One Dog Biting the Others Tail!! HELP!!

@mzz663 (2772)
United States
March 29, 2009 11:44pm CST
I have two dogs, one is a husky/shepherd mix and is a gentle (clumsy) giant and the other is an austrailian shepherd. When the little one wants to play, he takes hold of the bigger ones tail, he chases it, chews it and just won't leave the bigger dogs tail alone (the little one has no tail of his own) Problem? I didn't think there was one until I noticed that my bigger dogs tail was turning white from black. It's not that his hair is changing color, it's that the little dog is tearing/chewing off his hair. Any ideas why this might be happening and how I can get him to stop?
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3 responses
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
2 Apr 09
Every time you see the little one doing this you tell him no and place him in another room away from the other dog.If that doesn't work I would go to my vet for advice. I would also my sure that I'm present when both dogs are together so I can see the behavior..
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@tosha86 (133)
• United States
30 Mar 09
How old is the one biting? It is a problem but just a behavior problem that can be fixed! Im not sure how much time you have to keep an eye on them but it is reputition. Everytime you see the pup doing this, pull it to the side and roll it over. They don't like to be held in this position but it is to let them know that you are the boss and they have to stop. Hold the dog in this position until it becomes calm and if you repete this the dog will figure out that the dominant owner will not allow this and will back down from attacking the other animals to keep from being challenged in a battle it can't win. Dogs are very testy at times and want to see how far they can push you and get away with it. You really need to put a stop to it before it gets too bad though because it can get raw and infected and then the dog will begin chewing on its own tail because it is so irritated and it could end up chewing it off or if it gets infected it will begin to rot. Keep a close eye on it and try to keep it clean. If it begins looking irritated and or red put antibiotic ointment on it but do not wrap it. Hope this helps :)
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@xhaylea (361)
30 Mar 09
hmm, It may be a problem, but it can be fixed, maybe go see your local vet about this and see what they come up with? x