The After American Idol Show

@tea512 (687)
United States
April 3, 2009 9:30am CST
There is a show on the Fox reality channel called American Idol Extra, it has been on for three years. The basically pick up right where the show ends. I was wondering if I a the only person watching. They interview booted contestant, old idols return for a where are they now, they talk to Ricky minor. last night Jason Castro sang and the interviewed David Cook. Has anyone ever seen it, if so what do you think?
3 responses
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
3 Apr 09
I have only seen it once. It is kind of interesting to watch if there is nothing better on. It isn't even close to the original idol shows though. It is fun to see what has happened to some of these contestants.
• United States
3 Apr 09
I have seen some of those shows, but i haven't watched them lately as i haven't seen them on. I think they are great to watch if you are a big American Idol fan like myself. I always wonder what they have done after the show and what the might have changed in there life and what they have done since being off the show. I think the show always gives people great chances to go on with there career and live there life. Some people have gone in the wrong direction and some have done some great things with there life.
• United States
3 Apr 09
i watch it every now and then, usually when i can't find something else on. it's a cool show, but it's not really my favorite and one i "can't miss", or anything like that. watching interviews, which they do a lot, isn't really for me.