Some People Are So Childish....
By singlemommy
@singlemommy (2955)
United States
April 3, 2009 4:48pm CST
I have posted about my "friend" who told me last week that I "had a few screws loose" because I wanted to give some co-workers a rose. Since this happened she told another co-worker of mine that she didn't "remember" saying it to me and if she did say it then it was on me if I wanted to "trip over it".
Now, I have nothing to talk about with this woman. I just feel like she wasn't a true friend, but I'm not mad and I'm not making a big deal about it all, I just don't want to talk.
Now, today I had to work with her. She went over to a co-worker and made a comment where I could hear her about how "she comes to work for her paycheck, not to make friends" and she said, "just take for example Terri, I'm not here to be her friend". Now, I knew when she said it that she wanted me to hear it and say something, but I didn't, I just ignored her and acted as if I didn't hear anything. Then later on, I was working and I was sitting in a spot doing my work, she was a few feet from me and she emptied out a box and then threw it in my direction. She came close to hitting me. Now, there was no reason for her to even throw this box in my direction at all. I just let it go, I didn't say a word.
I just feel that she is acting childish. She is wanting to pick a fight. I myself haven't said anything to anyone about what happened. She is the one telling everyone and saying that "she did nothing wrong". I wish she would just drop it and let it go. Yes, I do not want to talk or be her friend, but we can atleast act civilized.
What do you think? Am I over-reacting or do you think she is trying to pick a fight with me?
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35 responses
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Hey singlemommy! I give you alot of credit! I would have thrown
the box right back at her! She is acting like a child and a
complete azzhole and needs to be taught a lesson bigtime! I
wouldn't put up with the crap she is handing you for a minute!
You are proving that you are a classier woman for sure! I
would try to talk to her or I would not be able to deal with
her much longer if it was me! Like I said I give you alot of
credit for not losing it with her because she knows she was
wrong saying what she said! She should be glad it isn't me
because I would have knocked her out by now!
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@singlemommy (2955)
• United States
4 Apr 09

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
3 Apr 09
It sounds to me like she's the one "tripping over it".
She's probably upset because you are acting much more maturely than she is. I have a very distinct feeling (from what you've said) that she is a spoiled brat who is used to getting her way and likes bossing people around. You're acting much more mature than she and it's eating at her.
You're not giving her the sense of satisfaction or justification that she wants by acting childish and she can't stand it. I've come across people like her before. There's only one way to handle them and you're already doing it so, bravo!
The best thing to do with people such as this is to avoid them, ignore them, and just do our best around them. Interact with them strictly on a professional basis only.
You know what I honestly think? I think shes jealous of your gesture with the roses. You got the attention she would like to be getting and now, if she does something similar, it will look like she's copying you and she can't stand that thought.
You've not only done something that everyone has recognized as being very nice but you've also inadvertently (and unintentionally) made her look like the "bad guy" because of her attitude about it. There are some people who want to blame others for anything that goes wrong, including their own attitude when they make themselves look like the 'bad guy', which she is doing.
She's obviously a very jealous, selfish and sarcastic individual. I think you are perfectly justified in the way you are handling it. I would suggest, if she doesn't stop doing these childish things like throwing a box in your direction, that you come right out and tell her that you want to have nothing to do with her and would appreciate it if she could at least act civil and professional as long as you have to work together. If she can't do that, you should speak to your supervisor about the situation before she has a chance to blow it too far out of proportion.
I had a similar situation arise right here in myLot with a former member. For some unknown reason, she turned on me like a vicious animal. I told her that it would be best if we simply stopped communicating. I would avoid her and appreciated it if she would do the same.
She tried hard to get me angry by adding nasty little comments under discussions I started or responses I made in other discussions. I simply ignored her. This enraged her! I couldn't believe it! Luckily, she had told me earlier that she had gotten another member banned awhile ago, so I wrote to myLot, telling them the entire story and that I was worried that she might try to get me banned by spreading lies. MyLot answered me back and said they would be keeping an eye on the situation and would take appropriate action. It turned out that she did, indeed, try to get me banned and ended up getting herself banned instead.
I kept my head and just ignored her. Since she would not ignore me, she got herself permanently kicked out of myLot. Your co-worker may end up getting herself fired over this situation if she doesn't stop "tripping over it", but only if you inform your superiors of her attitude and what started it. Let them know that you simply want to do the best job you can but she's making it very hard by her actions and comments.
But, let the weekend pass. Maybe she'll calm down or come to her senses after some time away from the office. I hope so, for your sake!
One last thing... I don't see where you've done anything wrong or acted childish in any way. If this gal is only working there for a paycheck and not to make friends, then she should stop talking about personal things to other co-workers! SHE'S the one with the screw loose!
@singlemommy (2955)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Wow! I think you totally got this lady figured out. Everything you said sounds just like her!
@celticeagle (173072)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Apr 09
So, who do you think the better person is here? Someone who can't even be a true friend? Or a young gal with scruples? i am in the scruples corner myself. She is not trustworthy and is just there for a paycheck. She even sounds abit out there. I would be very careful of what you say around her and how much you trust her. I wouldn't trust her at all. She doesn't sound like a very good person.
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@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
4 Apr 09
she sound like a jerk.. yeah i wouldnt like worry about her too much. but when i work i am the same way i go to work to work. but i try to get along with people at work.
but i think if she would told me i had a few screws loose i would have been like only 5 really. but i wouldnt worry about it. if you still have problmes with her i would talk to someone to see about not working with her again
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@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
4 Apr 09
I don't think you are over-reacting. I think she's trying to provoke you into exchanging words with her infront of a witness. You'll notice when these things are being said she is trying to goat you into speaking up infront of that other person. Right now she is the one running her mouth and you aren't. Honestly, if people have to prance around the explain it so people understand it from "their point of view", then she'll loose her creditbility because it's one sided. Right now, the way she talks and the box being thrown, from a person standing on the outside of it (no knowing what went on), it just makes her look like a biiitch.
Gossip hounds don't hold much credit in the work place. They alienate themselves because you can't believe if what they say is true or know. Thie "friend" is painting a pretty good picture of herself to your other co-workers Mommy, so I agree and admire your strength in sitting back and keeping silent. Sit back with the satisfaction here that she is digging her own hole.
If she continues to throw things at you though, you should not take that. I would suggest you ask her to watch where she throws stuff because it almost hit you or ask her if you two need to discuss this with your supervisor.
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@froggieslover (3069)
• United States
4 Apr 09
It sure sounds like she is wanting to start an argument with you but I think you are smart for not giving into her and are being the bigger person. You don't want to start even a little something in the workplace because you don't want to jeopardize your job. And it always seems the be the one who was on the defense that gets caught and in trouble. I say the best thing to do is to just keep ignoring her. I think it is bothering her more that you are doing this then stooping to her level and arguing or fighting back. My mom has always told me and I will always tell me kids the same~ "Kill them with kindness". It will annoy them more if you act sweet to them when they are trying to fight with you then sitting there and arguing over it.
And being that you are ignoring her and not giving in maybe other employees will see this and if it ever gets to a point where she throws a box or anything else at you then you can have them to lean back on hopefully and say that this has been going on for awhile and that you have tried to ignore her and she just won't leave you be and then something worse happened. It will save you in the end. And like you said if she can be this "childish" over something so small then she isn't worht having in your life.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
3 Apr 09
Sounds like she has a lot of issues. If it continues I would definitely report her to your supervisor.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Apr 09
I would have asked her to be more careful where she threw a box and that she almost hit me. I would then ask her if she was angry with me and insist that we talk it out. I don't think you are the problem, I think she's taking her personal shortcomings and problems out on you.
If she does physically injure you, as with the box, I would report it immediately or at least threaten to unless she hashes it out with you. That woman has a big problem and you shouldn't have to be the focus of her misplaced anger.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
4 Apr 09
Hi singlemommy,
You are picked on by her but stay strong as she is so very juelous of you, the more you ignore her the more she is trying to wind you up, don't bite the bait whatever you do and the more you ignore her she will be saying all sorts of theing to other workers and they would know how childish she is and the next time she throws something at you and if it hits you make sure you have a witness, then you get get her into trouble without saying a word. Some would see and hear what she is doing to you and if you just ignore her she will get fedup in the end and leave you alone, don't talk to her at all, treat her as if she is invisable. Hugs.
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@candymarie (1368)
• Canada
3 Apr 09
You don't have to be friends with her, you can still be friendly with her, be the grown up. It DOES sound like she's trying to start a fight, but then again, I am only hearing your side, but I mean, seems like even if I heard her side, I would still be suspicious of her.
Sounds like a spiteful hateful person actually, and if I was in your shoes, I'd confront her, most likely AFTER she does the eavesdropping with you in earshot with a coworker, then ask her what is her problem with you, and if she accuses you of eavesdropping, then tell her to stop saying crap when she knows you're around, that she needs to chill out, that she's not acting professional, and that it's really pathetic of her to pick on you for no apparent reason.
OR, it just could all be a really big bad coincidence. The "I'm not here to be her friend" comment, not really catty, or insulting being aimed at you or anything, if she actually does say something insulting, then yeah, bring something up with her.
I'm not even sure if I'd take the "trip over it" comment as an insult, because she could just be misunderstanding the explanation in regards to your action, as it was retold by the person who is explaining the situation to her.
@LuvBr0wn13s (765)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Oh wouldn't it be nice to give in to our baser instincts without fear of the consequences? You should have hauled off and punched her in the jaw. While she is on the floor tell her that you were just looking for the most expeditious method of giving her what she wanted.
Well of course you did the right thing. Petty people are so irritating. I used to keep a little sign on my desk that said "YOU ARE ONLY ALIVE BECAUSE MURDER IS ILLEGAL".
Happy mylotting
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@Citychic (4067)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Hello Singlemommy, regarding the childish people that you are working around. I think that you handled the situation with great maturity. For some reason or other there is something that Terry can see in you that bothers her. But don't give in to her childish ways. Just take it to the Lord in prayer......This is all that I can say for now..... but God is there for you. Remember this always....Pray about the situation then let it go and allow God to work it out for you.....Be blessed..E.
@okkidokitokki (1736)
• United States
4 Apr 09
She is just being ugly. But she does have one point: people do work for a paycheck. If they happen to make friends then it is a pleasant biproduct. if not then atleast you are getting paid.
I would do as another suggested. Write it all down and if it continues then approach your supervisor about it. You are not over reacting.
Try to have a great day next time you are at work. It is possible that if you ignore her she will realize that you do not care and will leave you alone.
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@Zo0mZo0m (1357)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Yes I do believe that this woman is trying to pick a fight with you and is possibly trying to cause you to loose your job. You ought to play your cards right and jot everything down on paper. Then go to your supervisor and let the supervisor know what's going on. Also try to have a conference with the bully and your supervisor to solve the situation before it gets out of hand. You have to be the wiser in a situation like this because this person seems to be very childish and vindictive. Watch your back.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Yeah, it sounds like she's trying to get your attention, but she's not going about it the right way. I'd say she's definitly got some sort of issues. I'm not sure if she wants to pick a fight, or just wants to try to get you talking so you can reconcile your differences. I know you don't want to be friends with her anymore, so you can either keep ignoring her, which will either make her give up or make her angrier, or you can confront her and tell her how you feel and ask her to stop.
Good Luck
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@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
6 Apr 09
she is totally hard person to be with. have nothing to do with any people like her. just keep your distance from her. i think that she is terrible person to be with who just don't know how to associate with people. she is one selfish kind of person.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Sounds like she is trying to pick a fight with you singlemommy. Oh well..there are always those. I would just keep being who I am and not let it bother me if I could help it. The less attention you give this matter the better. It will bother her more that you aren't taking her seriuosly and that you don't care what she says or thinks. If people tell you things she said I would just shrug my shoulders and say Oh well.. I promise you it will get back to her that you did. The same goes for anything you say. Unfortunately factory settings are breeding grounds for rumors and "talk". I know..I've been at a factory now for ten years. I try to limit my friends there and never ever say anything that I worry about someone else knowing. It's just part of it. There is little loyalty in that environment.
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@singlemommy (2955)
• United States
4 Apr 09
You are so right! I have been at this warehouse for almost 7 years and there is definitely no loyalty. You are right, you have to be careful about what you say too, you never know who might tell who this or that, then it could get turned around 20 different ways and turn out to be something you never said to begin with.
@momoftwo (94)
• United States
3 Apr 09
It sounds like you are doing the right thing. Just do your job and mind your own business. If part of your job requires you to talk to her though.... you do need to talk to her. Keep to the facts at hand and stay focused. It sounds like she may try to verbally intice you in front of people as well. If you stay focused and keep to the facts required for the job, you'll come out the better person and the other co-workers will see it too.
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