Do older drivers make you crazy?
By dragon54u
@dragon54u (31634)
United States
April 3, 2009 10:33am CST
I'm not as impatient now in my 50's as I was in my 20's and 30's. But they still drive me nuts, putting along straining to see over the wheel, taking ages to make a right turn and practically stopping before turning the corner while swinging the front end way to the left! My mom says that's a leftover from the huge cars of the 40's and 50's when they had to do that to clear the curb. An old lady nearly hit me the other day making a left turn while talking on her cell phone, she veered at the last minute but never moved that phone from her ear and she was 90 if she was a day!
Anyway, I just heard the funniest thing...offer people over 80 the freedom to indulge in any substnace they want, legal or not. The catch is, they have to surrender their driver's licenses! That'll get 'em off the road!!
It was said in jest, of course, but it struck my funny bone, thinking of groups of oldsters gathered around a hookah having a "Mr. Green" party and sharing spiked brownies. It certainly would get a lot of people off the road that don't realize how dangerous they are and keep them happy.
All in jest, of course. Do you have a story about an older driver that drove you nuts or who scared the crap out of you?

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15 responses
@benny128 (3615)
3 Apr 09
yeah older slow drivers drive me crazy,
we have a long straight road to our house its prob 3 miles with no corners and perfect visability, and we get drivers doing 40mph when its a 60 limit.
Really drives us nuts, and to be honets prob causes more accidents going at ridiclous low speeds than going at the speed limit.
As you see everyone even buses trying to overtake them lol,
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
3 Apr 09
I know that as I get older I get more cautious and speed sometimes scares me. I tend to stick to roads with lower speed limits and I keep up with traffic. I'm not dangerous like that yet but I hope I know when it's time to stop driving.
Slow drivers like that are probably responsible for a lot of the head on collisions and near misses that we see. I've had several near misses with people passing slow driver and once had to leave the road so that the other car wouldn't hit me!
In some places here you can get a ticket for going too slow.
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@benny128 (3615)
3 Apr 09
I dont mind people doing the speed limit but too far under it just gets everyone frustrated.
Especially when you see the older drivers in high powered cars going extremely slow
once had an aston martin db7 driven by somebody who looked like he was 80+ doing 40 mph on a 70 mph road.
Come on god gave you an accelerator foot aswell he he he
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@gicolet (1702)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Just this morning I was behind this old lady driving with a hat at the RIGHT lane who drives faster everytime she hits a yellow light so she could pass through it before they turn red and then slows down after that. Why don't they just drive at the left lane if they will drive slow???? I don't get it! If i was old I would drive at the left lane of the road so I wouldn't piss anyone who's behind me who so want to honk the horn but couldn't. oh grandma! grrr!!!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
3 Apr 09
I've seen that and I've also seen them speed up to make a yellow light then slam on the brakes when they think they can't make it, leaving them halfway out in the intersection blocking traffic!
I know that as I get older my distance perception gets worse so I have to compensate for that. I'm a good driver, haven't had an accident that was my fault for 36 years, but I know I'm not the driver I once was. I hope I know when it's time to get off the roads!
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
4 Apr 09
way too many stories to write here. I do think they ought to test them more frequently once they reach a certain age. My mom thankfully gave up her licence at about 63. Now I know many in that age group that are fine but my mom was horrible. She got pulled over for driving to slow. She would go thru red lights and then be paranoid of every cop she saw for the next 25 miles. Once we were driving to my cousins for the holiday. We came to a fork in the road and she couldn't remember whether to bear left or right. So what does she do? She went right down the middle and got us stuck in a snow bank!! The roads were a small fraction safer when she chose to stop driving. 

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Your mom was wise and I'm glad she's not in danger anymore, nor endangering others. I've had those moments of indecision but I keep moving, that's the key to safety in those instances. I will probably quit driving around 70, I can feel myself slipping a little.
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
4 Apr 09
ROTFL!!! HI Dragon54u; I feel the same way, and one of the people I'd like to get off of the road is my Father his driving anymore is S C A R Y !!!!!![i][/i][u][/u]
for one thing he drives super dooper SLOW, and down the line in the road or off the shoulder or even worse falls asleep; AACCCKKK!!!!!
he turns 82 next month and It just scares the crap outta me when I have to ride with him even a short distance in town, he always INSISTS upon driving like I'm some child still...HELLO DAD...I'M 48 I THINK I CAN DRIVE YOU THERE ....YIKES!!
the people that scare me even more are the ones you meet coming at you and all you see are knuckles on the steering wheel I'm like OH MY GOD!!!
no wonder I take nerve pills huh?? LOL!!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Apr 09
You know, this is something that all of us have to go through with our parents--well, most of us. We have to take the keys away when they become a danger to themselves and others. Do you think your dad would be responsive to that? I wish they would give driver tests every year to anyone over 70, that would take the burden off the children because the state could deny the license. Good luck with your dad and I hope you all stay safe and healthy!
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@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
3 Apr 09
No, not really...I always try to think that that might be me some
I know they have to get around too like everyone else and I always drive with caution anyways because you never know what someone might do.
However, I have always thought that maybe after a certain age, it should be mandatory to have a retest. Things do happen to many as we age.
Some of the old turtles...
...oops, I meant slower drivers, could cause an accident by being too slow and stopping mid turn, which I have seen. I do have patience with them though, most of the time, unless Im on a long trip with a no passing zone and I have one going way under the limit...In that case, I wont tell you what I say!!

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Now, I take that attitude that it'll be me someday and I should give them a break. In my youth I'd cuss under my breath at them and yell (they couldn't hear me!) "If you're afraid, stay home!".
I agree there should be retesting. I think it should start at 70 and be every two years at the maximum.
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@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
3 Apr 09
70 is a great idea! That gives me another 20 years to speed up and slow down and drive as I please and nobody will know if Im too young or too old to be driving..

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@kimutaku (145)
• China
4 Apr 09
sorry to say that
But both female and older drivers make me crazy when I'm in a hurry.
They are so careful that they always stopped on my way,at that time,I would become very very impatient and just wanted to shout out....just "wanted"
I know it's impolite, and maybe their behaviors helped me(drive too fast is not safety) anyway ,soometimes can't control myself well
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Speaking of females (and I'm one of them) they drive me NUTS!!! Fooling around with their hair, a cell phone glued to their ear morning till night, weaving all over the road because they can't tune the radio and drive at the same time. Women drivers drive me nuts!! I know this sounds sexist but I was very flattered when my ex-husband would brag that I drive like a man.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
3 Apr 09
It is not in the city, it is what used to be when we used to live in British Columbia and the older drivers drove those recreational vehicles and hogged the road so no one could pass. Now that we are of the age to do that, because of my husband's stroke and my desire not to travel in a trailer, and particularly because of the economy, we cannot do that.
But I hate the most is when they drive slow in the fast lane. I have seen so many older drivers go to the fast lane and there is a whole lot of cars behind them as well as in the slow lane where you expect them to be. Anyway I was not allowed to get a driver's license (not enough money) when I was younger, so if I did get one now, I would probably not want to surrender it. But then again I am sort of a Speedy Gonzales. 

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
3 Apr 09
It used to be a joke when I lived in Arizona that if you saw a car with the turn signal on going down the freeway they must be a "snowbird" or retired person. But those weren't the only bad drivers--we got them from California and New York, especially. They would miss their exit, stop and back up!
I can see you as a Speedy Gonzales! 

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@kevsgirlalways (5883)
• Malaysia
4 Apr 09
older drivers drive me crazy when they drive suuuuuper slow and hog the line. it annoys me even more if they want to change lanes and just cannot wait but have to cut in front of me and then drive super slow! like why cant they let me go first and go behind me when they clearly know they'll drive slow? argh! haha! 

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Old people aren't the only ones that do this--every time I take my car out at least one person will turn in front of me when the area behind me was clear. They just can't wait five seconds!! Then they poke along.
I think that old people do that because their depth perception isn't as good as it used to be. I know I'm very cautious now because, at 54, sometimes things are farther away than I think they are so I compensate for it by being super cautious!
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@Amberina (1541)
• United States
4 Apr 09
One time I was sitting in a parking lot waiting for my aunt to get off work and it was almost dark outside about dusk time and this old man with a HUGE truck pulls into a slot in front of me and he went in the store did his thing and as he was backing out I was watching him and he kept coming at me closer and closer and closer. I was at the point of jumping out of my car an screaming at him to stop while honking my horn when he finally stopped and put it in drive....
I about had a heart attack, now mind you my car is a tiny little Honda Accord and if he had kept backing up I would have been under his truck and that's not where I wanted to be lol.

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Those big trucks are scary! I have a Toyota Corolla and those big SUVs could crush me, not to mention the 18 wheelers all over the place. I'm VERY cautious! But I try not to hold others up in their journey.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
3 Apr 09
I shouldn't admit this - but they drive me mad! I live in a city that has a lot of retired people in it. In the main they are fine on the roads, but every now and again a real horror creeps out. They get in the wrong land and then swerve across in front of you as they realise their mistake. They go on red and stop on green. They don't indicate and they regard 30 mph as a wild heady speed and try hard not to reach it, even on the freeway! They also have an interesting "uniform" The men especially. They wear cheesecutter caps, driving gloves and what we call anoraks - wind cheaters I think you call them. They drive with a fixed look on their face and a "we fought the war for you so we can drive how we like" attitude. So there's no story, just my prejudice. Got to go now - where's my cap, gloves and anorak?
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Our sunny, temperate areas like Florida and California and the Southwest are full of seniors that have moved there to escape the four seasons and it always made me crazy, especially around the retirement communities!
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@ILANEDRI19 (278)
• Israel
4 Apr 09
I don't drive a lot because I don't have so much time for that. But when I do drive, and in the car infront me drives an old person I can sometime get very pissed off, and mad. I don't have so much patient on the roads, so I try to pass that driver as fast as possible.

@ILANEDRI19 (278)
• Israel
4 Apr 09
Believe me that I don't take any risks, and put my life on the line. I think before I pass a car, and do it on the good side.
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@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
4 Apr 09
i can remember an old cabbie driver before that took us home from a night out. he was so old -- say 60-70 years old. we didnt notice his look until i felt we are like zigzagging the road. i tried to identify if he's drunk like us but he's not, he's trying to focus in driving because we're guessing he has a bad sight. worse is, he was not slowing down. good thing we reach home safely but i felt like it was going to be my last night out.
we actually told him to go home and rest -- maybe because he's just too sleepy to drive but has to make money..
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Apr 09
That's so sad, someone that old should be able to stay at home and enjoy their old age. I hope he is alright and didn't have an accident. He should be enjoying his life, his grandchildren, not working at a dangerous job like that.
I'm glad you got home safely!

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@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
7 Apr 09
I don't drive myself and never have, but, I do find it irksome when there is an elderly driver in front of us. It's not only trying on a person's patients, but, many times driving so slowly and cautiously can be just as dangerous as driving too fast.
Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
7 Apr 09
I can't imagine not driving! But it is stressful and the older I get the more stressful it is. I think that when I get old enough I'll quit driving, I don't want to endanger others and I hope I know when it is time. The problem is that we have no taxis in this town. Maybe by then public transportation will have improved.
@coffeegurl (1467)
• United States
6 Apr 09
My car was sold for scrap-$125 back in '07. I borrow my bf's. But some lady with a Jesus fish backed into his car while we were stopped at a lite and she had no insurance and even admitted to backing up, but was trying to say it was "both our faults." wtf. Stay away from people with the Jesus fish or "God is my co-pilot" bumper stickers. With g-d on their side they can do no wrong.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
6 Apr 09
I thought it was illegal to drive without insurance! I would go after her in court, there's no excuse for her actions or her behavior.
@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
4 Apr 09
Yeah they do but then I think back to my father-in-law and how devastated he was to have to hand his license over. I know I am going to be there one day so I try to be as patient as I can but I have to admit some days I lose my cool. Depends where I am and if I am in a rush.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Apr 09
I know it must be awful to have to turn in a license and quit driving. It's like giving up your independence and worse, it's admitting that you are losing your abilities. I try to be patient with the old ones but geez, they drive me nuts sometimes--and it's a short drive!