What are the basic tips to be a succesful person?

March 31, 2009 6:33am CST
Every person has his/her own viws to be a successful person....lets share different views by all of us....,may b it wil be helpful for us to know better
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6 responses
@coldmoon (1088)
• France
1 Apr 09
A succesful person is not a one who never loses, but who knows how to stand up after a fall. He never tries to win over his opponents in an unfair way, regardless of the cost and intrigues. The success of a person is not having to do something against his morality.
• India
2 Apr 09
all answers are very good....thanks for responding....waiting for more answers KEEP RESPONDING
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
9 Jul 10
Focus, smartwork and perseverance are the keys for success.
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
7 Apr 09
I am not a successful person and any tips from me might just harm somebody's chances of success. Cheers!!
@figjam00 (1445)
• India
31 Mar 09
I think being successful is a matter of perception. Its about how you set the standards and achieve them. For me success is about getting my things done. Basically success requires more than hard work. Luck is another important factor. There are countless talented people who are not being recognized because of their luck at times.
• India
31 Mar 09
i think they key to success is hard work , determination and deciplin, many people r determined and do hard work but they don't do it according to wht they plan ,and here is the point where they fail . success doesn't sees that ur r intelligent or not but wht is sees is how much have u done to achieve it . 4 me it is an everlasting hunger that i create in my heart , and it is really a good felling . u should just have an eternal dream and it will give u all strength to win hard battles in life.
@vickycity (154)
• China
31 Mar 09
I think a successful person must have endurance. for everything, endurance is important.