Can you be spiritual without being religious

March 30, 2009 3:59pm CST
Though religion can play an important role in developing you spiritually, the reverse may not be true. This may sound a difficult question to answer, let me share an experience of mine to explain. At graduation, Hannu my room-mate with whom i shared a room was and still is a staunch atheist. Having known her for a number of years, i found she led a spiritually rich life even without believing in God or Religion. I found her to be a better person to live with than most people swearing by religion. Hannu was the most likable person in the class because among other things, she was always available for help and one never heard her speak ill of others. Can this be true for all of us!
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6 responses
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
25 Aug 09
sure you can. God is known by a lot of names even by those who do not have a religion. Anymism (I might spell it wrong here) does not recognize one God, but recognize power of nature and call these powers by their names. everything that you can't see by your two eyes, hear by your two ears and touch by your hands, they exist in the spirit world. our 5 senses only capture the physical world not beyond it. walking the spiritual path is a commitment. You can add me as friend then I can suggest some books that might help. You can delete me after. I just don't want to give you the books names and someone will turn this discussion into books bashing lol
• India
29 Aug 09
well thats a away to view too
• United States
30 Mar 09
i definitely think you can be spiritual without believing in one distinct power or god. i, personally, AM religious, but i know several people that are spiritual, but not religious in any sense of the word.
• India
30 Mar 09
Thanks Carolin, your response is something very similar to what i firmly believe, it's better to be spiritual than practicing falsehood under guise of religion. Humanity should be the only religion, do you agree?
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
24 Jul 11
i think, yes.. of course we can have our souls enriched... we can be a very spiritual being because we are in touch with our beliefs, with our inner self, and with our own's own identity without being part of a religion.
@qiao522 (449)
• China
2 May 09
Maybe be spiritual is to believe in yourself and have your own religion. So there is no sharply serious limit between the two ideas.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
30 Mar 09
Well I certainly hope so, I have no religion but think of myself as deeply spiritual. I think of existence in terms of energy and spend a lot of my time supporting positive energy for all life.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
4 Apr 09
We are all spiritual beings in our true nature. Your friend might not believe in God but deep down she knows God. Believing has never really been important to God. Your friend is making some good choices in defining herself as who she wants to be.She sounds like a good person and a good friend.