I Guess You're All Suitably Rested, So We'll Walk On...

Part of The Woods - The woods in Bolney... part of our walk in the countryside.
@Darkwing (21583)
April 1, 2009 8:55am CST
Right... we've had our rest from the first part of the walk now, and hopefully, you've had time to digest the atmosphere and surroundings, refreshed sufficiently to walk on. So, we'll resume our walk in a southerly direction, on down the path, through the rest of the woods, to the second millpond. As we take up the path, we come to a fork, the left leading deeper into the woods and up to the footpath beside the main London to Brighton road, and the right, towards the second millpond, where we're headed. Once again, we're walking upon a leafy carpet, under an archway of rich, green trees. Shafts of sunlight pour through the leaves onto the ground in front of us... all is still now, and all that can be heard for a while is the sound of birds fluttering in the undergrowth and branches of the trees, and maybe the odd deer creeping around in the woodland in the hope of not being spotted by us. We pass some marshy ground on the right, which is the level to where the pond rises during the wetter months. Reeds grow in the marsh, and broken, fallen branches rest in a haphazard pattern on the ground. Ahead, we can see the sunlight as the footpath comes into more open territory... fields hedgerows with a few willows and hawthorn trees around us, as we come upon the edge of the second millpond, where ducks are idly paddling; sheltering under the trees on this lazy, balmy evening. There are four or five landing stages, and two, wooden boathouses which have seen better days, but all add to the character of the place. As we near the T junction of the paths, we can see and hear water tumbling down from the pond into the overflow area, which used to house a watermill. The water now falls away into the third millpond which is some fifteen feet below the level of this one, and where the fishermen have chosen to spend their time dipping their fishing lines over the second millpond as it's more sheltered. We turn to our right, and behold the second millpond. There is an island here too, in the pond, a mud one this time, with a tree on it, albeit old and withered now. Here is where the Canada Geese nest each year. They are swimming on the pond now, towards us, ignoring the fish who keep popping up for insects. Ripples gently lap across the pond, as the geese swim swiftly towards us. Their quest is to reach us quickly... we're intruders, and their intent is to drive us off!! They reach the wall, and clumsily leave the water in order to stand in our path, fluttering and edging their way up the brick edging to the pond... ... the adults hissing and warning us away from their young. The young are not bothered... no sense of danger yet, so they pad about all over the place, out of control! They edge nearer, looking for the food which they think we've brought them. We have to brave it, because we want to continue along this path, and over the farm field and styles, to the pathway which takes us back to the village. I take up a stick from beneath the oak tree here, so that I can ward them off if they attack, so if you wish to do the same, please do! lol. They can be quite threatening at times, and we need to move on..... phew!! That was a close call with Daddy Goose, but I'm through... come on, stay in a group and they won't know which of us to go for! Across the field we venture and over the style, turning right onto the path past the next small wood. It's quiet here. There are horses in the field to our right and the odd squirrel and rabbit scurrying into the woodland, and up trees, whichever is their way. The horses take one look at us, then carry on munching at the tufts of grass in the field, regardless. We continue to walk down the pathway to the next style. This one's not easy! It's low, nothing to hold onto and the drop into the field beyond is quite a long one, so we'll have to jump... be careful of the ruts on hitting the field! This field is full of grazing sheep, who give us the stare as we make our way across their land. There's another big, old oak halfway down the field under which a few of the sheep are resting. We skirt around them, and continue to the style at the bottom, which is higher than the previous one and easier to get over. Thud... we land on the grass verge beside the east to west road again, where there are horseradishes growing by the roadside, and cross again to the Village sign. There's a big triangle of grass in which the sign stands, where I think we'll sit and take another rest before moving on. The South Downs again, are in view, and the hot air balloons are still circling high in the evening sky. I'm sure you'd like a little time before the uphill walk which is before us. Take a few moments to take in the view and reflect again on what you've seen whilst you rest your weary legs. How are you feeling... tired yet? Are you enjoying the walk, and do you want to go on, or retire to the pub now, whilst the rest of us continue? Hopefully, you've brought some water along so that the need doesn't arise until after our walk is completed. :) I'm enjoying the company!
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7 responses
@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Ya know you lost me early on the first part of the walk because my feet hurt - right?
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 09
We'll wait for you, my friend. Enjoy a nice sit by the pond, watching nature unfold and resting your feet. We're at the bottom of that first field now so a couple of us can amble up and bring you back safely, then you can have a sit in the pub garden whilst we finish the third part of the walk, if you wish. We'll be joining you there quite shortly. Brightest Blessings my friend, and thank you for your contribution.
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 09
Gee... I hope you haven't been sitting in the pub all that time, or we've some catching up to do when we get there. lol.
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
5 Apr 09
Hun, I turned around at the first block, I can't even walk that far - I don't have a handycapped sticker because I'm totally lazy
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@mummymo (23706)
1 Apr 09
That was scary there honey - I am quite scared of geese when they don't want you around - they are so dangerous - sorry for using you a shield! I really wish I had bought some carrots and apples for the horses - I love feeding the horses. The pub is still tempting but I am enjoying the walk and the company too much to abandon you for it, just as well I brought along a little tipple in my hip flask! lol xxx
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 Apr 09
all I ever did with the horses was nicker at them and feed them grass from my side of the fence!
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@Darkwing (21583)
2 Apr 09
I'm sure Lakota has something to tempt the horses to the gate. Maybe she'll let you share. Yes, the pub is tempting but all the better for the wait. I'm going to enjoy my pint, for sure. Lol @ the hip flask... can I have a sip, cos I only brought water? ha ha ha. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution again, my dear friend. xx
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@mummymo (23706)
2 Apr 09
Course you can honey - we'll share! I don't like Gin but I love home made sloe gin - you want some? xxx
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@weemam (13372)
4 Apr 09
I enjoyed that pal s usual , You bring back a lot of lovely memories for me , when I was little we stayed in the country and I used to see things like this every day , I used to get 2 slices of bread with condensed milk in them from Mam , I would like of the condensed milk and feed the bread to the horses , they used to be standing waiting for me :( Thanks again pal Wee xx
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@weemam (13372)
4 Apr 09
it is so nice when memories come back to you that you have forgotten all about , Especially when they are such nice ones XX
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 09
Yeah... I still used condensed milk to make caramel for my banoffi pie until recently, when Carnation started doing cans of the caramel already made. It saves me two and a half hours of boiling to turn the milk to caramel! lol.
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@Darkwing (21583)
4 Apr 09
I used to love condensed milk on my bread, and my Grandad often let me spoon some out of the tin. I reckon that's what gave me a sweet tooth! lol. I bet the horses loved the sweetened bread, and I don't wonder they stood waiting for you! I'm glad you enjoyed the walk, and that it brought back such lovely memories. Brightest Blessings my dear friend, and thank you for your contribution. xx
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
1 Apr 09
Me I would have took my break at the horses and got them to come to me. REmeinds me of the short cut I would take coming from school each day. No one went this way I had it all to myself!. I would hit the alleys from school till I came to the downand up hill which att he top was the land where the horses was grazing. I think I remeber 4 of them. Dont know hos land it was but I would stand my the fence and nicker at them till they come to say hello and I would stay quite awhile and pet and talk to the all. THis place was in the city I Wonder if it is still there.! I will walk on with you then we will go back to the pub lol
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@Darkwing (21583)
1 Apr 09
That sounds lovely, and these horses will come to you if you stand at the gate, but normally, by that time of the evening, they're on the other side of the field... the east side. Yes, I wonder if your favourite place is still there in the city. It might be nice to take a trip out there one day to check it out. I like that phrase, "the down and up hill" lol. My plan is to end up at the pub anyway. You might have guessed that, but I'm saving it for the end of the third part of the walk, my friend. Brightest Blessings... enjoy your rest and I'll see you on the next leg of the walk. xx
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 Apr 09
lol yup I have gone back but after the years and the building they did I really couldnt find the place or remeber how I got there. Should have but it didnt work the last time I tried it. I was on the west side they always came to me no where near a fence. ok I am ready now to go on and yup I knew where we are going to end up lolololool
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@Darkwing (21583)
2 Apr 09
Lol... how you know where we were going to end up?
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
2 Apr 09
Hi Darkwing! I am just trying to catch up but I am glad that I was able to take a walk on this part with you. That is a very nice scenery that I am digesting right now. All that fresh air is cooling my mind at this moment. It is making me feel relaxed and at peace with all the beauty of nature. I still would love to walk and my legs can't feel the tired aching muscles I used to feel when walking in the city. This is very much different as I absorbed the true beauty of nature. No pollution and the horses can attest to that while breathing in fresh air and munching grass at the same time. I just love the sight of the squirrels and rabbits as they scurried off to the woods. How I wish I can run after them! LOL! I have enjoyed the walk and would love to have another one with you. Take care and God Bless! lovelots..faith
@Darkwing (21583)
2 Apr 09
I agree... there's always something interesting to take your mind off the walking in the countryside, and you don't have to rush about like you do in the city. You can take your time and take in all the beauty of the most precious gift we've been given. I look forward to seeing you on the third, and final part of the walk, my friend. Thank you for your contribution, and Brightest Blessings. xx
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• United States
3 Apr 09
I have never taken a walk in the evening, I always go out in the morning (in order to get out there before the insects wake up and make pests out of themselves, hehehe), so that pub would be calling to me pretty loudly about now! But I wouldn't even consider missing the rest of this walk through the English countryside, so the pub will have to wait! I can walk for miles without losing interest so you will hear no complaints from me! Geese!! Hahahahaha.... I like to think that they would greet me as an old friend. But regardless I would be laughing through that whole part of the walk! On one of my walks here there are a couple of horses that I pass. The male has taken a fancy to me (and I to him) and whenever he sees me coming he lifts is head and stares intently for a few minutes until he recognizes me. I can tell when he does because his energy totally changes and he sparkles, then eagerly trots over to follow me along the fence line, showing off the whole way - dancing and tossing his mane, hehehehe. The first time I ever fed him an apple I just held it out in my hand for him, thinking that he would take it from my hand and crunch it up with his big ole teeth, but he did not! He took bites out of it while it was still in my hand! So then I started cutting it into quarters and giving him one quarter at a time. Man those teeth made me nervous! I have been wanting to take a walk in the predawn hours, but so far I am either just getting ready to go to bed and in no mood for a walk, or I am already dreaming and in no mood to get out of my comfy bed. But that time of the day feels so mysterious and powerful... I am very much looking forward to the time that I am able to do that.
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@Darkwing (21583)
3 Apr 09
Yes, that drink in the pub is so much better when you've had a good, long walk and taken in the many of nature's activities. The geese make me laugh as well but I'm still a little bit wary of them. They can be pretty viscious if they think they or their family are being threatened. They're very loyal and protective creatures by nature. I wonder if the horse has been kind of trained only to take small pieces of apple, or perhaps he just liked to have you closeby for a little longer! lol. Ahhhh, the predawn hours... just the time to collect your hedgerow herbs, as the moon is setting. The trouble is, you have to have a torch with you, or you end up cutting the wrong ones! ha ha ha. It is a mysterious and powerful time... I agree with you. It's that magickal time of change from darkness to light, and the start of a brand new day... wonderful! Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution my friend.
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• United States
14 Apr 09
I am well rested and ready to continue our talk with nature. My camara is ever ready to see what new and beautiful sights that are in store for me. I take off my shoes so as I can feel how the grass feels. I dig my toes into the grass and sigh. It feels so good. I have to stop and listen to the sounds of the birds. I look up and see a group of birds sitting on a branch and cooing. It is like they are talking about the people they are watching. I reach for my camara and point it up at where the group of birds are. I wait until just the right moment when they look like they are talking with each other and snap the picture. This has got to be titled, Observed from above. I hear the water falling before I see it and can't wait until I come upon it. It is just such a spendid sight. I bring my camara out again and point it at the waterfall. I make sure and get all the surrounding scenery around it because I want to be sure and bring across the beauty of the place. This would have to be titled, God's Drinking Water. Then we walk on and come on geese. Now in case you don't know it geese can be quite dangerous. You have to watch them because they will attack. Our walking group stayed together to make a more daunting look to the geese. Here they were all looking at us and following us. So of course, I got my camara out and took a picture of the whole group together. I just missed getting attacked by one of the geese. See what having a camara does. It makes you take chances that you wouldn't normally. This picture will be titled, The Attack Of The Unfriendly Group. We came on a field with horses and I loved it. I am a big lover of horses. I see there are four horses. One of them is a stallion and he is leaned over one of the mares. Their muzzles are touching. I have to get a picture of that. The stallion is coal black and the mare is white with very light spots on it's back. I get the picture and title it, Love Without Question. I have to rush to catch up with the other walkers. I love the scenery but force myself to continue on. I am sitting resting for a wee bit of time. Catching my breath. I am not tired but invigorated by the sights and sounds. I want to go on with the walk. Being in a pub on such a beautiful day is just not for me. I have brought water with me as I always do when ever I go out into nature. So let us continue I am more than ready.
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@Darkwing (21583)
14 Apr 09
I reckon we'd work well as co-writers, my friend. Thank you again for your contribution, and we already started to move on the final part of the walk under the Easter Weekend heading. Come on now... you're going to have to catch up! ha ha ha. I agree with you about the geese. I'm always a little bit wary but unless you make a positive move toward them, you're ok. I tend to stand still for a while and talk to them, and they end up going off in a huff because they haven't scared me off! lol. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.