Do they represent your values?
By EliFromMN
@EliFromMN (53)
United States
March 31, 2009 4:46pm CST
In 2006 and 2008, the country made a strong statement that they wanted change when they overwhelmingly elected democrats to both the congress and the white house. In the two years since the democratic party took control of the congress, have they given this country the change that was wanted. Is President Obama meeting his goals of change? Overall, is Washington representing you and your values/beliefs?
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9 responses
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
31 Mar 09
Well, considering the Do Nothing Duo of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid sat on their fat butts for two years and did nothing but fill up their diapers and complain that it stunk... yeah, I guess they represented the Democrats well.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
1 Apr 09
Hello EliFromMN,
First, please allow me to welcome you to MyLot. I hope that you enjoy your time here.
Now to your question:
Does the Obama, Pelosi, Reid majority represent my interests?
No, they absolutely do not represent me, or my Red, White & Blue values/beliefs.
- I am a Patriot.
- I believe in adherence to the Constitition.
- I believe in American exceptionalism.
- I believe in the spirit of healthy competition -- with real winners & losers.
- I believe in personal responsibility.
- I believe in the rule of law.
- I believe in honesty.
- I believe in fiscal responsibility and accountability.
- I believe in the contagious power of integrity by example.
- I believe in the wholly destructive capacity of collectivism, and the unmatched potential of the individual spirit.
- I believe in reward and punishment, benefit and consequence for appropriate actions.
- I believe in U.S. creativity, independence & ingenuity, as the engine of commerce.
- I believe in a hand up, not a handout.
I respectfully disagree with your supposition that "they have given this country the change that was wanted". They absolutely have not given this country the change that we demanded!!! Most polls comprise a query of less than 1000 individuals, many less than a few hundred. American Solutions has an ongoing petition effort, which serves as a wide barometer for the bi-partisan perspectives of more than 45k Americans (Dem, Const. Ind. Lib. Rep. etc...), and the list continues to grow. I would urge all to check it out. The link is listed at the end of this response.
- Nearly 80% of Americans want to seal the border off from illegal entry.
- The border fence was signed into law, it was funded, and begun. Though it remains unfinished.
- The majority of Americans support raids on businesses employing illegal aliens -- where both the employer and the illegals are punished according to law.
Now, Janet Napolitano has ordered a cease and desist order for business place ICE raids AND is offering FULL IMMUNITY AND LEGAL PROTECTIONS as well as WORK AUTHORIZATIONS to ILLEGALS who agree to testify against their employer! (specific reference and source below)
- Americans wanted more transparency and accountability from our elected. Yet, Congress has continued to prove -- over and over again -- that they either cannot or will not police their own. Never mind criminality covered up (Wm. Jefferson D-Louisiana 90K in his freezer), they have proven that they are unwilling to adjudicate ethics violations from within the ranks (Charlie Rangel, Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi just to name three of the biggest violators).
And the list goes on, etc, etc, etc....
[i]"BELLINGHAM - UPDATED 1:57 P.M. - Many if not all workers detained in the Feb. 24 immigration raid at Yamato Engine Specialists have been released from the federal detention center in Tacoma....
The unexpected move appears to be related to an ongoing federal investigation of Yamato....
[b]"I can confirm that many of the individuals ... have indeed been released pending the further investigation of Yamato Engine," said U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Lorie Dankers....
Besides their freedom, the workers also have permission to look for work[/b]."[[/i]em]angry[/em]
"There are values which unite a large majority of Americans. (86 to 10); We want to strengthen and revitalize America's core values. (80 to 9) ...[b] The American people favor legal immigration, control of the border, ending illegal immigration with an emphasis on employer responsibility, immediate deportation of felons who..."[/b]
[i][b]"The American people believe border control is a security issue. Terrorists are trying to enter the United States illegally. (86 to 12)
Illegal immigrants who commit felonies should be deported. (88 to 10)"[/b][/i],0,665787.story
A city in upstate NY has proposed the complete dismantling of their police force (including proposed martial law), because it is so riddled in corruption and controversy that there is no longer any level of trust that the officers can or will perform their duties. I suggest that the same total lack of trust exists between our elected and We The People. The impeachment process does not work, because they will not use it. Never mind that impeachment only applies to treason, bribery, and high crimes and misdemeanors. Though, "high crimes and misdemeanors" has never been concretely defined, giving our elected a 'get out of jail free card'. And, in consideration of the legislative mandate passed in the Truman administration which protects our elected from criminal prosecution for the conduct of their official actions. We The People must push for a pragmatic way for our elected to be removed from office, in spite of Congress' efforts to protect their own!!!
So Eli, have I left any doubt about my evaluation of the current majority, or it's job performance?
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
2 Apr 09
Give her best response, you won't be seeing a better response than this!
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@EliFromMN (53)
• United States
2 Apr 09
Nope, it's crystal clear!!! =) Thank for a great answer!!
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
31 Mar 09
Well, they/he gave us change. Just not the kind of change people expected, lol. Yet, there are still people blindly trusting his promise of change, jobs, and money in their pockets. I just came across such a person on the board. You know the 'give the guy a chance' type of person, who from the looks of it is still believing in the campaign pitch and calling non-Obama supporters racist and bigots (just doesn't know how to spell it).
Nope, from the looks of it, and the legislature of late, Washington is not representing me. But it's a democracy, people voted Obama & co in, we have to live with it and the damage they cause. Eventually, when people realize that jobs and money won't magically appear on their doorsteps, they'll start blaming Obama just as much. No brilliant rhetoric will be able to prevent that. There is only so much they can blame on Bush.
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@EliFromMN (53)
• United States
31 Mar 09
I totally agree with you. There's been so much outrage over the stimulus packages that have passed and the bailouts of wall-street giants that are "too big to fail." While the treasury department and the president are giving the companies the bailouts, it's the congress that allocated the funds for all of this. My outrage is directed to the congress slightly more than the president.
@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
1 Apr 09
Why not blame President Obama? I blame him the most. He proudly put his signature on those bills. He even made a show and used different pens to sign bills he didn't read. I blame him the most, he has the power to veto but chose not to use it.
We don't have to "live" with it. We can march on Washington on April 30th and take OUR country back. Remember, we surround them, they work for us. It's not THEIR country.
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@EliFromMN (53)
• United States
1 Apr 09
I think you have a point. Sen. Dodd made sure that the executives of AIG would recieve there bonuses and after public outcry, the congress passed the higher tax onthe bonuses. However, if the poeple were to march on washington, what would the message be? Everyone wants to turn the economy around, create more jobs, etc.. but how do we do it? Obviously the lawmarkers in Washington don't have the right idea, but do the average blue collar workers of America know what to do either??

@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
31 Mar 09
No, the failing economy President Obama keeps blaming on the Bush administration, saying he "inherited". Is mostly from the takeover of the Democrats in 2006.
Oh yeah, things are changing fast alright. Right before our very eyes, our country and our freedoms are slipping away.
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@smartie0317 (1610)
• United States
31 Mar 09
No, Obama imo is not doing what he promised. I'm not surprised. There were many reasons I didn't like Obama, but most of them have to do with his party than the man himself so I won't go into those, but I remember him rallying about "Change" but never saying what that change was or how he planned to achieve it. I think Change is a buzz word to him, because Republics are more conservative. I feel I am not represented, and I feel in the next four years, we'll still be in Iraq and nothing much will have change. I do feel the economy will boost, but that's another issue and not really in Obama's hands directly.
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@goingtothesun (54)
• United States
1 Apr 09
Very good question. No, I'm not happy with the first three months. I am a firm believer that Bush kinda screwed the country up, and if anyone can get us back in the first four years I'll be happy. At the moment I don't see that happening. I've yet to hear when the troops will be coming home from Iraq... when I was promised it would be the first thing he did. Both the democrats and republicans are beginning to piss me off. Democrats with their big spending, and republicans with their no planning. Wish Ron Paul could get some decent support next round.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
1 Apr 09
Neither of those two bastarrd excuses for parties represent this country anymore. Sure, one or the other may represent some values of some but with very few exceptions, none represent the fundamental principals of the constitution any more. People are choosing the lesser of the evils, settling for someone who represents some of what they believe instead of demanding more and chalking it up to "business as usual"
People have a hard time recognizing this, but in the larger scale, they really are achieving the same ends. they just do it by different methods and each one has a line they attack. the democrats come in, take away certian portins of liberty and attck certain portions of our constitution in their way. then the republicans come in and do their work in other areas in destroying our foundations and it continualy leap frogs like this. People aren't willing to step back and look at the larger picture and see the end result is the same and that they are working towrds that common end.
People are so emotionaly invested in one party or the other that they will defend them at every turn, out right ignore it when they do something destructive and refuse to accept they might be being fooled along with everyone else. I don'y know if it is a matter of pride, a lack of understanding of our principals, a lack of caring about those principals or just plain blind faith. People are all too willing to trade a little control of their own destinies and a little freedom for a false sense of security or a false promise of guaranteed economic proseprtity.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
1 Apr 09
To some extent I think it's just for simplicity's sake. Political parties are like "Voting for Dummies". Rather than look at what actual candidates stand for, you just choice R or D. Millions voted in the 2008 election, how many do you think could name the congressmen, senators, and local politicians they voted for?
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@EliFromMN (53)
• United States
1 Apr 09
I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but how do you fix the problem? It's true, we often times vote for the lesser of two evils, but in the end, isn't it better to vote for the person that at least represents SOME of your values instead of not voting at all?
@chimrani (1426)
• India
1 Apr 09
[b]Friend we all are help less and obama too because of economic crisis.I am from INDIA and have more trust on obama.
I think in 1 or 2 years Global economy will get to right position and I have more trust on him that he will do a good job in maintaining World peace and He too help Our INDIA from foreign attacks.
American peoples have trust on him,that's why they elected him.But his bad luck is due to global economic crisis.[/b]
"With out money there is no Honey" 

@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
1 Apr 09
(quote - Chimrani)
"He too help Our INDIA from foreign attacks."
What makes you believe that Obama is going to do anything for India? Haven't you read anything about Obama bowing down to Labor Union demands to bolster their interests? Or the boneheaded, protectionist plan to bring US businesses back to USA shores? Hate to tell you this buddy, but Obama is going to screw India. And, if you think that Pakistan is going to be a better neighbor to you with a wimpy, apologist US government, then think again.
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
1 Apr 09
Uhhhh, in case you haven't heard: the Obama administration is releasing terrorists from behind bars, and offering them US welfare monies. The Obama administration has undeclared war on all but AlQueda and the Taliban -- and he's even declared that he's willing to negotiate with moderate Taliban -- which is an oxymoron! All other known, catalogued terror organizations are no longer in the USA crosshairs. It's all over the news! Heck, his team have even de-authorized the use of the term "war on terror".
You can trust Obama until forever and a day. But, if you expect him or his administration to do anything for India's terror problem next door, I would caution you against holding your breath waiting for him to save you! You might want to spend some time reading the USA news, 'cause it's staring to look really ugly over here, as far as dealing with terrorism goes.

@OneEyedGiant (181)
• Indonesia
1 Apr 09
All the presidents are liar, including in my country, each people can represent their self, politicians are businessman, exploiting the people to get their profit, i never do vote.
@chimrani (1426)
• India
1 Apr 09
As you are a citizen of a country then you should vote because it is you fundamental duty.You said is correct but who will make them right.WE, we are the peoples and it is our duty that we should protect our country from worest political parties .
Iam from INDIA and all over the world know about our worest political parties.But iam giving vote to make a change in my mother land.
"If i make one step then others too take steps to make and protect the mother land"