The anti christ isnt that far off......
By stacyv81
@stacyv81 (5903)
United States
April 4, 2009 9:31pm CST
ok, first of insulting dont agree...fine! be nice!
Second of all, I am not saying I believe this to be 100% true...I am just saying it is in resemblance...
Ok, now that the disclaimers are out of the!
We all heard people making allegations of the Anti christ in reference to Obama...
Well, the antichrist is supposed to come in the form of a human...preaching world peace...and trying to convert the world ot one religion...
and then though there is to be a false prophet, ie, a religious figure that helps the world back the political figure....
And that all of the world will be given their chance to chose....
So, all I am saying is if the pope (or another highly religious figure in the world) starts backing Obama and the world starts going with it be prepared to make you choice!
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10 responses
@freethinkingagent (2501)
5 Apr 09
He has had some very prominent religious figures back him. One Lewis Farcon even called him the messiah. But there are many other things that would point to him. But I am not saying he definitely is but You would be surprised how well he adds up to the predictions about the antichrist.
But you can take a lot of leaders and put them into this mold. But I have never seen one man with so many of the qualifications as he does. Even the numerical values of his name can be made to apply.
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@freethinkingagent (2501)
5 Apr 09
Yes, Numerical values of words and names can be calculated. Gemeteria is a Hebrew system about 3000 years old. It was believed that words with the same value had a connection to each other. The value for the name Barack Hussein Obama is 501, 601 is also the value for "judgment" and "end of days".
Barack in Arabic means "blessed"
Husein in Arabic means "Handsome"
Obama is the Africa word meaning "Leaning"
If you apply the gemetrea to these words in English you get
@irishfury187 (375)
• United States
5 Apr 09
wow, if that gementria (I know I misspelled that somewhere) is true thats crazy, all I have to say is "i didnt vote for him"

@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
5 Apr 09
I have been seeing quite alot of websites that say the pope is the antichrist. It is very convincing but I dont know.
@freethinkingagent (2501)
5 Apr 09
LOL you should hear the people chanting "YES WE CAN" over and Over in reverse! Scary, I have heard lots of reversed words in my life, but this was so clear, Then Obama would say something , then he would say yes we can, then the crowd chanted yes we can, you should hear what it says in reverse lol. He sounds like a satanic priest! If you would like to know what the phrase yes we can sounds like in reverse, I will PM you and tell you what the words are.
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@freethinkingagent (2501)
5 Apr 09
Yes and I believe the pope will play a role, but a secondary roll, But it is true that "Written on him are words of blasphemy" And the pontiffs title also adds up to 666
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
5 Apr 09
In my opinion there are sooo many people that have knowledge of the anti christ that if this were to start happening, people would stray away from it. i think it will happen very slowly. The government has a way of covering things up and hiding those things very well. I don't think we will see a religious person back the person in question until alot of people have converted to this one world religion.
My sister has done lot of research on the end of the world and she found some info that suggests that we will end up with some sort of chip inside us and if we refuse to have this chip put in the government will cut off our income and make it impossible for us to survive. I could see it happening but I don't see it happening anytime soon.
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
5 Apr 09
Well I doubt very much we will see it happening whether it happens soon or not.
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
6 Apr 09
Wow that is crazy. I think everyone needs to take out government. People say that without government would would be worse off but I believe the opposite.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
6 Apr 09
Well, that is the thing, in AMerica at least, the people created the government, so I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who said It is not only our right, but our duty to overthrow the government if they arent adhering to the constitution...Now, they are not his EXACT words, but that is the basics...I'll have to look it up and find his exact words...

@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
6 Apr 09
I heard someone talking about this today in Sunday School. I don't think Obama is the antiChrist anymore than any other president was. From my understanding the antiChrist is more of a religious figure than a political one. Obama is not very involved in religion. I am very careful about calling anyone the antiChrist.

@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
6 Apr 09
no...and again, I wasnt calling him that, I was saying it is looking a little suspiscous...
The anti christ, is a political figure, who will be joined by the false prophet, which is a religious figure...
So, I asked before, if it has to be two people, or can they be one in the same? A political religious leader? I dont know...
@freethinkingagent (2501)
9 Apr 09
The antichrist is totally a political figure. He is a "king", the messiah is to be a ruler, not a preacher. and so will the antichrist be a ruler, not a preacher. He doesn't get the world to go along with him and make war by religion, he does it though politics.
@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
5 Apr 09
I believe he is living right now on the earth, but right now he has a background role but he's trying his darndest to get to the forefront for sure. That I believe from my fervent heart. I was taught as a child in church and with the money value going down, they going to talk about this Amero dollar soon. It's just a matter of time. That I know. The person is charismatic but he has one goal in mind and that is world domination, which I why I have to agree but to a point. The person who is the Anti Christ is from a religious faction and stacy he will be the Pope. not this one, I truly believe the next one. I'm not here to alarm no one. but I urge you to get yourselves together on where you'll stand.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
6 Apr 09
I agree...but I think that the antichrist, is a political figure and the false prophet is a religious leader that leads others to going along with the both of them, so, can they be one in the same? Or does it have to be two?
The anti christ and the false prophet? Or can both lie in the same person?
@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
6 Apr 09
Well Stacy your on the right path because this person is going to come in a religious mode and then get political eventually. My dad who was a biblical scholar of sorts told me it was the Pope. But don't take my word for it, read this book called The Great Controversy by a lady named Ellen G.White and see for yourself. That way, you know for sure.
@ulalume (713)
• United States
5 Apr 09
Thats kind of a vague prophecy (as most prophecies really are). I could map that situation to practically any political leader. Religious figures have backed political figures for centuries. Heck, in the ancient days the religious leaders were practically the politician's snake toungued friends. Not to mention, practically everyone with the media's spotlight at some point in history has been occused of being the anti-Christ.
Biblically speaking, as well, no one really knows who or what the anti-Christ is supposed to be. The only thing that can be implied based on the term is it will be someone or something (IE: a nation or something) who acts oppositely of Christ. Personally, I don't believe any of this stuff.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
6 Apr 09
Well, it isnt much of a prophecy on my part, I never actually called him that, I am just stating the similarities.
But, it isnt about a prominent religous figure backing someone, it is about the two (the antichrist and false prophet), ie, a political figure, and religious leader, getting the whole world behind them, and leading us into destruction..
So, no, just because a religious leader backs a political leader, isnt saying that it is the case of the antichrist...It is the way the world reacts to them, that is more the issue...
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Apr 09
I've studied the verses about this for a long time, along with prayer and waiting upon the Lord concerning it.. finally wrote a book little over 120 pages, but here's the gist of it in summary.. A U.S. president will step into the head seat of the world body (this is the world beast in the book of revelation of chapter 13:1-10). The League existed before and its inventor was a U.S. president (Woodrow Wilson) but after all the U.S. Congress voted not to join and the League expired shortly afterwards. A U.S. president (who is rev ch 13:11-18) stepping in will be when it is "given breath" (authority, its head now reattached). Note how in chapter 13, verses 11-18 is a man, as opposed to a world body/beast of 1-11. This 'man' or rather office of man, it's said here, was given fire which he made to come down upon man from the sky.. convincing them to rebuild the world body.
Atomic warfare opened - in rev ch 6:12-16 - described as it is when first opened but also described here as it is when fully progressed at the 'end'--(This is one of the things which works to hide the message and vision of rev for a time).
Also of note, is that a world peace (sort of) will have been declared or is an accord for seven years.. but "in the midst of the seven years" (about in the middle) they will tear down the wailing wall where Israel offers daily prayers. The bible calls this the "daily sacrifice". We can know it will be torn down, because when Jesus' disciples at Mt 24:1 and 2, said to Jesus "see the Temple and all the temple buildings.." and Jesus said, "I tell you not one stone shall remain standing upon another". Daniel wrote (at the very end of his book) that "from the time that the daily sacrifice is removed, and the abomination which desolates (666) is set-up, shall be three (Hebrew) years and seven months." (definitely a sign to watch for). Daniel continues in the next line, "happy is the one who waits and makes it to the three years and eight and a half months." (Daniel 12:11,12) Later in Mt 24 Jesus said, "immediately after the tribulation of those days.. shall the son of man come, and will send out his angels to gather his elect from the four directions of the earth."
2 Thessalonians 1:7 says He comes with fire and with angels.. but before then there shall be a worldwide peace accord, and a world governing then consisting of ten divisions (ten horns, and the ten toes of Daniel 2).
Have you heard it said that the U.S. isn't in the book of revelation/apocalypse? Don't believe it, the u.s. presidential office is 13:11-13, etc. but also the U.S. is in chapter 12, where Israel gives birth to the Son of man, then in anger after His ascension satan rages and chases the woman, now christianity and she migrates a first time.. then a few verse later, again satan rages and persecutes (inquisitions) the woman and she migrates again by being given the wings fo an eagle so she can fly (sail) to a new place and kept from stan's face for three (modern) divisions of time and a half a time. Adding 350 to 1620 brings us to 1970 when satan (in the serpent guise of the dragon) releases a flood, a proliferation after the woman in order to wash her away from the face of the earth.. but the earth opens its mouth and swallows the flood.. a sure indication of drought.. which occurring when there is power centralized in one body, will bring abuses. Jesus, when going to be crucified told women who were weeping for him "don't weep for me but for childrens' children, for if they will do this (crucify Him) in a green leaf, what will they do in a dry leaf?" So by this we can see, world governing.. "peace, peace they will say".. and drought (end of peace?) Also in Mt 24 Jesus said, "when you see the abomination of desolation "set-up" in Jerusalem (first?) then let all Judea (including the church?) flee" w/o looking back or hesitating.. Isaiah says "hide thyself for a little while til the indignation be overpast.."
God bless..
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
6 Apr 09
I've been hearing all this bs about Obama being the anti-christ. Honestly I believe its more to do with people not being able to handle having a black man for a president so they are finding any kind of lie they can to back their feelings up. I wonder if people were also spouting off this anti-christ stuff when John F. Kennedy a Catholic was president.
@irishfury187 (375)
• United States
5 Apr 09
wow stacy, when i read the title I laughed to myself and thought Obama? i've never thought of it before until I read the title and them I stroll into the discussion and thats exactly who you were talking about, I'm not a very religious person but if the bible is true, obama sure fits the description of the antichrist, quite creepy
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
6 Apr 09
lol! thats funny!
I was watching a program on the history channel about this, which is what spawned this discussion and as they were giving descriptions of the anti christ, I thought, check check check.. oh my goodness! lol! In regard to Obama...Of course, I am not calling him that, just thinking it is quite odd.. =)
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
5 Apr 09
I am prepared to make my choice. I will follow what the Bible teaches me, and I will die before I wear his mark, who ever he may be. If it leads me to poverty and ruin so be it. That aside, what makes the Anti-Christ, I really know very little about this, you may want to check out Freethinkingagents earlier discussion though, he quotes 18 lines from the Holy Bible, about what will happen to the Anti-Christ, but until, I see all 18, very clearly. I will stand by my opinions on the matter. Peace is better then War. But, it should not come at ANY cost, rather a reasonable one.
@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
5 Apr 09
I agree I will also die before I wear his mark. I also follow what my bible tells me.