Obama's microchipping people have you heard?
By kimandjoe
@kimandjoe (352)
United States
April 2, 2009 3:39pm CST
The verichip is upn us my friends... this tiny microchip is being implanted even today! Alot of people are willingly getting this thing implanted into them.
Why would you wanna be tracked?
They are also using this for money systems(banks)too, where you can just scan your hand and pay for something...hmmmmmmmmm sounds alot like the mark to me...
Have you heard of this??
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16 responses
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
2 Apr 09
That veri-chip has been around for some time now. It's highly used in Mexico right now, because it makes it easier to track somebody if they have been kidnapped. There are valid reasons for having one, even here in the US, if you have a lot of medical conditions and such.
However, I do see how this can be used against us eventually. It's like with the paper bills right now. For most companies, if you still want a paper bill you have to pay a fee. You are simply forced to use the electronic system or you are essentially 'fined'. That might as well come for the veri-chip once it catches on and has been implanted in the majority of people. Pushed into it or suffer the consequences in some way.
But it's not an Obama move. This is pre-Obama. Unless it's part of putting our health records into a central database and his administration would make a push for microchipping people. That part I have not heard of, ... yet...
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
3 Apr 09
I don't know. Lately our leadership just seems to be doing whatever they want to do never mind the growing protests across the country. I sure hope people will fight this. You just never know what people will accept for 'the greater good'. Seems like a lot of them have decided to just be sheep and follow the leader...
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@kimandjoe (352)
• United States
3 Apr 09
How right you are jonesy!!!!!
They chip us like a herd of cows and they go right along with it like there is no problem...i mean it would be suspicious if someone wanted to put a microchip in me...But i will fight this.. i wont have a chip in me no way hose'. Im not part of the "herd". LOL :D
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@kimandjoe (352)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Well you know spalladino, there are people that are protesting the chip? But alot of ppl want it! that's why i say if the majority of the country takes it willingly, then the gov. might try and force us "resistors".
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
3 Apr 09
There is enough histerics out there right now. Lets try to stick to the facts OK. Obama is doing a lot of underhanded things right now and so is the Congress, and we need to know when the truth is being told. So, whenever something is being printed, it is important to know that it is fact. This is not fact. Obama had nothing to do with this. It is voluntary, maybe a little misguided by some folks, but maybe necessary by others like those with alzhiemers.
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@kimandjoe (352)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Obama is one of the main supporters of this, and so is bush!
This is part of obamas one world order..that he;s goin for...so you be in his system, and if you have no chip in you , you cant buy or sell, or anything.
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@kimandjoe (352)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Yes it is...go research ive seen news videos of general public getting this....and it;s not just medical you can have one implanted in your infant if you want...and your dogsss, but lots of ppl are getting these...
The chips are in all new electronic passports, and ID's if you cross the border.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Well, I certainly haven't heard that Obama is microchipping people! I'm not in favor of being "tracked" by anyone and I've been there and know what it's like, more or less, when I worked for the USPS. I really don't think this is going to be required by our government anytime soon and I have no doubt if anyone gets the idea to try it the outcry will be like something we've never seen before.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
3 Apr 09
I agree, annie. I did some checking and chips with GPS tracking capabilities are not anywhere close to being developed. They would need a power source and we can't have folks plugging themselves in to the wall outlet every night when they go to bed. 

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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Ok, Kim, you and I aren't exactly on the same page here but we are in the same book. I've been disturbed by the verichip since it's inception but only because of the *potential* for abuse of privacy in the future. First it bacame acceptable to put a chip in your pet...now it's moved on to the elderly and perhaps one day...if we don't remain vigilant...this will be forced upon the general population. But, that day is not here and it's not close either. It would require legislation to be voted on before this could become law and we have the power to keep that from happening. But, we have to know when to sound the alarm. Now is not the time but you can rest assured that if such legislation was being considered, there are several posters on this board who will know about it and will share the information about the specific bill, whether House or Senate, with the rest of us. Until that happens this isn't something that you have to worry about. 

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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
3 Apr 09
I have no problem with the verichip in passports or paypass cards. I haven't heard about people...other than the elderly with the potential to wander off...having a chip implanted. Who, exactly, is getting this chip now?
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@kimandjoe (352)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Well go to yahoo or youtube, or whichever site,,and search RFID CHIP... on youtube there are actual videos(not fake)...of normal everyday people in america getting it...one guy had it implanted, and the next day it somehow fell out and he said he would not get it again...
But from what i have heard and seen...hospitals are accepting it for thier patients, and some businesses(i saw this on cnn) are making YES Making, thier employees get the chip...or you cant work there...and also night clubs are offering the chip ever since that kyle fleishman guy dissapeared.... and there are commercials for this chip that will be out soon...you can see those on youtube(commercials),and in general jsut everyday ppl have been going to get it.'
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@kimandjoe (352)
• United States
3 Apr 09
I know we sorta disagree but thats fine we have our opinions... but i do have to say that the day is close when we will be forced to take the chip, not here yet...but close...everyone is getting it willingly, and soon whe the government finds us that refuse to have it, well we wont be able to eat, or buy without it...in the end you;ll have to have it i think.
And there is a GREAT potential for the abuse of your privacy...they can see you wherever your at..whenever they want...i mean why would you willingly put that in yourself?
If you do then i guess tht's your desire..but im just sayin why would you want to be at the risk of being spyed on?
And it;s not jsut on the elderly...it's on diabetics....in electronic passports...in paypass cards... in new id cards...as i said it;s EVRYWHERE!!
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@angela_allen (406)
• United States
2 Apr 09
Yes I have heard of the Vericip, it was approved by the FDA in 2004(pre Obama). What the heck does it have to do with Obama????
If people want to implant their medical records, personal identification, or banking information, than that's their prerogative. It has its good and bad points. As long as no one is forcing anybody I don't see what the big deal is.

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@kimandjoe (352)
• United States
2 Apr 09
Welll in my opinion the big deal is that it's wrong to chip humans like they do the cows, and dogs...
Yes of course, they can do it if they wish, but what im saying is it';s just freaky to be tracked...they can watch your every move ... and if your doing something wrong or something they dont like, then they can find you no problem...
I mean why do you need a microchip in your body to hold all you info? Why not put in on a card? you know they have cards with verichips in them? you could just put it in the card, i know i wouldnt want it in my body
And also these verichips cause cancerous tumors when implanted.
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@PinzDaily (12)
• United States
3 Apr 09
I wouldn't do that to myself. But I guess there are people out there would want to do this to their family members who have short term memory or some kind of disabilities..
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@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
3 Apr 09
I have not heard of this but it doesnt sound like something I would volunteer for. Maybee they should implant them in child molesters since they cant keep them locked up forever. that is very interesting and youur right it does sound alot like the mark.
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@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
3 Apr 09
http://www.av1611.org/666/biochip.html I found this website regarding the chip and the mark of the beast.
@kimandjoe (352)
• United States
4 Apr 09
That's interesting...that guy is sorta an idiot...but at the end there he has a good point most ppl dont think that everyday ppl are getting these implanted but they are!
And i dont know if that;s the mark or not but it sure sounds like it!
He said you could get an identification mark tatooed on you hmmmm sounds like the mark.
@keelymcilwain (797)
• Canada
3 Apr 09
Well I have not heard about this recently, BUT my boyfriend and I were just talking about things like this. To shorten up my story we know this a walled soldier from Texas.... Everyone is telling us to turn him in.. But we just keep helping him out with where to look for under the table jobs, where he can live, and yada yada.
So the other night honestly 2 or 3 nights ago we started talking about if its so hard to keep track of people, if the crime stays so high, people are being a being killed and abducted. So those were my questions to him. We think that maybe now is a good time to start something like this, my dog has a microchip so if she goes missing I would get her back... So why can't I get one, for if I get kidnapped or killed.
It would clearly prove innocent people are truly innocent, it would make court cases go a lot quicker we would know who was there and when. We could get a lot more of the criminals put away. I don't care what anyone says about taxes going up to pay for these inmates. I figure its my way of paying a insurance that will keep these bad people off the streets and out of my house when I'm home alone.
But then again we talked about well then they could know everything about you. When you miss school and where you were, when kids go somewhere there not supposed . So if its about the privacy I can see why we don't do this.
So I guess you could say I have mixed feelings about this.
When it comes to a scan for banks, or say prescriptions, or something along those lines I would agree if it was a safe injection and they could prove and release it then I would vote to have this in place. :) How many times have you had your wallet stolen? Mine about 3 times in my life. That means replacing all your cards, money, and pictures from the purse. Now the thief knows your address maybe even has keys to your house and car? So if we had a chip that needed to be scanned to use banks and things I think It would help with crime and organization of this world.
@kimandjoe (352)
• United States
4 Apr 09
You do have a point but consider this:
Yes if you go missing they can find you, and it may help with not having to carry all kinds of ID's and cardss...BUT you say it would help with the organization of the world and your right IT WOULD BE HELPING TO ORGANIZE YOU AND WHERE YOUR AT AT ALL TIMES...IT TAKES AWAY YOUR PRIVACY...
If you ask me i would rather carry around my money and get it stolen 20 times, rather than have someone watching me all the time...think about it these things will have us monitored, and if they are curious about where were at they'll watch us...and say the martial law plays out ...those of us that wont take the chip..they will try and force us....And those like YOU that would have the chip if they want to find you all they have to do is go look on the monitor, And of course they could track you through your dog too, your dog is living with you right??? Theyll look where the dogs at too
@blackcatbetty (555)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Well you do know about the big super computer that they created , thus far said only to be used for the the big machine in sweden. This computer can track millions of people at one time. The chip to me is the mark. There is already takes that you will not be able to access your bank accounts , pay bills or buy groceries unless you are chipped.
As soon as I see a major figure head starts screaming world peace , but only causes more blood shed , we know.
Times maybe upon us , and the good book may be bitter for many to swallow.
@kimandjoe (352)
• United States
4 Apr 09
I have also heard that you wont be able to buy or sell without the chip evetually...The chip is the worst thing ever invented! It is too controversial, and we dont need to be tracked! WEre doing fine with money!!
@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
3 Apr 09
This is sounding more and more like the book Jennifer Government every day. Humans are given bar codes after their birth and when they get that bar code scanned, all their personal information is available to whomever wants it.
I couldn't imagine having a microchip implanted in my body that told someone where I am at every moment of the day. I knew we were in for trouble when 0bama was elected by the college back in November. The socialistic communist conspiracy has just began with the news of this.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
3 Apr 09
They can't implant GPS tracking systems into human bodies until they work out the problem of the power supply. The chips in animals contain identifying information, nothing more. A tracking system would need the ability to send and receive data via satellite so it would need a power source stronger than those used in pace makers.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Kim, the chips in dogs are for identification, not for tracking them. Our little dog showed up at our door a couple of years ago, obviously homeless, and when I took her to the vet for the first time, they scanned her with a reader to see if she had a chip. It would have identified her owner and showed the contact information. When my step-daughter's Rotty went missing the chip she has was of no help in locating her. Onstar can send and receive signals so your vehicle can be located if it's stolen but it gets it's power from the car's battery. If the battery is removed, Onstar can't work. There is no solution for the power supply problem when it comes to people. Look at how often you have to recharge your cell phone because it's constantly sending and receiving when you're using it. Look at the size of the battery. There's no way a battery that needs to be recharged regularly can be implanted into a human body.
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@kimandjoe (352)
• United States
4 Apr 09
They CAN track you with the chip!!!! I promise you they can! Think about the CIA for a second , DO you know how much they know???? Im sure they have solved that power supply problem...the chip has been around alot longer that a few years this thing was probably invented 10 years ago, they're just now releasing the info to us...
And they pput chips in dogs to track them if they get lost, so of course they can track you with one

@animestan (321)
• Canada
3 Apr 09
No why would you wanna be tracked? But no i have no heard of this maybe cause i live in Canada. There are lots of stories about politics, whether they are stories like this or to stories like " All large politicans are actaully lizards or aliens waiting for their chance to take over" or something thike that.
@kimandjoe (352)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Exactly people take this chip willingly...but in the end those of us that wont take it wont be able to live without it...that;s what so bad about it....
Just my opinion
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@kang_artha (88)
• Indonesia
3 Apr 09
i never heard this before, but if obama wants to do this maybe he has a good reason. Maybe microchiping people used for identifiying, so we dont need pasport, id card, and etc.
@kimandjoe (352)
• United States
4 Apr 09
But think about it why in the world does the gov. need to watch everybody? That's an invasion of privacy and very suspicious....it may be convienient as to the id's and stuff but it';s also convienient if the gov can watch us all...
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Kim, I have no idea what you are talking about, but I have heard this story before. I hate to tell you this, but if you are talking on a cell phone you can be traced for as little as $200.00. If you cell phone is on right now I can tell where you are in your house. It is not hard at all to trace someone's movements, especailly when everyone have a cell phone. Also, with the patroit act, your phone calls can be recorded, and listened to by government agents. This is all stuff that can be done today (and might be going on as we speak to you), so this microchipping doesn't even need to be implanted in you, you probably have one attached to your hip right now!!