See the Little Bunnies
By mummymo
@mummymo (23706)
April 4, 2009 7:33pm CST
I just want to apologise to my friends here who may think I have been neglecting them the last few days - I probably have but really don't mean to. You see my daughter Niamh (7) has been bugging us for months (most of her life actually but MUCH worse in the last few months) about having a baby brother or sister.. There is NO way this is ever going to happen, apart from anything else I am not fit to endure a pregnancy never mind care for a baby but her brother loves to tell her how all he wanted was a baby sibling for his 8th birthday and he got her, as well as a cat! lol We decided it would be good for her to have a pet of her own and then decided that we would get 2 pets for her and the result is that after spending a small fortune on homes (yes they are multiple home owners) on them as well as all the accessories they needed I then had to spend yet more money on the pets themselves, 2 gorgeous bunny rabbits who were named Angel and Sweetheart after much careful consideration from Niamh! lol They really are her babies and although they are still in their indoor cage at the moment when they go out to their hutch I am sure I will hardly see Niamh! Yaaayyyy! lol Anyway I just thought I would let you guys know that I will still be here just not as much for a little while as the babies need a lot of attention and handling just now and Niamh is too young and nervous to do it on her own so if you don't see me I have not abandoned you or Mylot - I am merely off playing with the babies! lol
Any advice? Aren't they just the cutest? And no sorry sconibear I have no recipes for roast rabbit!
Hugs xxx

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19 responses
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
5 Apr 09
Thanks for letting us know Mo!!! I always worry there is something wrong when you just disappear. Hope Niamh enjoys her bunnies. Keep em separated or she will have MORE than 2 bunnies to contend with!!!
Hey sconibear...forget roast rabbit. They're MUCH better fried & smothered in gravy!!! 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
5 Apr 09
So I've been thrown to the side like last night's leftovers, all because of a couple of bunnies??
lol. I can appreciate that a couple of rabbits is a far more manageable solution than a baby Brother or Sister though! The only advice I can give you is to double check that each rabbit is close to the same size as your feet, because if things don't quite work out, you at least have the option of wearing 'em as slippers if they're the right size!
Anyhoo, I've seen the pics of them both and they're very cute.

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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
5 Apr 09
I am answering from email but I would guess that they are cute and adorable for sure. This is the right time to be getting them. You can even take food coloring and dye them a festive color for Easter.
The kids around us had bunnies before and man could those bunnies eat.
Well, I am sure this will be keeping her busy for awhile at least..
WEll good luck with those bunnies..

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@mummymo (23706)
6 Apr 09
Thanks sweety but I am definitely NOT telling her about the food colouring idea! lol She is certainly being patient with them and good at cleaning them out! She has however gone to my sisters for a few days - she agreed to go (it is her favourite Aunty) and thought the bunnies would go too lol - much better for them to stay here and settle in - they won't be able to forget her for sure and to be honest Daddy and I absolutely adore these 2 baby bunnies already, so funny that we have to call ourselves Gran and Granddad in front of the rabbits - Niamh insists! lol xxx
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
7 Apr 09
I do that with my mom hates that I call her granny to my cat and dog..I only do it occasionally though..
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@mummymo (23706)
7 Apr 09
LOL We really don't mind - we think it is quite funny! We used to giggle at my sister and brother in law calling my niece and her husbands dog Sal their Granddog! lol They spoil it just as much as they would a Grandchild and also dogsit quite often! lol Now we understand! xxxx
@Darkwing (21583)
6 Apr 09
Yes, they're very cute, my friend, and I'm sure Niamh loves them to bits. They're a good choice in fact, because as I told you elsewhere, I bought one for my grandchildren one Easter, and it lived to be about thirteen years old. It had a run in the garden, made from wood and chickenwire, with a hutch at the end for it to sleep in and hide from the cat, who loved to sit on top of the hutch just watching it. He was named Peter by my Grandson, after the character in the Beatrix Potter. He was a great lover of Beatrix Potter. When he passed, my DIL made a special memorial garden for him and I bought a bronze Peter Rabbit garden statue for him, which stands in front of the bird bath therein.
Anyway, I'm sure you'll all have lots of snuggle times, and fun chasing the rabbits around the garden! lol. Brightest Blessings my friend. xx

@Darkwing (21583)
6 Apr 09
Thank you, my friend. I just saw it in the garden centre one day, and knew I had to buy it. He loved Peter Rabbit, so I think I might have been guided there! He also had a fascination with Jemima Puddleduck, but I haven't found one of those yet, lol.
What a wonderful idea to turn the kids playhouse into a play centre for the bunnies. That's quite inventive and gives them loads of freedom to roam... just what they need.
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@mummymo (23706)
6 Apr 09
What a wonderful idea the memorial garden is and the Peter statue so appropriate! At the moment they are both happy in the cage inside and running around the living room when we let them as it has turned very cold but they have their outdoor hutch on the walled patio and David has put a wood and chicken wire barrier across the one end where they could escape to keep them in but that is just a temporary run! lol He is planning to convert the kids play shed into a giant hutch and an attached covered run to keep the rabbits safe so they can go out alone! I only have a few minutes til cuddle and exercise time again lol they are really keeping us all amused! xxx
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
5 Apr 09
That's a good idea mummymo! It'll distract her for a while and I hope she doesn't grow tired of them as some children do. I had a pet rabbit as a kid and enjoyed every minute of it so maybe it'll make wonderful memories for you and your little one! I wish you all the luck in the world!
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@mummymo (23706)
6 Apr 09
I do so hope that she has those fantastic memories like you do honey! We thought long and hard about how committed she would be to a pet and she is a very conscientious little girl for the most part! She has gone to my sisters for a few days and even though she is her favourite Aunty she nearly wouldn't go when she realised she couldn't take Angel and Sweetheart but it is so good for her to get up there and play with her foster cousins that I persuaded her to go - she knows the bunnies grandad and I (lol) will look after them well! xxx
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
5 Apr 09
Gissi wants to come and play with them they are smaller then him so he thinks they will not beat him up the Hamsters never did
He got another smack from Daisy today, so Daisy was told of by her Mum again lol
It's ok I gave him cuddles
We used to have 2 pure white Rabbits, they where beautiful, they are lovely Pets to have
Love you xxxxx
@mummymo (23706)
6 Apr 09
Do you know what - Gissi would love these 2 but I am pretty sure he would get a few whacks from Sweetheart! lol She is by far the more confident even although she is the smallest - neither of them were at all bothered about Tia when they were scampering around teh living room earlier! lol
That Daisy is a typical girl , picking on my poor Giss! Tell him I send hugs and kisses to him as well as you and that I expect to talk to him when I call later!
Thanks for showing me your bunny! lol
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@mummymo (23706)
6 Apr 09
yeah dogs and cats could be a worry thats why we had to get a hutch and although we have a temporary run , need to get one that is enclosed in chicken wire built! Our two are so funny as well as being soft and fluffy - they keep us all highly amused for hours every day. They are very clever animals and not too much to looking after them - it is easy enough to find out essentials on line - bet Chey would love a little easter bunny! lol xxx

@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
6 Apr 09
No worries mummymo.
Oh - I have a recipe for you
Roast suckling (whole) PIG (can substitute with sconibear)
Disembowel Pig (or sconibear)insert spit directly through middle of beast and place on brackets under fire. Keep fire low and turn beast often so it cooks evenly. Takes about 6 hours till crispy brown on the outside and succulent within.
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@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
7 Apr 09
Well my dear I am happy to hear that your not ignoring us :) Those bunnies are just too cute and I bet your daughter is just being the best mum to them! I remember when I had a bunny. He was black and white, really cute, and his favorite foods were lettuce, carrots, and apples! The best part was that he was litter box trained too so he did his business on one end of the cage and the other end was always nice. I had him for 3 years, but then moved to an apartment where no pets were allowed. I gave him away to a little girl on her 6th birthday!

@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
7 Apr 09
I bet when your daughter gets back she will be just as great of a mum as she has been since getting her baby bunnies :) Wow! That is great that she is weighing the food, cleaning everything daily too it obviously was a good decision as she is up for the responsibility! I know you love your daughter, but enjoy your break lol. I enjoy mine when my parents come to visit over the summer and they shoo me and my hubby out for a "date night" while they watch Angelina.
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@mummymo (23706)
7 Apr 09
I am sure she will - she is so caring!
The other half and I are enjoying the break - we had considered going out but he is on early starts every morning this week so we are just enjoying the meals WE like and having fun with the bunnies!lol He secretly adores them - it is so obvious! lol xxx
@mummymo (23706)
7 Apr 09
Awww Sweety I bet you missed your gorgeous bunny but it is so typical of you to make sure she had a good home and to make a little girl very happy! Niamh was being a good Mum and we chose this time to get them as she would have 2 weeks holiday from school to get used to being a mummy to her baby bunnies BUT she has gone to my sisters! lol She was being very good with them and cleaning their cage , water bottle food etc and making sure they had fresh every morning - in fact she was even weighing their food to make sure they were getting exactly the right amount. I am sure that will resume the minute she returns home - we had to promise faithfully to be wonderful Granddad and Granddma when she was away or I don't think she would have went! lol Angel and Sweetheart seem to love dandelions and broccoli best so far - luckily we have plenty of dandelions in our garden! lol HUgs xxxx
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
7 Apr 09
Sweetheart and Angel.... cute names for bunnies. They are adorable. The picture makes me want to cuddle them.
Pfffttt! Like you need to appologize for feeling neglectful... you, who so faithfully supports your friends around here. I'm just glad to know now that when I don't see you around you are probably off getting a bunny hug, and it will make me smile.
Kiss both of them right between the ears for me. :)
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@mummymo (23706)
7 Apr 09
LOL SMG is Sarah Michelle Geller I guess - right Scoop? lol My sister said that she should have called them Angel and Buffy as then it wouldn't be so sickly sweet adn all I asked was that she didn't call them itchy and scratchy! lol I was going ot kiss them both for you Pots and Sweetheart peed on me so she got put back in her cage in disgrace and went straight to her potty! lol Angel got her kiss though and they ARE so adorable to cuddle - they really like to snggle in and they seem comfiest on my boobs! lol xxx
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
7 Apr 09
Can you SEE the picture, Scoop???
Or are you answering from email?
C U T E!

@makingpots (11915)
• United States
7 Apr 09
I saw BTVS a few times..... didn't appeal to me much.

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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
7 Apr 09
Aweee they are just to cute for words and I'll have to say that I can't blame you for being with them rather than the mylot crew here. Nope no bunny advice here. Sorry
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@mummymo (23706)
7 Apr 09
LOL No worries about the advice - there is a girl at the store where we bought them and she really knows her stuff - any problems and I just have to call her! They are really easy to look after - only problem so far has been a little fighting in their outdoor run at first but that has all been sorted!
Hugs xxx
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
8 Apr 09
Hmmm, a bit frisky are they, well I'm glad that you got the fighting sorted out.
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@mummymo (23706)
6 Apr 09
We are all having the most wonderful time with them honey - even Daddy who likes to act all cool and aloof! lol I have to say though Sconibear didn't say anything in particular about my bunnies til I showed him a picture and he realised he'd need another 2 to feed him!
lol xxx

@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
7 Apr 09
Riiigggghhhhttttt ... You got the bunnies this close to Easter, how sweet! i didn't notice that until now LoL!!
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
5 Apr 09
Hi mummymo,
Awwwwwwwww, that's just so sweet. How wonderful for Niamh, and the whole family. I love the way children just think we can have a baby at anytime. My daughter was the same, and brought it up quite often, sometimes with hilarious results. Bunnies make great pets, and I actually had a couple of them for awhile when I was a kid. So cute!
I don't feel neglected, but do feel that I've neglected you. Sorry. I'm not here much anymore, but do spend quite a bit of time on facebook. I've been playing 'Farm Town' there, as have some of 'your friends.' It's really fun, and if you'd ever like to join us just let me know. We still 'must' have our chat one of these days too.
Big Hugs 

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@mummymo (23706)
6 Apr 09
They are such gorgeous little things and so entertaining! lol Much easier than me trying to have another baby who would then want a brother or sister and that whole cycle starting again! lol
You haven't neglected me 'mom - you are always there and I know you care and feel very lucky because of it! Sorry about facebook - I will get there and I know I will get used to it eventually I just can't seem to at the moment for some reason which is rotten cos there are quite a few lovely people there that I want to be in touch with!
Any time you are ready for that chat just you let me know! Love and Hugs xxxx
@raydene (9871)
• United States
5 Apr 09
Awww our little mother has new babies..
What fun for you all..
Baby bunnies are so cute and soft
Through the years we have had many
They are all a part of the flower beds now
makes me smile remembering them when the flowers bloom.
Hugs to all
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@mummymo (23706)
6 Apr 09
PMPL dsrtrose that made me laugh - and they are much better than a baby brother! The poop is a lot easier to clean up AND they have a potty and are starting to use it! They really have appeased Niamh and she adores her babies - I have to call myself Grandma and my other half Granddad in front of the rabbits!

@catabianca (142)
• Tunisia
5 Apr 09
Let's see you , keep in touch and happy discussions on mylot;
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@Catfreeek (346)
• United States
6 Apr 09
They are so cute. I miss having bunnies:)
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