Which one do you use while speaking - The Head or The Heart?

@krupesh (2608)
March 29, 2009 7:17am CST
Sometimes you have to use your head while speaking a general thing but you have to use your heart while talking about some topics about love...which one do you use most while speaking - the head or the heart?
5 responses
@skydancer (2101)
• United States
29 Mar 09
I like to say that an equal combination of both would emerge from me when I speak... the ideal for me would not be 50% of each but rather 100% of both, depending on the circumstances. I have always had this thing about how things were said and expressed and a lot of the respect I have for people's thoughts and points of view depends on how they express them. If they seem humble, or have no signs of hatred or negative energies toward people with the opposing point of view, then I will have more respect for them than I do for those that just flat out state what's on their mind. I do try to apply this when I speak - I don't get into people's faces or try to force my personal thoughts and views on them, and try to be respectful of everyone. This doesn't mean I don't use logic, though. I would never say or advocate something that I know for sure isn't true or would not work out the way it should. I sometimes try to give people friendly advice if I think it would help them in any way. I cannot stand the "all heart and no brains" mentality in any way, shape, or form. I cannot stand it when people say and do things that are obviously wrong and stupid, especially when they seem to in complete denial of their lack of logic. If I get too fed up with that, I may become "all brain and no heart" for the moment. I am a huge lover of truth, and nothing will change that, but for most occasions, there are ways to express the truth, I believe, that don't require a lack of compassion (ie. heart).
@achinthya (1216)
• India
29 Mar 09
I usually used my head when it comes to things like decision making.Sometimes we need to think more with our head than heart.But,ya when it comes to things related with loved ones,definately,nomatter how much I try my heart comes in between while taking decisions instead of just using my head,lol!
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
29 Mar 09
i believe i often use my head more... but sometimes i use both, of course.
@tutul0045 (2630)
• India
29 Mar 09
Hi, I usually use my Head most of the time. I think its better to use head than heart. But it actually depends on what iam taking a decision. If its a family matter straight away my heart gets into action and if iam in my work place my head dominates. Cheers, Tutul
• United States
29 Mar 09
I use both when speaking but I find that when it comes to a more deeper thing I will use my heart more. I had a friend that recently went through a really hard time she lost a loved one and she was telling me and that's when I used my heart more than anything I guess it really depends on the situation.