It's Been A Week Of Ups and Downs This Week!

@Darkwing (21583)
April 3, 2009 8:13pm CST
The first two days of the week were pretty non-eventful, but Wednesday came in with a bang! No, nothing to do with April Fools' Day. It started quite well, in fact. Last Sunday, my daughter-in-law told me that whilst my granddaughter was away, which is only five days, they were going to decorate her room. Ok, fine... she's pretty good at decorating and she had my son there to help her. On Wednesday, my granddaughter picked up her coach, with her friends, to travel to Heathrow for their flight. The flight was due to take off at 4 p.m. headed for New York, and the coach left for the airport at 11.30 a.m. She let us know when she arrived at the airport, and I rang her at about a quarter to two, just as they were headed off to get some lunch. They got their flight ok; it didn't take off until 4.22 p.m. but my son tracked it on the computer, all the way over. He was up until 12.20 a.m. when they landed... that's about 7.20 New York time. I wanted to ring her but left it till the morning, knowing all was fine with the flight. Meanwhile, on Wednesday afternoon/evening, my daughter-in-law had begun the decorating. She stepped up onto Sarah's bed, as she needed to reach up high, did what she had to do, and then stepped off the bed.... now, normally, that would be fine, but she managed to step onto a three-pronged plug which had been disconnected by was lying on the floor. She came down with all her weight on this plug and it went straight into her foot. OUCH!!! I suggested she go straight to the hospital, but no... she wouldn't listen and phoned her doctor. Her doctor said to rest it for 72 hours - no other specific instructions. So, she rested it, and in the morning, she tried to do a little more decorating. My son told her he needed to move the chair so that he could get up to the ceiling. Well... she couldn't have been listening, because a couple of seconds later, she went to sit in the chair, not looking, of course, and ended up on the floor, on her butt, wrenching her back in the process. So yesterday, Thursday, she stayed off work and rested on the sofa all day. This morning, her foot was swollen and ached so she went up to the hospital... independent little wotnots, aren't they?... and the doctor up there gave her antibiotics saying she had an infection in her foot, and that if she got any pain in her legs to ring the hospital immediately, or she could lose her leg!!! Why won't they listen? She wasted about forty odd hours there and may not have got the infection had she gone straight to the hospital. Oh well... I tried! I rang my granddaughter on Thursday morning, around 9 a.m. New York time, and she was having a whale of a time already. I couldn't speak to her for long though because she gets charged per minute as well as me being charged for the calls. Besides, they were just on their way into a restaurant for their breakfast! lol. Wednesday night, my team lost their darts competition semi-finals. I felt bad for them because they'd gone 2-0 up, then 2-1, 3-2, and lost 5-4 eventually. Never mind... they'll have to go for the league title now and win the last three games! They know they can do it, and they're kicking themselves for losing that one, but what's meant to be will be, as I told them. They did well to get that far! Well, other than the hospital... touch wood... nothing more has happened today, or not that I know of. I was going up for dinner on Sunday but I can't expect daughter-in-law to stand and cook, so I'm making her favourite Thai Green Curry... my style... chicken curry, stir-fried veg in noodles, and pineapple rice. She'll enjoy that... in fact, she nearly snapped my hand off when I asked her! lol. How has your week been... good or not so good. Hopefully, next week will be better... granddaughter will be home on Monday and Easter will be approaching, and all back to normal. Do you all have weeks like this? Tell me about them! Go on... make me feel better! lol.
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8 responses
@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
4 Apr 09
My sister was in town, and so my whole week has been wonky - I think I only worked normal hours one day last week!
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@Darkwing (21583)
4 Apr 09
Nice though, having your sister in town. I guess your friend was only there for the day but you don't seem to have had too bad a week, on the whole. I hope next week's a good one for you too, my friend. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 09
She's probably happy just to be there with you for that short while. I'm sure she'll be pleased with whatever you come up with. My Mum's the same... loves to spend time with us, but it's difficult to know what to do when she does.
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Well, mom is always down after my sister leaves, so I'll have some of that to deal with. Still, I need to get over there and figure out what to do on the day that we used to one thing, but she's not getting anything out of it any more.
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@weemam (13372)
4 Apr 09
Aww dear pal , your poor DIL , Do you think something is trying to tell her not to decorate the room , I hope she IS NOW doing what she is told , As you know pal my life at the minute with Mam and Dad is a case of something happening every day , I just rang them , Mam can't hear on the phone as she doesn't hold it to her ear now but SHE STILL DOES IT , she answered it twice and put it down on me both times , Dad eventually answered it , My hair is getting more silver in it as each day goes by :) Wee xx
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@weemam (13372)
4 Apr 09
Twice she lifted it and said hello then put it down again :( . Yesterday she answered it couldn't hear me ( again) said , " I can't hear you son I will get your Papa to call back " I waited 10 mins ( she had forgot:) ) phoned back and it was Dad , I asked him to tell mam to get ready as I was taking them out shoping , he said OK , 3 phone calls later he wakened Mam again to get ready , Bless them both , I do get a bit frustrated pal ( not where they can see me) but it ISN'T their fault they are ill Wee xx,
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@Darkwing (21583)
4 Apr 09
Possibly yes, something was trying to tell her something... maybe Daniel, I don't know. She's finishing off the painting today apparently, and caught the bus into town to go to the library. She just can't sit still when she has a bee in her bonnet! She couldn't drive, so she walked up the hill and caught the bus... does that make sense to you? Doesn't me! I told my son she'd better be sitting down doing the painting, or I'm gonna be on her back tomorrow! lol. You've always had your fair share of down time, my friend, but that's because you're a very caring person. You put others above yourself sometimes; a bit like me, I suppose, but hey! That's what makes us happy, my friend. I had to chuckle about your Mum keep answering the phone when she can't hear and putting it down again! Don't you just love 'em? Ha ha ha. Brightest Blessings, my dear friend and thank you for your contribution. xx
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@mummymo (23706)
4 Apr 09
They are very lucky to have you Mam - I keep telling you that - you are wonderful with them! You know Darkwing all that and then they had to come visit the new rabbits - who were asleep and hiding! lol We managed to wake them though - they had to meet nanny wee and Grandad! xxx
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
11 Apr 09
I hope your days are better, Have a nice weekend you deserve it!
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@Darkwing (21583)
11 Apr 09
You too my friend... Happy Easter, and thank you for your wishes. Things are as you make them. You just have to get up and get on with life! :) Brightest Blessings.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
4 Apr 09
Well you know how mine has been so I am not going to bore everyone I hope that she is a bit better and getting rest like she is suppose to See when you next come to visit I hope you know you will be cooking Pineapple fried rice for me I love that hehehehe Love you big Hugs xxxxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
4 Apr 09
Yes... yours has been more down than up, my dear friend, but things can only get better, as they say. Just take care, ok? When I cook pineapple rice with my Thai Curry, I boil it. They don't eat a lot of fried out there, but I guess we can overcome that! lol. I can see a shopping trip ahead, to the Co-op! lol. Brightest Blessings, love and huggggs, and thank you for your contribution. xxx
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
4 Apr 09
I agree with you you wonder why they do not listen to you at times don't you, but of course mom or grandmom never knows anything we were born in the dark ages are have not become civilized yet.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
5 Apr 09
I am a little bit physic hon, wish I knew how to control it or do something with it but I don't, except to take heed of my feelings about people when they come to me and to take heed of my dreams because they are often prophetic,
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 09
Have you tried meditation my friend? It would be a big step in the right direction. A candle flame can be handy too... a purple candle.
@Darkwing (21583)
4 Apr 09
Lol... funny you should say that but I think I lived a previous life in the Dark Ages. I love Arthurian History, and the Dark Ages, and when I'm in Arthurian Country, I have this strange feeling that I've been there in another time. Anyway, that's a bit off the subject, but you're right... my DIL is very independent, and she likes to do things her way, so I was bashing my head against a brick wall really. She'd rather listen to the silly doctor who told her to rest it for 72 hours. I've seen gangreen and I don't want her to get it! Brightest Blessings, my friend and thank you for your contribution.
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@jazzsue58 (2666)
4 Apr 09
Ow! I can really sympathise with the plug-in-the-foot thing, because that's EXACTLY what my daughter did, a week before we were due to go on holiday. She didn't want to cause a fuss, so kept quiet about the agony she was in - right up until the second day of our hols when, instead of lazing on the beach, we were in hospital having her foot drained. The entire fortnight consisted of yours truly acting as chauffeur come nurse to my 15 year old, while she went to and from the local A and E. It scuppered our plans to make it into a walking holiday. Most of the Jurassic coast was seen from a grotty clinician's window in Weymouth. But what is it with 3-pin plugs? I reckon it's the copper or something. They're deadly. Even worse than Sticklebricks - and that's saying something.
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@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
4 Apr 09
It has been up and down for me as well. Even during last weeks blizzard, I had to find a ride out to work. I had been "given" a new client and she had a family member in the hospital. I had been really happy at my job, up until they added this new responsibility and another one the previous week. You know the theory, if you are good they keep piling it on. Well the client is a heavy smoker who also wears tons of fragrance. I have allergies or sensitivities, and forgot where I had put my very effective medicine. Plus the stress. I got a whopper of an infection. Finally saw the doctor today, got antibiotics. The good thing is, when I get too sick, too exhausted, I finally speak up and offer to quit, because it is just too much. They took that client away, and I am back in more equilibrium. Yay!!!. Also some difficulties for my son, and daughter in law, including her losing a job, and my best friend got laid off as well. I have been off today, I work tomorrow, but it will be an easy day. Easier week next week.
@Darkwing (21583)
4 Apr 09
Wow... you have had your ups and downs for sure, my friend. It's good to speak up when you're not happy with something at work. I'm sure they appreciate that you feel you can do so. The outcome was good anyway! There are a lot of people being laid off and losing their jobs. It's not good when they have families to fend for. I hope everything works out for your friend and daughter-in-law. Something has to give, somewhere. Even a three-day week would be better than a lay-off. Brightest Blessings, my friend, and thank you for your contribution.
@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
4 Apr 09
this is a pretty detailed week you had. well, mine? I worked 6days last week instead of 5 which is my usual working days because someone from work ask a favor to cover for their absent. the whole week, i felt so tired -- as usual since i work at night and i'm never going to get used to working at night -- i guess. during my last day, i went to our company clinic because i was experiencing pain at the back of my neck up to my head. they say my blood pressure went up. wow, that scared me but i'm feeling better now. thank God. well i'm hoping next week will be better too.
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@Darkwing (21583)
4 Apr 09
Oh nooooo... the blood pressure was probably due to the extra day's work you did to cover for your friend. It's too much, I guess. You take care of yourself and don't overdo it, my friend. If you work constantly at night, then you should be getting used to it, gradually. You have to build a new routine, I would think. I'm pleased to hear you're feeling better now, and send you my Brightest Blessings for a better week next week. Thank you for your contribution.