
United States
March 31, 2009 9:02am CST
Okay, I started seeing all of the news coverage and saying how dumb it was that they were publicizing the "octomom" thing but the longer that this has been going on, the more intrigued I have become by the whole thing. Maybe it's because the press has turned it into such a big deal but I'm now following it just like everyone else and I find it interesting. Maybe my life is just too boring.. I think it's ridiculous that they are saying something is wrong with her though because she had so many kids. It's the doctor who implanted too many embryos and oh well.. she had kids close to one another. Many MANY thousands of people choose to have a lot of kids and have them close in ages. Why make such a big deal outta her?
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8 responses
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
31 Mar 09
I have five kids and I don't see he media following me around..Thank my lucky stars I would have probably killed them by now. LOL!! but seriously it's not a problem if you have the means to provide for these kids but she didn't have the means to provide for them.. I think there are a combonations of things. but your right they didn't attack Jon and Kate of Jon and Kate plus 8 when they first hade their kids and couldn't provide and where afriad but wait they look at it and see a couple doing this and saying they had fertility problems and they ended up with 6 kids out of it.. Then they look at octomom and say ok this is a single mom on ssd i think and welfare I think and they go what in the world was she thinking ... And in a way I can't blame them because when jon and kate decided to have another kid they could afford one or two more they never thought that six was possible because of her problems. But octomom could barely afford the six she already had and to even fathom bringing one more kid into the mix with already having a finacial hardship is just not a good decision. Now if you tell me that when she decided to bring another child into the world that she had the means and then ended up with 8 then I would have to say society is being harsh but she didn't have the means to provide another child.. And now the people are feeling that it's them who are going to be paying for welfare to take care of them. Heck she's already turned this into a profitable business. Shakes kids and having a baby or babies should never mean using them to make a profit .. You are there to love them and provide them and love them. Not use them to get a house and a billion other donations and then sell the video tape of your birth for a steep price. I'm sorry that I'm not for her. I just feel that she needs a little bit of consoling ...
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
31 Mar 09
Bella- I have to say the Jon and Kate story is TOTALLY different then the Octomom story. Jon and Kate: 1. Married for a few years. 2. Owned a home. 3. Had 2 children already. 4. Wanted one more KNEW there was a 2% chance they could end up with all 6 eggs taking. 5. Decided from the START there would be no reducing. 6. Jon had a VERY well paying job. 7. Kate was a nurse who worked one 24 hour shift a week for a while. Octomom: 1. Not married or with anyone. 2. Lived with her parents in a 3 bedroom house that was IN forclosure when she went for the invitro. (9 people in a 3 bedroom) 3. Had 6 children already. 4. Wanted as many more as she could have!!! 5. Wasn't sure if she would reduce. 6. Has NO job 7. No career (but in school HAHA) Jon and Kate couldn't afford 6 more kids but they were a little more stable. They at least had a few things like a house and car. Where as Ocotmom didn't technacilly have a pot to pisss in (at least not her own) Octomom couldn't afford the 6 she already had... she was on assistance that means she can't afford them. Now I'm not saying if you really need help you shouldnt ask for assistance things happen and some people need some extra help every once in a while or until they get back on there feet. We will be paying for these kids for at least 18 years. The ones that already have medical problems we will be paying for long after 18.
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• United States
1 Apr 09
ok you really need to read the whole thing I wrote ebsharer about the Jon and Kate plus 8 thing. I didn't dis them I even said the situations were different and that is why that weren't targeted like octomom.. So before what seems like a lecture to me make sure you have your facts straight about what I'm saying. I said this..."but your right they didn't attack Jon and Kate of Jon and Kate plus 8 when they first hade their kids and couldn't provide and where afriad but wait they look at it and see a couple doing this and saying they had fertility problems and they ended up with 6 kids out of it.. " I also said,"And in a way I can't blame them because when jon and kate decided to have another kid they could afford one or two more they never thought that six was possible because of her problems" What i'd like to ask is did you read my whole post or go off on a few things that you picked out when you skimmed it? I made the points of octomom having had been barely able to take care of what she had.. You didn't need to make a point by point and basically say what I said. If I sound harsh I'm sorry but I hate it when people don't read and if they do read they skim and then automatically think someone said something they didn't.....
@ralphido (841)
• India
31 Mar 09
well.. the matter of the fact is there is nothing wrong with a mother having a dozen babies as long as the parents are able to provide proper care and attention to all the children..if you are a mom yourself you would know by now mothering a pair of kids is no piece of cake...
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• United States
31 Mar 09
I'm not a mom but I've taken care of children before and I know what you mean.. as far as I can tell, her kids seem to have got plenty of love and attention before and she will be getting help to care for them, I'm sure. It just gets me that theres a million shows out there about couples with 10-12 kids and she does it and they attack her!!
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
31 Mar 09
They attack her because she can't provide for them financialy, emotionaly, or physcially.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
2 Apr 09
My feelings are personally who is supporting these 14 kids? I know there is not any woman here who can do this by herself, and personally not many women would want this many kids to take care of by herself as well. I think the reason it bothers most people, including me, is that 1) she is Not Married and 2) she has no $$, and living off of Welfare and such instead, and 3) Fired her more recent offer of Free help to help take care of the kids. So in all I honestly am getting tired of hearing about her, and really feel that this Story will not turn out like she thought for sure. I would suspect in time her loosing custody of some of these children for sure.
@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
4 Apr 09
Because there was a media spin put on her that made her sound as if she were conning the government and taking the money from taxpayers. She suddenly became the villain even though this isn't at all true. They have her planning to have all of those babies on purpose so that she can become a famous celebrity. The entire thing is mass-hysteria--that is, a combination of mass-hysteria and people just looking for someone to hate on and think that she makes an ideal mark. I think that there's a certain amount of jealousy as well because Nadya seems to be so natural when interacting with her large brood of kids while there are parents out there who are having a tough time coping with the needs of one or two kids. They're threatened by her, imo. If they're so concerned that she might end up on the government dole, then, why are they doing everything in their power to make it happen such as threatening to boycott companies that want to send her items like food, clothing, and diapers and threatening bodily harm to individuals who have publicly spoken about wanting to lend a hand? These people seem to want this woman to fail, and it could be because they believe she shows them up when it comes to parenting skills. Also, as I've mentioned, people feel powerless in an environment where the economy isn't that great, there's a war going on, and there's disillusionment when it comes to the integrity of certain people in power such as elected officials, the top brass in banks, etc. These people who have caused the problems are too insulated from them to be reached and told off, so they go after someone available who is different enough from the mainstream that they can make her their scapegoat for their fear-inspired venom. That's my take on it, anyway.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
31 Mar 09
At first I was outraged by this mom. I felt that she was being very selfish. Now I have seen her many times on Dr Phil and it seems that she really loves all of these babies. I do blame the doctor for giving her another implant, but she is also at fault. At least she is accepting help and trying to do good for all of these children.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
31 Mar 09
J - when you go in for invitro they explain how many eggs they are going to implant then thy explain that you can reduce if needed. Most of the time it is NOT needed as most eggs don't take. You are told your options from the start. When you find out how many eggs took you are given the choice to reduce or not. The moral of this story is she should have never been given invitro to being with because she already had 6 children. I don't think she is a bad person for not reducing I think she is a bad person for wanting that many children. She WANTED that many it wasn't that she doesn't belive in abortion its that she WANTED a LOT of kids!!! Thats the crazy part. Bella - She went to 18 yes 18 doctors before this one agreed to do it!! That means 18 people said no. 18 people told her she was a nut. 18 Doctors have brains. One did not.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
1 Apr 09
Oh that is all so true. I think that all her talk on Dr. Phil is just word garbage. You can not truly love 6 kids and then take your attention away from them the way she did and add 8 more to the mix...even one more. Then there is all the media attention and time she is spending away from her kids in dealing with that....not at all fair to the kids. If she did a great job with 6, i'd have applauded her even if she were on welfare. It is tough to stretch yourself that much. I'm sorry you can not be a good enough parent to 14 little kids on your own...it is not humanly possible. I had 4 and they were spaced apart. one is now 32 and i have a 23 yr old and a 22 yr old and a 15 yr old. That was tough and I had older kids to help out with the younger ones. Still we had our times. I was very devoted. I even did day care at one point and gave it up as it was too much. I can't fathom 14 little ones at a time every day all day and me being the only one caring for them. it is just crazy and wrong.
• United States
31 Mar 09
Jaredlp, You raise a very good question how did she get approved for invetro?
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
1 Apr 09
Yes, I'm sure that it was not her intention to have so many this time. I think the big deal is because she already had 6 children with no job and no means of supporting them other than her parents. Her mother stated right at the beginning that she was tired of it. Who can blame her? She raised her children and now should be enjoying life with her husband. Instead she is feeling obligated to help her daughter and 14 kids out. That's huge! It was very selfish of her not to consider her mother's feelings before having more. She will more than likely be getting all sorts of state help. She had a website looking for donations. Times are tough financially for everyone. She already had 6 kids and no husband and no job. That is a lot of kids to care for and provide for and stretch yourself out for. To go forth and deliberatly add even one more to that....do you really agree that is a smart choice? I raised 4 on my own and it was tough to work and divide my time up to be fair to them all. I did it tho and had almost no time for myself. it is not an easy thing. I only have one at home now and I am loving that I actually can kick back and enjoy being a parent without feeling pulled in all directions. Don't get me wrong...loved raising the others and wouldn't trade it for the world but I didn't get to slow down and enjoy them as I would have liked. And I was very very devoted to them. I just can't wrap my head around a single mom of 6 wanting to add even another child into the mix let alone 8. That decision alone made me question her mental well-being. Initially, I thought she must have a great job and the personality of mother Theresa but that is not the case. I don't get it.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
31 Mar 09
I think that the octomum is a very interesting lady indeed. I like to read about her in newspapers. She has six children, three of which are disabled and now she has in addition eight little babies. I think she likes Angelina Jolie and she has lots of children. Nadya Suleman lives in a three bedroom house. I think that there are many other ladies that have many children. I remember seeing my aunt and we walked past a lady with fourteen children. She lived in a large house and was quite well off. The press love interesting stories and the fact Nadya had the eight babies all at once is unusual and worthy of being in the news. Good luck to Nadya and all her children.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
31 Mar 09
I've been following this story since I first heard about. I totally this women is nuts and those 14 kids will end up in foster in the near furture! Ocomom only cares about herself and does not have the means to take care of all this children in the long run! She has no job. Her mom has disowned her. Her father thinks she si not mentally stable! Octomom has been offered charity and everytime has turned it down! She gets welfare for 3 kids and I'm sure she'll end up totally supporting her kids of welfare! I know the people of California are not happy about that! What ever deals Octomom has are going to run out or be discontinued for her selfish attitude! It is already happening and people,including me, want to see her fail! She'll never be able to afford that house or 14 kids in the long run! She is going to fail and when she does people are going to say"we told you so"! It will happen!