Democrats of MyLot... Show us how it's done!
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
April 1, 2009 4:01pm CST
For 8 years, the Democrats and others spent copious amounts of time and resources pointing out the Bush administration's infractions of the US Constitution, ethics and otherwise dirty deeds. They were quick to tell us how things out to be, and how much better a Democrat administration would do it.
The voters and the Electoral College have given the Democrats the chance. The Democrats have control of the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branches they asked for so it is now on them to show us all how it's done.
But instead of showing us how much better they can do it, Prs. Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid seem to have no interest in the US Constitution. In fact, they don't even seem to think they have any responsibility to the Constitution at all.
What happens when someone points out their shortcomings? Their defenders don't hold them to the standards they held the Bush administration or the Republican controlled Congress to; they simply make excuses for them and say, "well what about what Bush did".
But wait a minute... You complained when Prs. Bush violated the Constitution (both the few times he did and the many times he didn't). Why do you hold Prs. Bush to a higher standard than you hold your own guy?
Shouldn't the US Constitution be honored more now than at any time in history? Shouldn't we be marvelling at how ethical and open our Federal Government is?
Democrats of MyLot, I ask you, are you just going to be the people you accused us of being over the last 8 years, or are you going to show us how wrong we were?
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8 responses
@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
2 Apr 09
Either the Democrats will come out to defend Obama or they are starting to see the error of their ways.Unfortunately,we all have to deal with the error.Great post!!!
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
2 Apr 09
One, I would assume that you are speaking of the error that was made by Americans in 2004, in electing George W. Bush. Because we all know that Bush did a wonderful job of running the country for the last 8 years, and he left the nation much better off then when he came in power in 2001. Right?
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@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
2 Apr 09
i dont disgree with that at all i think bush did a bad job , and oboma has only been pres for 2 months everything in life get worse before it gets better.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
2 Apr 09
Greatdebater... so I guess the years that the Democrats ran Congress through that time just don't matter?
Sure, blame Bush for what he did wrong, but don't put on him what Congress was responsible for.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
2 Apr 09
If by that do you mean they'll talk about how Obama is "cleaning up" what Bush left us, then yeah. As far as constitutional infractions go, the "cleaning up" part can't be used in defense. There is no defense against a lot of the policies the Obama administration has enacted or is trying to enact.
I get the feeling we will be hearing a lot of "But Bush..." for the next 4 years.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 Apr 09
How much of what needs to be "cleaned up" did Democrats in Congress vote "Yea" on?
Why do so many people ignore the role of Congress in our federal government?
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
2 Apr 09
Yeah, I would have loved to see him clean up the budget. Instead he did the exact opposite and made it several times worse. As you said, we'll just keep hearing the "But Bush..." excuses. 3 years from now you'll also be hearing the "Give him a chance" bit.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
2 Apr 09
It appears to me that this adminstration is taking away all the rights we have under the constitution. They complained about Bush, (you always have to put the blame some where other than yourself) but over the last couple years under Bush the congress was run by the demos, they are the ones that put us in this mess, not Bush. And they are the ones that is keeping it going. All these promises that they said they was going to do for the little people, where are they. All I see is them giving money to banks and auto makers, who abuse it and come back and ask for more. I can tell you that we will get nothing from this administration, I dont' even see them upholding the ethics that they complained so much about Bush for. And the dirty deeds are piling up fast. It is like they just swept the constitution under the rug and forgot about it.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 Apr 09
Well, Bush is responsible for his part in it. But I'm glad you recognize Congress's part.
Also, I notice that no democrat seems to be honest enough to thank Prs. Bush (and Congress) for their part in helping our economy weather 9/11 and back to back natural disasters.
Like all bigots, the refuse to acknowledge the accomplishments of those they hate.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 Apr 09
Katrina was a media inspired feeding frenzy against Prs. Bush. I remember reading the New Orleans Disaster Protocols from the city website... That drunken "major" Nagin got a lot of people killed with his refusal to activate those protocols (such as they were)...
He should be up on charges of wreckless endangerment at best and 3rd degree murder at worst.
But who am I telling.. I followed it from a background in disaster relief and Search and Rescue... you lived it!
Congratulations for surviving!
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Well I can tell you that after 911 I think Bush done one hell of a job keeping us safe, I dont' feel safe with Obama in office, I don't think he has the knowledge to keep us safe. And I was one of those disasters, Katrina, I lost my home in it, and I'm stranded a 1000 miles from home. I get so tried of them blaming Bush for Katrina as if there was really anything anyone could do at the time.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
2 Apr 09
So we are now 6 posts in to this discussion (7 counting mine) and the one and only deocratic supporter that did chime in could'nt do any better than " Bush blah blah" I guess we should have expected it, it seems to be the typical robotic response. I have posted several threads over the last month asking those supporters to argue for or defend a number of policies and actions based soly on the merrits of those policies or actions and with out the pavlovian "bush" response. To this day, not one person has been able to do that yet.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
2 Apr 09
I'm not a Democrat. I'm registered as an "independent", but I voted republican most of the times that I did vote. This is really mostly because I was fairly apathetic and just went along with the opinions of those around me for the most part. Ridiculous and irresponsible, I know.
In more recent years (more specifically that last year or two) I've made more of an effort to think for myself and TRY to listen to some of the issues. I've found that most of my views lean toward "liberal" or Democratic, but I'm still glad I'm registered as an independent. I still am and always will be a firm believer that things aren't always black and white. Problems and solutions are always far more complex than the average person wants to take the time to believe or acknowledge.
My honest answer...I don't know if our government now is making good decisions or not. I'm still trying to catch up from years of not paying attention. I do think our countries problems are far to complex to expect ANYONE just step in and have a perfect fix right off the bat.
I also think that both Republicans and Democrats (at least for the most part) spend far too much energy bashing each others views rather that trying to find a common ground and work together.
Did I answer your original question in there? Probably not. My apologies if I didn't. I just felt the urge to add my 2 cents even if its not completely relevant.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 Apr 09
So how much Marxism should we accept when the Marxists demand we accept their way? Why should we stay silent (in the name of peace) just so our elected officials can take advantage of us?
The fact is, our system of government is not designed for full agreement on anything. It is based on us voting for our representatives in govenment, keeping vigilant over their actions, and them using the authority we grant them to vote in our name.
If we cared about agreement, our system would be based on unanimous decisions instead of simple and super majorities.
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@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
2 Apr 09
i agree they spend way to much time on bashing each other that doing what they are supose to do and work together
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
2 Apr 09
Ted, Barack Obama has been president for just over TWO MONTHS, he is trying to clean up the mess left to him by Bush. The man doesn't even have every post filled yet in his administration. I am amazed at how fast republicans want a Democrate to fix the mess that a Republican made. Remember Ted: It took Bush 8 years to screw this country up, it might take more than one for a Democrate to fix it.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
2 Apr 09
"The man doesn't even have every post filled yet in his administration."
Whose fault is that? Is it Bush's fault that Obama just keeps appointing one tax cheat over another?
Basically you've done exactly what all Obama's minions do when confronted with his lies and violations of the constitution. You pulled the "But Bush did blah blah blah"
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
2 Apr 09
I'm not a Democrat. I'm registered as an "independant", but I voted republican most of the times that I did vote. This is really mostly because I was fairly apathetic and just went along with the opinions of those around me for the most part. Ridiculous and irresponsible, I know.
In more recent years (more specifically that last year or two) I've made more of an effort to think for myself and TRY to listen to some of the issues. I've found that most of my views lean toward "liberal" or Democratic, but I'm still glad I'm registered as an independant. I still am and always will be a firm believer that things aren't always black and white. Problems and solutions are always far more complex than the average person wants to take the time to believe or acknowledge.
My honest answer...I don't know if our government now is making good decisions or not. I'm still trying to catch up from years of not paying attention. I do think our contries problems are far to complex to expect ANYONE just step in and have a perfect fix right off the bat.
I also think that both Republicans and Democrats (at least for the most part) spend far too much energy bashing eachothers views rather that trying to find a common ground and work together.
Did I answer your original question in there? Probably not. My apologies if I didn't. I just felt the urge to add my 2 cents even if its not completely relevant.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
2 Apr 09
Dangit I posted that in the wrong place. You think mylot will come along and take it out. I'm gonna go back and try to post it in the right place.

@Lee_Rites (845)
• United States
2 Apr 09
OK, here's how it works.
Before the election there is campaigning. Everybody picks the candidate that they want to win. Then everybody votes.
If your guy doesn't win, you spend the next 4 years shouting from the mountain tops about how nothing is your fault because you voted for the other guy.
If your guy wins, you get to listen to him being bashed by everybody under the sun who didn't vote for him.
Had McCain won, you would be defending him on someone else's discussion about how McCain hasn't kept any of his promises and is running the country into the ground.
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
2 Apr 09
I highly doubt that McCain would be offending our allies, kissing the assses of the islamofascists who WANT TO KILL US or rushing this nation headlong into full blown communism the way 0bama is doing now.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
2 Apr 09
No, because I doubt McCain would have magically grew a backbone simply because he was elected.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
2 Apr 09
They are completely incapable of doing anything except blame bush and maybe throw in some attacks on Palin. They do not believe in personal responsibility and they still are brainwashed into thinking the Leper messiah is going to magically fix things if we "just give him a chance", despite the fact that every single action he has taken as only made things WORSE. You aren't going to get a single liberal come here and say anything except the default "But bush blahblahbla..." and "Just give 0bama a chance... bla bla bla". I'll be totally surprised if anyone proves me wrong.