Stress and Smoking while Pregnant

@tosha86 (133)
United States
April 1, 2009 4:10pm CST
What is the most non - stressful way to quit smoking while pregnant?
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3 responses
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
1 Apr 09
Smoking is stressful, to both the mom and the baby. No form of quitting will actually cause stress. Yes the nicotine withdrawals will make stress more difficult to deal with, but it doesn't just create stress out of nothing. I suggest you check out the website or you can view my Squidoo Lens on quitting.
@tosha86 (133)
• United States
2 Apr 09
I will do that. Thanks. :)
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@besthope44 (12123)
• India
2 Jun 10
Well smoking by gals can spoil herself and her generations, meaning the babies. So gals should not smoke.
@onlydia (2808)
• United States
2 Apr 09
Do you drink caffine if you do that is worse for your baby then smoking. Go fig. As when I was PG my Dr. told me to stop smoking and drinking caffine. I told him to pick one as I couldn't do both. He told me give up the caffine and cut back on the cig. which wasn't easy for me as I loved my coffee. And I did cut back on the cig. never did stop. I think smoking is like drinking we need treatment for it. why not. And yes you get stressed out when you are trying to stop. people will say one thing and you will want to rip there head off. Oh yeah that is because your also PG. I'm still trying to stop smoking. My baby is now 19. and not under weight. Don't use the gum you end up wanting more of the gum. Try holding a pen and or pencil and see how that works as that is what I do. And if I feel I want a cig. I have to go outside. Plus switch brands something nasty. That will and does help. I went from 1 1/2 packs to 2 packs a day down ot 1 pack every 3 days. getting there.