What's With All The Pro-Abortion Images?

United States
March 31, 2009 7:48pm CST
I noticed several pro-abortion images in the Politics section. It always makes me a little angry to think of the millions of lives lost every year to this form of murder. The arguments are always the same on the pro-abortion side - "It's a personal choice", "keep your laws off my body" bla, bla, bla. There is no way to refute the fact that abortion stops a beating heart. The tiny being with ten fingers and ten toes is brutally torn apart for selfish convienience. Spare me the rape and incest arguments as well. The choices were made before the pregnancy occurred. After implantation, the embryo is no longer "your body", but a unique creation that should be protected.
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5 responses
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
1 Apr 09
Meh, I maintain that until the fetus can live outside the womb on it's own, it's not only entirely dependent on you to live, but sucks the health and nutrients from your body like a parasite, and therefore you should have the right to do with it as you please. I get just as angry with people who try to force their beliefs on other people and label anyone who gets an abortion a murderer. By definition abortion is not murder, period.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
1 Apr 09
"By definition abortion is not murder, period." Doesn't that depend on what definition you use? The basic definition of murder is killing with premeditation. Since abortions almost always involve premeditation, they would certainly fall under the definition of murder. The legal definition is a bit more stringent in that it says the "unlawful killing with premeditation". By that definition you would be right as it is not illegal. Either way, you're just choosing ONE definition of a word with multiple definitions and then treat it as an absolute and that is rather disingenuous. By the way, every law in existence forces a belief on other people. One person may believe that "might makes right" but the law forces its belief that weaker individuals deserve the same rights. Right now the law is forcing the belief on people that an unborn child is not human and can be killed on demand for a nominal fee.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
1 Apr 09
I never said it was a parasite, I said it had a parasitic effect on the mother's body. It takes nutrients and energy without giving anything back. It can make the mother physically ill in doing so. However, since it's the same species, it's not a true parasite.
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• United States
1 Apr 09
A fetus is an unborn baby that shares half of the mothers genetic makeup. Your characterization of the unborn baby as a "parasite" speaks volumes about the basis of your opinion on this matter. I can't hope to come to a true accord with one having such a differential set of ideas. Civilizations are based on a set of rules, ideally, these are agreed upon by the majority of the populous. Hopefully, each citizen has a stake in the formation of the rules, because in truth, every law or rule removes a degree of freedom from each of us. In some societies abortion is done within the law, in others, the stoning of women for adultery is done within the law. Some laws just seem wrong to me. I would hope to change them if I could.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
1 Apr 09
You certainly have every right to your opinion but I'm a bit disturbed by your comment, "Spare me the rape and incest arguments as well." Would you actually have a woman or girl who has been raped, even by a relative, be forced to carry a pregnancy to term? I've never been in a horrible situation like that but I can't imagine carrying the reminder of it for nine momths. Annie
@soren1 (66)
1 Apr 09
I suppose the difficulty for anyone who believes that life begins at conception is that the principle applies every bit as much to a conception brought about by rape. I know that sounds incredibly brutal (it implies that a rape victim must be forced to suffer twice over) but that logic seems inescapable to me. In fact, pro-life advocates who make an exception for rape make me wonder about their true agenda - it's almost like it's not so much about protecting life as it is about punishing women who have been 'irresponsible' in getting pregnant through their own choices and actions.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
1 Apr 09
I have a hard time using the "pro-life" term for some of those who are anti-choice. I think you're right about their desire to "punish" women of whose behavior they disapprove. It's fine to judge those women and therefore deny them the right to choose but if they've been victims they don't feel they have that right. I think abortion is a personal issue and a personal decision that should be between a woman, her doctor and whomever else she wishes to involve. Annie
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
1 Apr 09
"I'm a bit disturbed by your comment, "Spare me the rape and incest arguments as well." Annie, I think he said that because he's sick of hearing that argument used over and over. It's lame and it's old. People use that argument as though it represents the primary reason for abortion. The fact is, rape and incest account for less than half of 1% of the abortions in this country. It's a lame and tired argument. In case you want to bring up mother's health, that accounts for roughly 3% of abortions. The other 96% just don't want the inconvenience of giving birth or raising a child. Murder is far more convenient. http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/policy/abortion/abreasons.html http://www.eadshome.com/AbortionStories/AbortionStatistics.htm
@coldmoon (1088)
• France
1 Apr 09
I agree that pro-abortion is a form of murder. But I don't forget a remarkable exception in the case where the baby is found with an innate deformity after according to a medical test. Then will its mother-to-be have to keep it? If anyone says yes, I bet this person never has a child with Down syndrome, and hence can't understand that a human decision at a moment may imply a sorrowful lifetime endurrance for all the family.
@coldmoon (1088)
• France
1 Apr 09
As I say, you never have a child in Down syndrome (or I'm wrong). But I'd better stop here because this problems comes from my sympathy but not from my experience.
• United States
1 Apr 09
To me this would not matter. Just because a child might be norm as society feels that is still unfair to not let the child live. To me everyone is here for a reason and sometimes a child that has problems can be a wealth for someone that has very little in there life. I also think this way if you do not want a child why not put the child up for adoption? I mean there are so many nice people that want kids and cannot why not put the child up for adpotion? That is always an option I feel. I am not mad here I just wanted to add my two cents on that subject. Happy mylotting and no hard feelings I hope
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
1 Apr 09
I am pro-life and believe life begins at conception. I think a baby developing and growing in his or her womb is an innocent one. It is such a shame that abortion exists in the world. I feel sorry for the babies that are aborted and think of them as the missing people of the world. I think images of abortion would be off putting and quite gross to look at. I would never have an abortion and think that if a baby is unwanted adoption into a caring family is great.
• United States
1 Apr 09
i really couldnt of said it better myself, i know a girl that when she was 13 she got raped and ended up pregnet and had the baby and kept it her mom would watch the baby while she was in school and help take care of it when her mom got diapers and stuff for the baby the girl would have her mom write down how much she spent and when the girl turned 16 she got a job and started paying her mom back her mom didnt want the money but she made her take it anyways because she said it was her baby not her mothers, there really is no reason to kill a baby no matter how you try to put a spin on it , lets call it what it is murder in the first,
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
1 Apr 09
With all due respect, you paint a pretty picture there but I can't even begin to imagine what it must have been like for that 13 year old girl to be raped and pregnant as a result of that horrible attack. I mean, she and her mother both are to be commended but I wouldn't apply that standard to every other young girl who had that happen. Annie