The Philippines is a "Nation of Servants" -Racist or Sarcastic?
By acevivx
@acevivx (1566)
March 30, 2009 3:02am CST
The opinion piece, "The War At Home" by Chip Tsao, appeared in the March 27 edition of the widely-circulated HK Magazine.You can read about the article by following this link
It depicted the Philippines as a "nation of servants" not worthy of claiming the Spratlys from China, which employs hundreds of thousands of Filipino domestic helpers on very low wages. The writer took out his ire arising from the Philippines' claim to the Spratley Islands on his Filipina housemaid. So what do you think about this article and the writer?
14 responses
@roxancuacoy (441)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
As a Filipina I respect Mr. Chip Tsao's opinion, infact what he said on the article was somehow the REALITY. We are aware of it, but we can't help it because its true.
@acevivx (1566)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
I wouldn't agree with the both of you that it is a fact that the Philippines is a "NATION OF SERVANTS" It is not a fact and we are not a nation of servants. while it is true that we have a lot of domestic helpers abroad, they are still a very very small portion of the entire Filipino nation. Compared to nurses, we have more nurses, much much more than domestic helpers abroad. So why not a " nation of Nurses" which is nearer to the truth than " Nation of Servants"
@roxancuacoy (441)
• Philippines
1 Apr 09
Having NURSES in the country do not counter part to the number of Filipino domestic helpers in the world. Yes, it true that we have so many nurses but what happen to some? Many of them didn't pass the licensure exam and few of them are recognized.
For me, many professionals now are suffering from poverty and hunger in concern to that there is no way to choose what kind of work you are working, infact being SERVANT is a noble.

@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
I saw this on the news last night... and i think Chip Tsao did not do any research on the subject matter... neither did he use responsible journalism... and it is safe to say that he is still living in the ancient times... i hope the consul finds where he lives and rescues his Filipina maid... and that he will be banned from getting any more from the Philippines...
In some countries... even in Hong Kong... having a Filipina maid is a sign of wealth since not all can afford one... and Filipinas are know for giving quality service...
A public apology is not enough to pacify the hurt... he should be terminated from his current work... and never be given the chance to write again for a very long time...
@Yori88 (1465)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
I condemn the writer. He just take the issue in one side. He forgot ethics and respect. We all have the right to self expression but it is not right to write something that may hurt others feelings. I am a Filipino and I am proud of all the Filipino servants in the world who are sacrificing just to provide a living for their family here in Philippines. I am against Filipinos who ruin the good image of this country by being corrupt and evil but I still admire those who have clean and pure heart. I am proud because Filipinos are not ashamed to accept the low kind of jobs even and no longer consider their pride because NO ONE CAN BE AS BRAVE as Filipinos who are willing to experience hardships and danger in their lives just for their love ones. Regarding the Spratlys Island that China claims, they should do a deep research as to who is really the owner of that island. The writer should ask for an apology and be very careful on what he is writing the next time. We can all write freely but it comes with it the obligation to be careful on what you say. If for you it is fine and you are just honest well think again. Honestly does not mean you are always right because you are saying things based alone on your observation and not on facts. Fact that Filipinos are servants because they value life!
@acevivx (1566)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
While the magazine has apologized, i have not heard that the writer has also apologized but that is not surprising because what can you expect of a cheapskate? Look at his name "Cheap Tsao" which can be translated into cheap "food" or cheap "meal" In short, he is cheap, his talk is cheap and he should not even be given the time of day. He's Chinese and well there are a lot of Chinese here in the Philippines and honestly, how do you look upon them in general? he he
@eichs1 (1934)
• Philippines
2 Apr 09
What Cheap (I will continue to spell his name this way) Tsao is beyond responsible journalism. It is both a racist and sarcastic remark. But on one side, it's a bite of reality. It's the truth and why do we fret? We are saying that there are more nurses than domestic helpers, but if we are to check, where does the majority of foreign domestic helpers come from?
In Hongkong alone, how many percentage of their domestic helpers are Filipinos? Is that a good or a bad thing? To me, it is a good thing considering that OFWs receives higher pays than other nationalities. Our OFWs are still preferred despite the higher pay because they are more capable or generally better than their counterparts from other countries.
Without the sarcasm and racial tone, I do think Cheap Tsao's article could have been an enlightening one, both for us as a nation and those who cater to the services we provide. And in one way, let's remember that what Jesus said that if you want to be a greatest, you should first become the servant of all.
@acevivx (1566)
• Philippines
2 Apr 09
Being a servant is of course not demeaning but it is the way he said it, the context in which he made the statement which makes it very demeaning. There are more Indonesian domestic helpers in Hongkong than there are Filipino domestic helpers but it is the Filipinos who get the higher pay. And indeed it is because the Filipino is a world class worker. Again, what is resented is the context in which the statement was made.
@jane9147 (252)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
"as a nation of servants, you don't flex your muscles at your master, from whom you own most of your bread and butter."
!!!!! how dare he say that?! we think that Spratley islands is still within our boundaries that's why we are fighting for it. it's not the fault of his maid if our country/government is fighting for the islands so he shouldn't have put his ire on his maid.
he doesn't understand how hard it is for our OFWs to work away from their families especially to work in a country where people can stab in the back. it's a very unfair writing.
@acevivx (1566)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
whatever are his motives, whatever is his intention and whatever he Feels for his country, he has no right or justification whatsoever for calling the Philippines a " Nation of Servants"Maybe he should study American history ans what role the Chinese played in America, from doing all thew hard labor and domestic jobs. Considering the number of Chinese then working at these menial job s, they should be the ones to be called"nation of servants". The one who said the writer didn't do his research hit it right on the head because if he did his research, he would have seen that the history of the Chinese in other countries is not something to be proud of.
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
it is a racist point of view, but alsoa slap on the face of officials of The Philippine Goverment. if we dont want people saying this about us they should be the one who needs to act. a lot of Filipino people who graduates from college but ends up being DH in different parts of the world. with what reason? "walang travaho sa pinas." there are people who graduates as educator, nurses and some other courses that turned to DH in other countries because they have no jobs here in the Philippines. painful to read an article like this but painful to admit too that this is the truth.
@acevivx (1566)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
You surely have a legitimate point there. Our government should really do something to generate more jobs here in the Philippines so our fellowmen don't have to go abroad to work. this should be an eye opener to the government officials and to President Gloria who is encouraging the export of Filipinos abroad. it hurts to hear such remarks but admittedly, we also are partly to blame if other people have such a low opinion of us because of our policy of exporting people abroad as if they were just another product.
@lilyoungfella (1196)
• Philippines
30 Mar 09
. clear enough , this is another piece of irresponsible journalism.. he\she knows nothing but their cheap cake products being sold here in our country, such a trash,.,
@moonchild117 (1987)
• Philippines
30 Mar 09
For some reason, it reminded me of the Malu Fernandez issue some time ago, when she wrote a pretty "offensive" article about overseas Filipino workers in her column.
I've read a portion of Tsao's opinion piece, as mentioned above, and I've searched about him in the Net, too. Apparently, similar with Ms. Fernandez, Tsao has a knack for a wry brand of humor. But of course, this is journalism, a certain code of ethics should be observed, regardless of which country you come from. I believe that with the ire he has generated across the Internet, he should make a public apology. And be careful of what he writes about the next time. It may be funny for him (and his select readers), but not for everyone who gets their hands on his next article.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
The writer is really that irresponsible that really needs to apologize, did he ever know what's the total population of the Philippines and did he ever care to get the number of people he's referring as servants. So what if there are servants from the Philippines, that's a very noble job. They only do serving you in your country but when they come home to the Philippines they have househelp as well. They are intelligent enough to work hard and earn first at other countries and then come home later with their children finishing degrees out of their hardworks. Filipinos must take this as a challenge however, to see to it that their children and grandchildren would never become "servants" at other countries especially Hongkong. Let's work together and give good education to our children that they would grow up having bright futures. As much as possible don't let our young ones settle for domestic helper jobs, a little patience perhaps the government will wake up to give higher salaries to our employees here, especially teachers, for them not to be attracted to higher salaries where they will get insults in return.
@acevivx (1566)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
Yes that's correct. We should work hard to see to it that our youth don't develop a mentality of looking forward to work in menial jobs abroad just to earn dollars. It is the responsibility of the government, of parents and of society as a whole to instill in our youth pride in themselves and an aspiration to work in high value jobs whether here or abroad. We Filipinos are an intelligent hard working and industrious people and there's nothing that should stop us from attaining greater heights. let's not settle to work for the Chinese in Hongkong. We should look forward to the day when the "amahs" will do the work of domestics in Hongkong and other parts of the world as they used to do.
@4080392_marlon (23)
• Philippines
30 Mar 09
It is evidently a racial discrimination on my part. I have read the article and it was for me one of the most painful words I have read against our beloved Filipino race. We are not indeed a Nation of Servants, because as far as I can remember our heroes fought for our freedom because they do not want us to be a servants of mighty Spain. We are first in Asia to embrace democracy and freeom against foreign conquerors. Those OFW whom he tries to degrade are our modern heroes. They have sacrificed everything only to give their family something to eat. I on the other hand cannot erase the fact that Philippines is a third world country but can he be man enough to respect our OFW's especially Pinay DH? I can't blame others for being emotional to this issue, even my mother got very emotional upon hearing this on the news. I just hope that there would be a positive outcome after this things have been discussed. I also want Mr. Chip Tsao to make a public apology for the sake of our mighty Filipina.
@acevivx (1566)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
Very well said. All Filipinos would feel justified resenting such a statement especially coming from one who belongs to a nationality which has invade our shores to take advantage of our rich resources and business opportunities.
who does he think he is this Cheap Tsao? And you're right! We have fought invaders of our shores because we don't want to be servile to others and now here comes this "ignorant" and "racist" 'insect" with his derogatory statements. We should not take it lying down and we should demAND FOR AN APOLOGY FROM HIM.
@wenrev (4)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
It's very clear to me that whoever wrote that article doesn't even know who or what Filipinos really are... Filipinos generally are good hearted people and not ashamed or too lazy to choose jobs or work that will be able to help to support their family as long as it is decent. He is just plain racist.
@CMTS_87 (1339)
• Philippines
30 Mar 09
In the first place what is so wrong with being a servant?
But I think the way he wrote the article... it so RACIST!
Not all Filipinos are servant!
@acevivx (1566)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
So right!. How many Filipinos are there in these 7,000 plus islands? millions! compared to only a hundred thousand more or less of Filipino household service workers in Hongkong, you don't need to be a mathematician to compute that indeed there are just very few of our countrymen working as "servants. And compare these with the number of Chinese who went to the USA to work as peons and "servants" well who is the nation of servants kaya?
@tocquevil (157)
• China
26 Mar 13
the opinion of peking university professor Kong Qing dong is absolutely right.
the hong kongers,or at least some of them,are nothing but running dog of imperialists.