please help me!!!

@tosha86 (133)
United States
April 2, 2009 12:12am CST
I am pregnant and have the worst headache that I have had in my life! It started yesterday and is only getting worse! I have takin all the meds that im allowed but nothing is helping at all. I can't lay down or close my eyes anymore because I feel like someone is squeezing my brain and eyeballs when I do. When my heart beats I feel it in my head! I feel like my head is going to explode! Please tell me what I can do!!! God Bless!
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3 responses
@dfinster (3528)
• United States
2 Apr 09
Oh my goodness sweety, it sounds like you need to go to the emergency room if your headache is that bad. I'm not trying to scare you but if it's really the worst you have ever had in your life and with being pregnant it could be hormones, but it could also be soemthing more serious. I really think you should go in and be checked by a doctor immediately since it keeps getting worse. You don't want to take any chances and I'm sure they could do something to help you so you don't have to suffer so badly. Good luck and let us know how you are and if you get checked out.~D
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@onlydia (2808)
• United States
2 Apr 09
Call your Dr. and see if they need to see you. You can try a really cold wash cloth on your eyes and one on the back of your neck. And no light no sound. sit up on your bed if you can't lay down and just be still. I have them all the time. I hate them. three times a month or more if I have a lot of stress. Also you can try a bath. Let me know how it goes. As that is what I end up doing is the cold wash clothes. I end up getting sick as well. That is how bad they get. You feel like you could just hit your head against the wall and maybe it would feel better. But don't do that. I know you won't but some people have. But yes before you go running to the ER make sure to call Sr. office first and talk to nurse then Dr. make sure they send you as it will cost you less and maybe you can get in to clinic. Let us all know how it goes.
• United States
5 Apr 09
It sounds like you are starting to have migraines . I first started to get them when I was pregnant with my first child also. All you can really do is lay in a all dark room with no noise . Sometimes putting a cold pack behind your head so it puts a little pressure on the back on the head might help. Tell the doctor about the headaches , maybe he can help you .. Good luck to you. I know what you are feeling
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@tosha86 (133)
• United States
6 Apr 09
Though this isn't my first pregnancy this is the first time I have experienced some of the things I am now! :( I have always had fairly low blood pressure and no headaches or hardly any, anyway. Now I keep really bad headaches and my blood pressure seems to fluxuate (to me). At my last appointment my blood pressure was so low that my doctor told my husband to keep watch because though it was ok at the time, if it dropped 2 numbers, I could pass out and up until 2 weeks ago I had not had any headaches. For the past couple weeks I have kept headaches and feel at times that my b.p. is still low and at other times I feel like my b.p. is very high and I actually have to get away from everything and lay down just to get a grip. I didn't get to go to my appointment this past Thursday so now I have to rescedule.
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@besthope44 (12123)
• India
2 Jun 10
Friend is it because of smoking, if so please quit smoking and do take care, consult your doctor regularly.