0bama islamofascist
0bama the dhimmi
americans do not bow
undermine communism
undermine islamofascism
undermine jihad
The Media Blackout & the Dhimmi POTUS
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
United States
April 3, 2009 8:34am CST
0bama commits his worse gaffe yet, and the silence fomr the moron stream media koolaid swilling shills is deafening.
Americans do not bow to monarchs, becasue it signifies subservience to the the monarch. Americans fought a bloody war over two hundred years ago to declare that we do not bow to monarchs - EVER.
Miss Manners, the foremost authority on etiquette backs this up, that Americans DO NOT BOW to foreign monarchs:
American Presidents, especially should not bow to a foreign king, EVER.
Yesterday 0bama BOWED to the Saudi King, signifying that he is a subordinate of the King of an islamic nation which has a horrible human rights record and brutally oppresses women.
THIS IS A BIG DEAL! Although all mainstream media is ignoring it, Fox News won't even cover it, it is important. The person holding the United States of America's highest office has by his actions, declared that the King of Saudi Arabia is his superior and that 0bama is his subject. 0bama has declared that he is subservient to the king of Saudi Arabia and nobody in the media thinks you should know about it.
I think you should know about it, and if you care about America remaining a sovereign nation, you should be as pissed off about this as I am.
So I have some links for you, and you can see pictures and video to see for yourself. Keep in mind that 0bama was the ONLY leader to bow, practically genuflect, upon meeting the king of the Saudis, NOBODY ELSE did this!
I have long suspected that 0bama was a sleeper agent for islamification of the west, but now I see he is now an outward advocate for the United States to become subservient to islam and islamic leaders. Apparently, 0bama thinks separation of church and state does not include separation of mosque and state.
Is anyone else outraged by this? This is a huge embarrassment for Americans with grave implications. What is it going to take for some of you to wake the hell up?
Do you think Americans, even American Presidents should bow to foreign authority. DO you think Americans should be subservient to Saudi Arabia, a nation which flogs rape victims?
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8 responses
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
3 Apr 09
I am outraged by this, but I am not surprised by it. So far, everything that this ineligible usurper has done has been to diminish the power, influence, and standing of the
US in relationships with other countries.
This is just one more thing to add to an already large list.
This is just one more thing that shows why you do not elect ineligible, unqualified, and naive community organizers to be president.
This idiot has no clue to the power and responsibility of the office. Everything that he does is to the detriment of Americans in favor of other countries.
His goal is to have us paying taxes to the UN to be distributed to the rest of the world simply because America is too rich and fairness dictates that we are responsible to help less fortunate countries, even if it causes us to all go broke while he loots the treasury on the world's behalf.
The worst of it is, that he is doing it with borrowed money, money that we do not have. That is what deficit spending is all about... spending more than you take in.
But I digress.
No American should ever bow to any foreign leader, or any leader at any time, ever.
The president, who is the leader of the only remaining superpower, should never have bowed, or shown any other sign of obeisance to any leader. He should have stood tall, looked him in the eye and simply shook his hand as an equal.
Instead, he indicated that he was lesser than the king.
He just showed the Muslims how weak he really is.
Considering that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi Arabians, the 0bamunist compounded his error by bowing to this particular king.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
3 Apr 09
In the first place, this is NOT a democracy... it is a Representative Republic.
That's your first mistake... and a very important one, because it shows that you don't even have the basic understanding of our form of government.
Your second mistake is thinking that the majority of Americans voted for the 0bamunist... they did not.
40% of Americans did not even vote, for one reason or another. That means that only 60% of Americans voted, and of that 60%, only 52% thought this clown was worth electing, which means that close to 88% of Americans did not.... 40% not voting plus 48% voting for McCain, leaves 88% that did not vote for the 0bamunist.
So just exactly what majority are you talking about... hmmm?
There is also the issue of this idiot's eligibility to even hold the office, which he himself is compounding by refusing to release any documentation that shows him to be eligible. Until such a time as he does prove his eligibility beyond all doubt... which in my mind is impossible at this juncture, given his penchant for lying and chicanery that he has already demonstrated, I hold him to be an usurper who is illegally holding an office to which he is not entitled to under our Constitution.
Your third mistake is by not reading what I said. Please be so kind as to point out where I said that American's were superior to the rest of humankind.
You cannot for I did not say that anywhere in my post. I said that he should have greeted that king as an equal.
I suggest that you read before you jump.
Now for your final mistake.... I make it a point to check profiles of people who I don't know before responding to them. That's helps me to determine where they are coming from and how to respond.
Your profile shows that you are from Ireland... yet you presume to lecture me... a lifelong citizen and former military as to how I should regard the president of my country? ... Are you INSANE or just a bit groggy from too much time in the local pub?
You sit way over there, trying to tell native Americans how they should act, or think, or say in regards to the actions of their government and leaders, and yet you haven't a clue as to what you are talking about.
That smacks of presumption of the highest order, and makes me think that you would be well advised to tend to your own knitting. To me, you are just another foreigner with unwitting and worthless commentary about things you no nothing of.
Before you get all defensive... you should remember one thing... you are the one who challenged my response, and now you have seen the results of your mistakes.
Now you may crawl back under whatever rock you crawled out of...
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
3 Apr 09
I show just the amount of respect that people deserve, no more and no less.
You are lucky that I was feeling charitable in my response to you ill advised comments.
Three visits to the US hmm?
I can see where you might think that makes you some kind of an expert on US customs, beliefs, lifestyles, and political protocols.
The reality off it is that those trips only make you a repeat tourist... nothing more.
Since you say you don't drink, then I must conclude you to be insane.. which was the only other causative alternative that I saw for your unwarranted rant.
You say people don't like Americans, yet they seem to like us well enough when they have their hand out wanting our aid.
My military service never means nothing, ask any veteran and they will tell you the same thing.
As to your 52%... when that amount only reflects 22% of Americans, any majority derived from such a number is necessarily fictitious and non-representative of the population... which coincidentally is the very reason those numbers are so low. Neither candidate was representative of the wishes of the population, therefore nealry half did not vote for people they did not like.
Meanwhile, you have ran off on a tangent which has nothing to do with my post in the first place... specifically that the 0bamunist was wrong in bowing to that king.
Is this normal for the Irish that you have so much trouble staying on subject, or is this a failing of you personally?
Or did you get a wee too close to the ole blarney stone?
Inquiring minds want to know...
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Thank you for your excellent response and clear explanation of why 0bama's actions are such a problem.
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@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
3 Apr 09
What I want to know is, how come Obama hasn't gone to church since being in office? Even Clinton was seen going to church every once in a while. I remember reading something odd, too, about the daughters-someone asked them what they were going to do for christmas, and they said they weren't allowed to celebrate christmas. Somebody please tell me this isn't true! I know the Obamas attended church while they were in Chicago, but why don't they go now? When I saw him bow to the Saudi King, my jaw dropped. I hope he isn't a closet muslim.
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@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Oops, didn't mean to drag kids into discussion, just pointing something out, thank you.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Sorry, didn't mean to sound like a jerk. Hubby is Christian (different from me, I'm Catholic) and his family never celebrated Christmas. I don't think he's a closet muslim, I think his every action in public takes him a few steps further OUT of the closet.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
3 Apr 09
I'm sure Al Queda and the Taliban have taken note of this, while our own "news" agencies blatantly ignore it.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
5 Apr 09
Sure, our enemies are making note of this and making plans. Our enemies probably think it is again safe to launch another terrorist attack.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Hello Kitty,
I did see coverage of this faux pas on FoxNews.
Perhaps I am being generous in calling it a faux pas. Though, I am perfectly confident that everyone reading this discussion has a wide choice of adjectives floating around in their minds, to more suitably describe this incident. Many, I'm sure, are much more colorful than my choice.
I will no longer make excuses or apologies for anything having to do with this administration. This neophyte is digging his own hole. And, there is no question that the masses are beginning to shake off the Koolaid hangover. The polls have been terribly unforgiving to this new adminstration -- it's conduct and policies. And, at a surprisingly swift rate I'll add. When the momentum takes hold, it's best to get out of the way!
Am I outraged or surprised? Nope! Based on Obama's short-lived tenure, and his own prior actions, I expected no better. The pieces of the broader puzzle are being revealed, and it won't be long before we're all wide-eyed about what's going on around us.
What I do find somewhat intriguing is that it was quite a while before people resigned themselves to expect faux pas from GW Bush. And when they did, it tended to focus mostly in the arena of his less than stellar oratory skills. Obama's only into day 73.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
3 Apr 09
There is no question that you're absolutely right about all eyes in the Middle East viewing this with heightened interest, Kitty! Yes, even as our own media pays it no 'nevermind'.
Of course, so is Russia. Just yesterday, Russia flouted it's penchant for renewed Gulag styled Human Rights violations relating to the current mock trial of Khodorkovsky. While Medvedev was seemingly schoozing with Obama (since Obama's overture to take Missile Defense off the table), Putin was flicking his teeth in mockery at him! The tv news coverage even specifically mentioned that Russia has no fears that the USA will do anything to interfere with Russia's actions. Talk about flaunting arrogance!
Trust me, my eyes are wide-open. I have no delusions about just how ugly this can all become.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
3 Apr 09
This is perhaps the most dangerous time in our history to have President who appears to be weak in the eyes of our adversaries. I have this nauseous feeling that we are all just soooooo screwed.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
3 Apr 09
I'm sure the islamofacsists around the world who want to kill us are paying close attention to the behavior of our cowardly subservient appeaser in chief.
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
4 Apr 09
He didn't bow to the queen and when he shook her hand he used two hands, even though he took lol, etiquette classes.
I can't help but giggle thinking about him walking around with a book on his head and sipping tea with his little finger sticking out. I also find it hilarious that he had to take etiquette classes in the first place.
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
4 Apr 09
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
4 Apr 09
He must have been high all through those classes, since they obviously had no effect on him.
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@Ima_C_Suvaya (431)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Since this is a Representative Republic, I like to think that all the people that voted for 0bama were bowing to the Soddy King too. On a little different note, I was watching 0bama's NATO press conference and noted a sly defensive tactic of his. When he opens the floor to the press and answers their questions, he never answers their questions. He'll just talk and talk and talk, with a lot of "ahs" and "errs" and pauses. It makes it absolutely impossible to get any soundbites out of the whole Q&A session. The whole teleprompter thing has been well noted, but I'm starting to think his inability to talk well is actually some kind of passive aggressive/defensive posture.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
4 Apr 09
You may be onto something...
Just keep making noise until folks forget what they hell they even asked and you never have to answer the question!
IN the words of Homer Simpson, "Yeah, I'm stupid, stupid like a fox!"
@vpofdbc (8)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Uh Oh..another Fox news Kool-aid drinker..So what if he bowed to the King..You probably bow to the pope. Dont get me wrong i bow to no man...But there are those of you that criticize Obama for bowing to the kking of Saudi Arabia but will bow to the pope and kiss his ring...hypocrites....
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
3 Apr 09
First of all, Fox News is ignoring this story too. Secondly, you do not seem to understand that AMERICANS DO NOT BOW TO FOREIGN MONARCHS! If you think it's OK that the "leader" of the United States of America just declared by his actions that he is subordinate to the leader of one of the most oppressive islamic nations on the earth, then perhaps you'd be happy living under an islamic regime.
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@vpofdbc (8)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Well i am a so-called American and if i went over seas i would not let bloggers determine how i respond to foreign leaders. Secondly why do so-called americans want to say what other so-called americans can and should do. I am a human being first..being a so-called american is so far down on the totem pole for me..I could care less what any so-called american do ..just dont mess with me