With all that's going on in the world today, is McCain's failure to ...
By ladyluna
@ladyluna (7004)
United States
March 31, 2009 11:47am CST
... endorse a candidate for the 2012 Presidential election really news?
Hello All,
I'm curious, does anybody really think this is newsworthy?
Is it legitimately newsworthy that anyone would endorse, or be boneheaded enough to seek an endorsement of a candidate for an election that is not only three (+) years out, but doesn't have any official candidates yet?
Is this really news? Or, is it what people are attempting to use to deflect attention away from the nightmare that is the political/economic reality being ushered in by the current executive and legislative majorities?
Below is a liberal blog link discussing this 6 sentence news story about McCain's failure to endorse a candidate for 2012. Surprisingly, there are eight pages of comments. Hmmm, it would seem that this really is Earth shattering news, doesn't it?
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10 responses
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
31 Mar 09
It must really be a slow news day or they are desparate to write anything negative in appearance concerning Republicans to counter balance the heap of manure falling on 0bama.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
31 Mar 09
Hello Red,
Given that your response presents an either/or, I'd have to vote for the latter as the more accurate assessment.
Below are just a few of news highlights on Matt Drudge's refresed webpage. Clearly it's not a slow news day! Which of course means that you get the gold star for your latter observation!
Chavez to seek Arab backing for 'petro-currency'...
Report: Chinese Have Special 'Kill Weapon' to Destroy U.S. Aircraft Carriers...
Senator: Expect painful cuts in Pentagon budget...
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
1 Apr 09
I don't have any links to them, but I have seen several articles about the possible Democratic candidates that will be running against Obama in 2012 and their chances of toppling him. There are also all kinds of stories of what Obama's chances are now with what he is doing after only 120 something days in office. It is too bizzare that people are already gearing up for the next campaign and election, but they are.
I wonder if there will be one with the way the world is going though. This world court and world economy is getting very scary.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
1 Apr 09
Hello Adoniah,
Wow! I'll have to check that out. I'm intrigued about who would challenge Obama in a DNC primary. Believe me, I do not doubt your word, I'm just curious which of the Dem leaders actually have a semblence of reason left, coupled with a smidgeon of courage.
I don't know how to respond to the latter portion of your response. There is just too much going on to try to make sense of, in relation to any possible 'bigger picture'. I just don't know where we're headed -- there are too many variables in play. Not the least of which is the prospect that Americans might just take their country back.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
1 Apr 09
Hello Kitty,
Your foil or straightjacket question isn't at all necessary. Your other question is highly appropo. If nobody read that monstrosity, then how can anybody declare what is, or is not in the bill?
I am 100% confident that at this time, right now, that the majority of law makers in DC still haven't read the 1000(+) pages. Why would they? What would possibly compel them to read it after it passed? I'm sure that organizations like the Heritage Foundation and many others have gone over it with a fine toothed comb, but it's not their job to make sure that legislative efforts are legal -- it's the job of our elected lawmakers!!!
I only wish that more people were questioning what may or may not have been rammed down the throats of We The People, because our contracted, paid, elected lawmakers are too stupid or lazy to do their jobs!!!
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
1 Apr 09
I wonder if I am the only one that this has occurred too:
That 1000+ nightmare legislation that was passed without ANYBODY reading it, could possibly contain language that declares 0bama "President for life" or some other fresh horror attacking our existence as we know it. NOBODY read it before making it law, so it COULD have something like this contained therein.
Do you think I will look better in a foil hat, or a straitjacket? 

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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
31 Mar 09
I convinced that EVERYTHING the media has reported on lately has been an attempt to distract the American people from the real trouble we are in and the rapid slide toward socialism Obama has us on. Also, it is no secret the media is still watching for every possible opportunity to make Sarah Palin look incopetent, dishonest or any other negative light they can cast on her. They really HATE conservatism and Palin is one of the few up-and-coming true conservative politicians in the republican party today.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
31 Mar 09
Hello Clrumfelt,
Ahhh yes, the old bait-n-switch. Let's talk about anything except the white elephant in the middle of the room!
Geesh, I wonder if I'll get a 'racist' tag for that one?
Hmmmm, if one has to try to make another look incompetent, then I wonder -- who is genuinely incompetent???
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
1 Apr 09
How can you be a racist Lady, your white and you were talking about white elephants which are white caps on the ocean in a bad storm. You just have to know all the meanings to a reference.lol
Angry~You are spot on. Most folks are not picking up on the fact that we are sliding into Communism not Socialism. We have been a Socialistic Democracy for some time now. But things are changing fast and they are changing all over the world at just as fast a pace.
The rest of the world is picking up on it and they are trying to tell Obama to[b][/b]STOP, but he will not listen. This is all part of the overall plan.
The World Courts want shira laws included, they want Mother's day excluded and many other things that make the US what it is and Obama says OK. We are in real trouble folks. They are also pushing for a World Economy. This will take away the last dregs of our identity and make the US a third world economy.
Be scared be very scared. I do not know how to stop this.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
31 Mar 09
I agree, clrumfelt, except that I don't think it's a rapid slide towards socialism, it's a headlong run into fascist communism!
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
31 Mar 09
The only people who really consider it news are people who are obsessed with attacking Palin. It's probably the first time in history a person has been asked to endorse someone who isn't running for office yet 3 years prior to an election. Still, any excuse to bash the woman who opposed the messiah is news for them.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
31 Mar 09
That's because McCain fit the stereotype that democrats try to paint republicans as, old, rich, white and male. Palin was young, attractive, female, and came from a middle class background as did her husband. Not only that, she was pro-life, which liberal women HATE. Don't forget that SHE was the one who gave McCain the lead over Obama for quite some time. The smear merchants were working overtime to undo that lead.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
31 Mar 09
I firmly believe that they're tossing everything possible at us to avoid our paying attention to our constitution being trampled and our government running amok. I'm not blaming it all on the current administration, either.
That said, I hope we don't have to go through two years of campaigning again, that was way overboard and I was sick of it long before the election.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
31 Mar 09
Hello Dragon54u,
What you reference is what disturbs me most about what is happening today. It is not physically or psychologically possible to 'deal' with the magnitude of what is being thrust upon us today. The predictable response will be to shut down to what else is thrown at us. That frightens me very, very much! Excellent point!
I wholeheartedly agree about the extended campaigning. As far as I'm concerned, it really was a serious assault on our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. It was everywhere, there was no escape, and I believe it was not ulike any other unimaginative reality show on t.v. today -- except that there was no escape.
I'm steadfast in my conviction that I will treat the 2010 mid-term elections independent of the 2012 national election. I will not engage the media process until November 2011. That will give it a solid year. Any more than that and I will feel assaulted again. Much less, and there won't be sufficient opportunity to adequately vet the primary and general candidates -- that is if the media opts to do it's job next time around.
Great points!!!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
31 Mar 09
Well, I got sick of it but without seeing those nearly two years of the candidates I wouldn't have realized how old and tired McCain was and how totally bereft of new ideas he was. I also wouldn't have seen how Obama could talk till the cows came home and say nothing of substance. If I'd confined myself to November of 2008 I might have been sucked into our current President's mindless propaganda. I voted for McCain simply as a placeholder till we got someone that would truly do the nation some good, but we saw how that turned out!
You're right, they're wearing us down. But you don't see coverage of all the protests and demonstrations all over the country, there are more and more people that are scared of what is happening and doing something about it. This administration is in big trouble and I hope the momentum continues till we get our country back and our democratic republic is once again functioning as it should (which hasn't been for quite some time!).
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
31 Mar 09
I think it's just another attempt to distract us from what the left is really doing and that those libs not only can't defend the leper messiah, but they also suffer from some sort of sick obsession with Palin. They hate her so much it blinds them to reason.
Unlike some of my friends, I did not vote for McCain because there was no "good candidate" I voted for him becasue I beleive he is a good man and would have served our country well, just as he has all his life. I voted for him because I like him, and I know he wouldn't be kissing the assses of terrorist regimes the way the new president is prone to doing (while snubbing our allies).
It is insane that anyone would even consider endorsing a candidate three years before the election when nobody has even announced that they'd run! Friggin liberal jackasses! But I think it is deeper than them just being idiots, I think it truly is a deliberate attempt to distract us from seeing what the leper messiah and his cronies are doing to our nation.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
31 Mar 09
Hello Kitty,
You're right about the obsession. It was suggested above that she scares the bejeebers out of certain individuals and groups, and I tend to agree. Very few emotions can incite a person, or people, to go out of their way to cut someone else down -- especially someone that they know impersonally and very little about.
Something about her frightens or threatens them -- to the core. That suggests to me that she must be doing something right for the Conservative movement.
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@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
7 May 09
Goodness, why are we so preoccupied with something that is happening 3 years down the line or so? WHy not focus on what needs to be accomplished NOW like the economy and fixing it. I think we need to work together, Democrats and Republicans alike and stop all this bikcering. Sometimes I wonder if this isn't why we are so messed up.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
1 Apr 09
Actually this lack of an endorsement goes to show how McCain lacks any loyalty. McCain vaulted Gov. Sarah Palin into the national spotlight, forcing her to have to defend herself from pointless attacks like who was the mother of Trig. McCain owes it to Gov. Palin to endorse her for the GOP nomination, just for the simple reason that she was his VP and John would not have had any chance of winning in 08 without her.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
1 Apr 09
Hello Gewcew,
I respect your opinion, and recognize that you are not alone in holding it. Although, I have to disagree. According to the values associated with Conservatism, we each rise or fall based on our own merit and record. McCain used his position to give Sarah a national stage. What she does with it was entirely her own doing. Personally, I expect her to soar at best. At worst, I expect that she will be a painful barometer on the issues that divide this nation -- something that is desperately needed in the USA today. In point of fact, I expect her to surpass her mentor in all but US Military honors. As for the public attacks -- Governor Palin had every opportunity to say no to McCain's offer. Once she said 'yes' she became the owner of her own actions and reactions n the national scene. I have no doubt that she's plenty tough enough to handle the likes of the meely-mouthed media!
Still, we cannot ignore the fact that there are no candidates yet for the '12 race. If the variables fall into place, and if Sarah runs in '12, then McCain will have an important decision to make. Until then, I'm sure that the looming decision has a nasty impact on McCain's stomach acid level. We each have our own crosses to bear, and I believe that the Sarah Palin issue is one of McCain's more burdensome. We rarely get an opportunity to see Karma or esoteric justice in play. I suspect that we will be given that opportunity over the course of the next couple of years, regarding this diad. No doubt, very powerful life lessons will be in effect, for many I suspect.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
31 Mar 09
Well, I have decided not to run in 2012, in case anyone gives a rip...
Why is anyone even discussing this at this early juncture?
Did they finally run out of good things to say about the 0bamunist, and had to take a shot a Palin just to have something to write about?
The only thing the Huffington Post, or any of those other liberal rags are good for is fish wrap and emergency TP.
Why don't they start reporting the real news and the lousy way that this failed administration is handling the the economic problems that it helped create?... Or the ongoing and repeated assaults against our Constitution and our God-given rights as spelled out in the Bill of rights?
Surely they can find something to write about other than some made up crap that is not even currently relevant to anything real.
Palin has these communist wannabes scared sh1tless, and they are trying to do damage control 3 years before the fact.... if she even runs then.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
31 Mar 09
Hello Destiny,
I have to say that I am mortified that you have decided against running, even before establishing an exploratory commission. Now I'll have to withdraw my endorsement of you -- drats.
I tend to support your notion that she scares the bejeebers out of her opposition. Why else would they care? Why else would they expend the energy?
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
3 Apr 09
When I came back to recheck this post, I realized that I had never actually answered your question dear Lady. I had just commented on others writings. So sorry!
Actually, the Democrats are doing the same thing only quieter. There has been a lot of discussion about whether Obama should be the candidate in 2012 even though he has only been in office for 120 plus days. There is some discussion about whether someone else could do a better job. I have read several articles in our press and in the foreign press about such matters.
I find it very entertaining that Obama's fellow leaders are attempting to abandon him so quickly. Not that I dissagree, but I do not believe that he is actually in charge of anything. Others are pulling all the strings and making all the important decisions. He is just along for the ride.
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