well, it's all a matter of preference to me. Some of them pointed out that disposables were so UGLY, well golly gee, it's not like I took my baby out in JUST A DIAPER! I put cute little clothes on her and it wasn't likely anybody out in public was even going to SEE her diaper.
• United States
29 Mar 09
We throw hat poopee diaper in the trash. I couldn't see myself using but disposable diapers. Of course they are expensive to buy but I rather buy new ones than have to re wash something my child has pooed on.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
30 Mar 09
I totally agree with you. Not that I'm one of those evironmental friendly nuts anyway but I looked at it several ways. First of all, what is healthier for my daughter? Disposables. I found excellent quality cheap ones at Babies R Us. Also, what is healthier for ME? Disposables. If I had used anything but, the only pair of hands EVER changing my daughter would have been ME. I doubt I would have managed to trick any of my other kids or my husband into changing a cloth diaper, and my friends.... I don't think they'd have wanted to do that either. My daugher hardly ever got diaper rash, that was probably because disposables are so great at keeping everything away from their skin, so even if I couldn't get her changed right after she went, it's not like it soaked into her and gave her a rash from 15 minutes in the car. Also, people forget the extra costs with cloth. Water and detergent for washing. Electricity for the washer and dryer. In terms of time and annoyance and boredom for ME to wash, dry, and fold the damn things. I did price diaper services once for a friend (considering buying her a month or two for a baby shower gift) and the cost was greater than buying her several huge boxes of disposables lol.
• United States
31 Mar 09
with 4 babies in diapers all at once I never considered using anything BUT disposable diapers I didnt have time to be washing diapers i just balled the diapers up and threw it away besides I had enough laundry to do and with that many kids I couldnt afford no laundry service
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
7 May 09
ha ha ha ha! Yeah I know, it's like the laundry multiplies and makes its own babies while you aren't looking - for an HOUR lol. With 3 kids plus us, laundry was BAAAAAD until I started making the older kids do their own. That in itself was a hassle, when you have to get a 12 year old to do their own laundry after someone else has been more or less doing it for 12 years, they aren't super receptive to the idea but they get irritated when all their clothes are dirty... I don't want a diaper genie. I want a live in housekeeper. Forever.
• United States
31 Mar 09
my only wish would have been that i could get my money back on that stupid thing LOL