Indian black money enough to end the backwardness of Rural India.

@vipinl (802)
March 30, 2009 12:49pm CST
Pining down the govt. on not doing enough to unearth the black money, specially in swiss banks, B.J.P demanded the P.M to purse efforts to bring back illegal funds deposited by Indians in foreign accounts by raising the issue in coming G-20 summit. Surprisingly this amount is estimated to go as high as 25lakh crore to 75lakh crore, enough to end the backwardness of rural India. This for me is the best issue raised by any party till now, and it will be better if all our parties goes to such important issues rather than keep fighting for the seat sharing until the voting day comes.
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8 responses
@rashmie (947)
• United Arab Emirates
30 Mar 09
After reading your discussion I decided to check What Advaniji has told in this respect. The press release is there on Advaniji's site..I think I need not to say anything in this respect and would request all interested members to just read those lines....that is an eyeopener with supporting facts.....Wish our government can take action in this time of credit crunch....however, there is no chance of this as people tends to think it just as a political statement at the time of election ignoring the vital stats.....
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@vipinl (802)
• India
31 Mar 09
Its a good issue he raised, but its a political statement in the sense why he didn't organize any pres conference when he said that he wrote Manmohan Singh about this issue, or he was saving this for elections. He should have done this on the moment when there was no action on this issue despite him raising it. But he is doing it now and is sure to benefit from this. But still its a good issue raised, no second thoughts about that. As for the his blog is concerned he seems to be paying for getting congress and other parties searches to his website, just search for Sinia Gandhi or Mayawati and you will see a sponsored link to his website, thus can say they have a brilliant marketing strategy in virtual world, with his blog getting 5lakh hits a month.
@loudcry (1043)
• India
24 Jun 09
The elections are long since over. Howecer I would like to respond to this discussion. The issue of black money in swiss banks too is a gimmicky vote attracting one. The figure given by BJP needs to questioned because the swiss bank is very secretive and would never divulge how much a country has stored in its vaults. Moreover, the party in question has not explicitly stated how the black money will be brought back. Again,the swiss bank is a bank is a sovereign country and will not entertain a government's request to release private citizens's monies. The point I am trying to make here is, check very throughly any claim you come across. Consider all possible scenarios after doing some research to get the facts.
@vipinl (802)
• India
25 Jun 09
It was not an official estimate ok.. it is no secret that black money is flowing out of country for years, and this report was not by B.J.P it was on the basis of a report titled "Illicit Financial from Developing countries: 2002-2006" part of a project sponsored by the Ford foundation and final report was released in December 2008. And on whether swiss bank will entertain a govt's request or not German government has already got information from swiss bank on 1400 secret accounts of its citizens. The govt should have gone with it by putting it on global agenda.. put it in G20, IMF, Egmont Group, and take a lead role in all developing countries supporting US,German and french efforts.. and for your info i had already checked thoroughly all i need, none else but you need to get the facts before discussing.
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@chimrani (1426)
• India
30 Mar 09
Its too bad on the part of Indian political parties.They are eating public money.Yes you are right.All rural and urban problems will be solved by the black money the political parties own
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@vipinl (802)
• India
31 Mar 09
Yes they too own black money, but this was about the black money in foreign accounts in which our businessman have bigger role than our politicians.
@nainesh1 (1656)
• India
2 Apr 09
Swiss bank report says India have $1456 billion black money. I think this is enough money to solve almost all problems of rural and urban India. If this money does comes to India there is no guarantee that it will reach to a common man.
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@sweety_81 (2124)
• India
30 Apr 10
Yes, that is also a good point !!
@sweety_81 (2124)
• India
30 Apr 10
Yes, I have heard and read this many a times. This black money is in fact preventing many people from coming out of backwardness, and poverty.
• India
25 May 09
Yes. You are right. Indian's black money deposited in Swiz bank is 13 times it's national debt. After repaying the debt, the remaining 12 parts, when deposited in bank, the interest earned will be more than our annual budget. We can run our government without tax!
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@rajikoshy (741)
• India
2 Apr 09
but if this money is brought back to India, do you dream that it will be used for the upliftment of backward India. No never. we have so much funds rolling every day under many many names, only 2% reaches the needy, rest of it is into the corrupt ruling party who ever it may be even the BJP or Congress both are same, BJP is using all the gimmicks to fool the people. thats all.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
1 Apr 09
Well, there's nothing much u can do when it comes to corruption among top officials in states.. If there's something to be done, it wont be so common in so many other countries.. ON top of that, Swiss bank is only forthe rich, and no country including USA is allowed to freeze those accounts.. Thus, what else can the ple do?? That's also one reason why most ple wanna be politians because of good money involved, i guess..