Family Violence and alcoholism................

April 4, 2009 2:45am CST
As some of you might remember(since I have been gone for a while), I was living with my mother. It was a very unhealthy environment for my kids and I and I was trying to get enough money to get my own place. Well I no longer live there. Here's my story... A few weeks ago I was helping my sister move AGAIN for the umpteenth time, my mother was watching my 2 kids and my sister's little girl. My sister's bf was also there with her having a few drinks. Before I dropped my sister off at her place to finish up we stopped at my mother's to check on the kids and let them know that we were done for the day. When I walked into the house my mother was almost toppling over because we had too much to drink and on top of that she had not slept yet. My mother works the graveyard shift at the old folks home and normally she would have gone to bed when she got off but not this time. So I went back to the truck and took my sister home and went back to my mom's to take my sister's bf and my neice home. The kids were just being fed and if was 7pm already. My kids go to bed at 8 and I wanted to be back to get them to bed(which wasn't going to happen at that point). I was a little shocked that she had just started feeding them and I said "they're just eating now?" and well that was all my mother needed to start having a fit alllll over again. I went on and started doing dishes as she called me every name in the book. When she called me a c*nt I got in her face and in a low voice told her not to call me names in front of my kids and she up and hit me across the face and proceeded to "try" and attack me in front of my kids. I was so mortified that she would actually do this in front of my kids I packed up and stayed with my sister for a couple of days and then went into the local woman's shelter. My mother is an alcoholic and has been for the past 5 yrs now. I hadn't realized how bad it had gotten until I actually moved in with her. She NEVER went to bed without at least 3 drinks after work and it just seemed to escalate. The monday after I got to the shelter I got on the phone with social services and they gave me the money I needed to get back to B.C. with some of my stuff. I have always dealt with the emotional abuse by telling myself that she was my mother so it was normal somehow, but now I realize that it is no different than being with a man that is abusive in one way or another. I think more people need to be aware that family violence/abuse needs to stop just as much as the abuse inflicted from a spouse. I just don't see enough about it and I am starting here. Have you ever been the victim of family violence? Or any abuse?
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5 responses
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
7 Apr 09
yeah, growing up my brother had issues, seem like no one would talk about it, but he would go off and mess up any but every hoildays with throwing a fit over something. i have seen him and my dad get into a pshcail fights, and seen him grabbed my mom before by the neck and threaten to hit her with a candle stick, which i ened up knocking him to the floor. but he had beated me up many times, he had cause me injury number of time. i've and my older brother been in fights with him. been times i took hits for my dad or mom. and still today when i asked my dad was there some kind of mental issue with him, ? he tell me he dont know. but my brother was just an a$$hole. and he's still is think he can treat or say anything to anyone. but he learned fianlly i will stand up to him and refuse to allow himn to bully my dad no more. but best of luck with your mom, maybe do intervention for her
• Canada
7 Apr 09
Wow your brother definately did have issues and it may not have been anything mental at all it could have been that your brother felt like no one cared and he turn in to a jerk. It is hard to live with but we all do eventually. Thank you for your response
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
18 Apr 09
Hi strawberrykisses. I am sorry that you have endured all this. Not being financially independent does not mean that you have to suffer this kind of emotional and physical abuse. I am glad that you had the courage to leave and find a shelter. It;s not a good environment for your kids to stay in that situation. God helps your mother and most of all you and your kids.
• Canada
26 Apr 09
Thank you for your response. I can see now more than ever how bad it really was. The last time I spoke to my mother she told me it was her right as my mother to hit me. I thank god every day that I left when I did. I am 100 percent certain that it would have gotten worse.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
4 Apr 09
Hi Sweetie well I never knew that now I know why you moved that is terrible I to this Day still do not get it that Parents specially a Mother can treat their child that way, no matter what your child is a Miracle and every Parent should treasure them I am sorry that you had to go through this and that your Children had to stand and watch her behave that way I suffered in the first Year of my marriage violent abuse, he then nearly got found out by the Army, so it turned for the next 20 years to mental and verbal abuse, I stayed because of the Children and because I was scared, till I got diagnosed with my Illness then I had enough and when he threatend to leave again, I did not get on my knees and beg him to stay I opened the door for him, for the first time I felt calm and relieved Sweetie I hope you never have to go through that again with your Mum Hugs to you
• Canada
4 Apr 09
Thank you Gabs. I agree with you no child should be made to feel like the reason for all of the problems and that was all I was to my mother while I was there. I am just glad I got out when I did. I know how hard it can be for a woman to get the courage to leave a man like that. My mother has done that with every man she has ever dated because they have all be abusive. I am glad you got out when you did. you never know what he may have done. Hugs to you too StrawberryKisses
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
5 Apr 09
I'm lucky that I haven't been a victim of violence and abuse. However, I have worked in a shelter for women, who are victims of abuse. So, it's a subject that I know a little bit about. Having worked there, there is very little that would surprise me now.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
7 Apr 09
I am so glad to hear you finally got out of there!!! Good luck to you. Hopefully you can teach your kids that the behavior their grandmother had was very wrong and that you are sorry you ever had them live there! I hope they don't follow in what she does. I fear they will start calling you names as well. Just let them know how much you love them and teach them that their lives will go no where if they do what grandma does. I wish you the best of luck and hope you have a wonderful new start!!!
• Canada
7 Apr 09
Thank you so much hun. I appreciate everything you have said. all of the imput I have gotten here helped me a great deal to finally stop letting her put me through all that crap. Now that we are where we want to be things will definately change. Now it's time to rebuild, I left pretty much everything behind and all I am going back for is my boxes. I need certain papers and such that I couldn't get before I left. Thank you again Hugs StrawberryKisses