Late Term Abortions ok?
By EliFromMN
@EliFromMN (53)
United States
March 31, 2009 10:16pm CST
Growing up in Wichita, Kansas, my family knew the name Dr. George "Killer" Tiller. He perfoms abortions for anyone for any reason. He is currently on trial for violating state law by conducting 16 late term abortions. Under the law, he is required to get an idependent second opinion to justifty the late term abortion. He used an employee in his office to ok it, using "mental health of the mother" as the reason for the late term abortions.
Do you agree that mental/emotional health is a justifiable reason for a late term abortion? Is there any reason to jastify a late term abortion? Personally, if a baby can live outside of the womb, carry it to term and give the child a chance. I'm not against women's rights, I just believe that a human being that has a fighting chance, should be given that chance. How do you feel? Thanks!
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12 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
1 Apr 09
I am and always have been completely against late term abortions. I find the procedure to be horrific and no, the mental health of the mother is not a legitimate reason. The physical health or life of the mother is the only acceptable reason to perform this procedure in my opinion.
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@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
1 Apr 09
i am agenst abortions all together late tern or not i dont think someone has the right to take another like , i think it all should be agenst the law, because there are other alteritives, plus the baby didnt ask to be put there , if you dont wanna pay dont play or play it safe.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
1 Apr 09
This is about where I stand. If you're dumb enough to not notice that your pregnant by the time you're into your third trimester, or you held off until the last minute, then it's too little too late. I've got no problem with first trimester, and some second trimester abortion - but I draw the line at 6 months, if not a little earlier.
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@iridium (431)
1 Apr 09
i believe the woman is paramount. its not alive until its no longer dependent on the mother for survival until them it's a parasite and it doesn't deserve a choice. its perfectly possible not to know that you're pregnant until way past 6 months. and if you find out your pregant and you don't want to be then you should have that option open to you.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
1 Apr 09
No, late term abortions are NOT OK except if it's necessary for the life or health of the mother, and I don't mean "emotional health" as in "Gee, she'll be a bit upset". I seriously doubt the need arises very often, although I'm not a doctor and I don't have any statistics in front of me. I do think there should be an exception in the law for the rare cases when the mother's life or health is truly at risk.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
2 Apr 09
I think that performing late term abortion is sick. I have spent much time in a special care baby unit so I know exactly what premature babies look like. Some of the babies in their were born at 24 weeks pregnancy and they were being helped by the hospital staff to survive. I was offered an abortion at 36 weeks pregnancy due to my baby spina bifida but I said no way. I am pro-life.
@karbuks (270)
• Philippines
2 Apr 09
Ever since, i am really against abortion in any kind. i feel pity about the child being aborted because they have not given the chance to live and see the world. And the people who are involved in this kind of action, do they have conscience left? It is sad to think, that today, there are many abortions that is happening around the world, more likely the reason is because of unwanted pregnancies. Remember that there is already life at the time when the egg and the sperm cell meet. It is also like you are killing the life of a very innocent child, which if given the chance to live, might be helpful to the world they will live in.
@Amber4106 (540)
• United States
1 Apr 09
I'm against abortions of all kinds. Unless there was a life threatening condition for baby or mother, I don't feel that abortions should EVER be allowed! Late term abortions are just murder in the cruelest form. I live near Wichita and have heard a lot of the news media about the abortions that he performed. Somehow, I'll never understand why, but he was just recently found innocent of all charges. That's ridiculous to think that he literally is getting away with murder. I guess the people in charge of his ruling are for abortion or something.
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
1 Apr 09
No I do not agree with late term abortion. I think that if they parents wanted this they shouldn't have taken so long to decided. I agree, it's the woman's body, but to end a pregnancy that late to me is wrong.
Stating "mental health of the mother" is a sorry excuse. I think this would be different if she was mentally ill, but then this should have been dealt with before she was that far a long.
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@KoLAddict (8)
• United States
2 Apr 09
I'm definitely against late-term abortions. Early-term abortions I'm up in the air about, I understand why some people would decide against having their child, even if their intent was to put the child up for adoption, but late-term abortions are just horrific, and I certainly don't agree mental/emotional health is a justifiable reason for a late term abortion, if anything that'd be something to determine whether or not they could actually parent their child once he/she was born.