Will you continue eating McDonalds?

@Hanan_x3 (294)
United States
March 29, 2009 6:50pm CST
I watched the documentary 'Super Size Me' a few times. Every time ii watch it, I get disgusted and I promise myself I would never eat from McD's again. The problem is that I never go through with that promise. Its just too hard. McD's is soo good! Do you have that problem? How many times have u tried to quit or just reduce how many times you go to McD's??
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13 responses
• United States
30 Mar 09
haha! Yeah, i saw that one years ago. But thank god, I'm really not a mcdonald fan. :)
@Hanan_x3 (294)
• United States
30 Mar 09
Neither am I. But sometimes your driving and you get hungry. Everywhere you go there is a McD's, so your biggest option is that lol
• United States
30 Mar 09
haha! you have point. but are you really a mcdo fan? what do you usually eat there?
@Hanan_x3 (294)
• United States
30 Mar 09
I usually just get some pop, mcChicken, and fries. Usually wen im hungry or hanging with friends. Other than that im a eat at home kinda girl.
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
23 Mar 11
Wow I saw super size me as well and after that I wont really touch McDonald's food unless its like the oatmeal or a milkshake or maybe salad.So i only go for those reasons. I wont touch their burgers anymore.
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
I really love McDo. I also have trouble staying away from their foods! But right now I would really prefer mt hamburgers to be homemade because I could cut down the fat and the sodium. I really love burger and I can't just give it up. I am a health buff but i sometimes cheat with my diet and I cheat on hamburgers!!! Yumyum!!!
@dmrone (746)
• United States
18 Jul 09
Hi Hanan! I promised myself that i would quit eating at McDonalds a few years ago. While i have eaten there a couple of times since then, i have made great headway into not eating there. It is hard at times, because my children love the place, but i try to remember that i am doing this for all of our health.
@myx_03 (540)
• Philippines
27 Jun 09
I'm a fan of McD's, and I really love their foods. I'm from the Philippines and I worked at McD's when I was in 2nd yr college. And I can say that they have always a concern for their customer, they always care for food safety.
@julbau18 (273)
• Philippines
17 Jul 09
That's my first time to know about that documentary. Well mcdo has offered good tastes of food so why to avoid it. It is diffucult because you can almost see it anywhere and it attracts you to eat. Lessen the times you eat there. Make it once a month.
• United States
30 Mar 09
It hasn't had any affect on me whether I eat there or not. It's not McDonald's fault that people are gaining weight and ruining their health, it's the people who buy the bad food and too much of it. I like to eat the salad and healthier options. Once in a while, I will eat some of the less healthy options, but I don't do that very much anyways. People eat too much bad food and don't exercise enough and it's not McDonald's fault. I'm not overweight at all and I eat there as much as I want.
• United States
30 Mar 09
The food at McDonald's tastes horrid to me. I don't like the crap they have there so I don't worry about eating it because I never do. I used to until I worked for them, and that was all it took for me to quit eating the stuff. I know a lot of people all around the world love the stuff and if they want to eat it, it is their choice. But after working for this company, no, I don't like the food.
• United States
30 Mar 09
I also have seen 'super size me' and I still will eat at McDonald on occasion i don't eat it very often like once or twice a month.
• United States
16 Apr 09
I saw that excellent documentary... Well my son quit for 8 months...but those fries were calling his name. So we fell off the wagon but he's goes maybe 1 or 2 every 3 months.. those darn fries....lol
@azertacxw (142)
• Morocco
30 Mar 09
hello friend i have worked in mc donalds for two years in my country in north of africa and i stopped this year and am working as french teacher. in the bigening i used the mc donalds more and more but since i leave work i dont have time to at day,at night i would like to spend it at home or in the other places far of mc donalds
@jkatmaou (195)
• Philippines
23 Apr 09
i've also watched the film, but I was quite surprised instead of disgusted. you see, i used to work in a bank next to a McD's. i always have the cheeseburger meal, upsize everything from morning till noon ( abou 4 servings of those). and then i eat rice meals (large servings)at night. this was for 2 years straight. but i wegihed only 90lbs at the time. i will never quit going to McD's. :) by the way, i am now at my heaviest at 100lbs. No BS
• United States
24 May 09
I don't have that proble I think because some times I will get a crabing of Mcds and I will actually eat there one or two times for 3 or 4 days in a week but after that I wont go back for a long time. So far the longest that I have gone with out burgers is 6 months becaue I get tired I guess from that week. And yes the burgers and the fries are good and greasy just the way they should be. :)