My Dream! Do you believe in Dreams

My dream world - Do you believe in Dreams
@chimrani (1426)
April 5, 2009 7:39am CST
Friends i believe in dreams because 70% of my dreams becomes true in real life.Before 1 year i got a dream and i saw a girl purchasing items at my shop she is very beautiful but this became true when i saw that same girl yesterday and i said her that i had seen you some where but she told that she came from Shimla,INDIA which is about 798 KMs from my location and she told that she came here for tour.Yes same face,same smile,same hair style and at same place at my shop. Again one dream became true.Do you believe in Dreams,have you experienced it in real life.
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20 responses
@sanuanu (11235)
• India
8 Apr 09
No, I don't belive that dreams come true but I belive that there are meanings to it. I don't about others dreams but when I see that I am eating feces(Gee) or watching woman's bottom in my dream then I get money and everytime I saw that I got money in recent future!
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
15 Apr 09
Yes it always mean something but It can tell us our future too, My dreams always warn me of different things.
@sanuanu (11235)
• India
16 Apr 09
That is why I wish to have the same dream every night. Before sleeping I plea to God that please give me the same dream again.!
@subha12 (18441)
• India
6 Apr 09
I used to believe in my dreams. But from a certain time,. I ahve become more realistic. I believe if its to be happen, it will. It will not depend on dream.
@chimrani (1426)
• India
6 Apr 09
I am a dreamer and realistic too
@marketing07 (6266)
• South Korea
5 Apr 09
sometimes i do believe in dreams..
@chimrani (1426)
• India
6 Apr 09
can you explain more why you believe dreams sometimes.Because i think you have experienced from dreams in real life
@ayaBee (65)
• Philippines
6 Apr 09
Oftentimes yes, because there is this something that is called deja vu and it rarely happens to me. We dream many dreams in our sleep but when I wake up I could not really clearly remember any of it. So it is hard for me to tell if it really happens in real life.
@chimrani (1426)
• India
6 Apr 09
i too cannot remember my dreams but when i experienced it i recall it that it happened in my dream too
• China
6 Apr 09
Well, I believe in dreams are negative in some aspects. For example, if I dream that I lose some money, then I believe I can get some money in the real life. If I am not happy in the dream, then I know I would be very happy in real life. Anyway, it is really wonderful to have dreams. No matter what kind of dreams. Sometimes, we have bad dreams. Just don't be afraid.
@chimrani (1426)
• India
6 Apr 09
Your dreams are interesting.But i haven't seen dreams like you.
• India
6 Apr 09
i don't believe in dreams . because none of mine has come true .i just believe in hard work because one can get anything by working hard ,not just by dreaming . so leave day dreaming .........!
@chimrani (1426)
• India
6 Apr 09
friend i dream only at night, not in day time.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
15 Apr 09
My dreams are so real, I have won the lottery from my dreams, I have a number book and I use it to look up what I dream. My sister called me yesterday to ask me what my Sisters name plays for, like I said I have this book with numbers for different names. So I called up my other sister, my sister dreamed about my other sister, she called me and aked me what her name played for, I called my other sister to ask her what does her name play for guess what it came out in the Lottery yesterday eveing, I missed it. I could of won $583 dollars. Just my Luck!
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Apr 09
I'm not sure if I believe in dreams or not. I have never had any of mine come true and I am so glad in a way.
@chimrani (1426)
• India
6 Apr 09
Friend my whole family believes in dreams because many of them became true but i don't know of others.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
7 Apr 09
lol =D U are so lucky that your dreams really came true, and that it's a beautiful dream too.. hehe ^_^ I do see my own dreams at times, but they dun take so long to happen in real life.. Most of my dreams will become reality in just a couple of months.. IN my dreams, i often have got bad endings but when it coems to real life, everything is the same including my feelings at that point of time, except for the ending is totally different.. lol =D
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Apr 09
I do believe in dreams. When I met my now ex-husband I had a dream in which my guardian angel told me we would marry and I would have two sons to honor my grandfathers. I did have two sons and named them for my grandfathers. The angel came to me many more times in my dreams and helped me through some very bad times, showed me times of danger like highway accidents and I avoided them by heeding the dreams. What of this girl? Did you make friends with her? Dreams are a great help if we will only listen.
@chimrani (1426)
• India
5 Apr 09
Thats great,Yes i made friendship with her.But only met once. Many peoples in the world wide are saying that there dreams are becoming true and scientists are also researching on dreams
@figjam00 (1445)
• India
5 Apr 09
Man thats great, I mean having your 70% accuracy when it comes to dreams. Well I do believe in dreams but I lose faith in them when they don't transform into reality. It really hurts. But still I keep dreaming
@chimrani (1426)
• India
5 Apr 09
Only morning dreams becomes true
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
5 Apr 09
I wish I could remember more of my dreams. Mostly it's just fragments that are remembered...a face, a building, an animal, a feeling. I know exactly what you are experiencing, when you see a person that you only knew in dreams. It's a wierd feeling, isn't it? When I was young, my family took a vacation to an area that we'd never been to before. On the way, we had to get off of the highway to buy gas and get something to eat. The spot we stopped at was right out of one of my dreams...the buildings, street, trees, etc. How could I know that spot? I can't say I knew it from a past life, since it was as modern as what we were seeing. These kinds of experiences make you want to keep a 'dream diary', don't they?
@chimrani (1426)
• India
6 Apr 09
Yes i too experienced the same many times.but i too don't know the place names and time of year.But reached many places which i seen in past many years.
@vardon (90)
• China
11 Apr 09
I Belive it but it need your persistence on it.
• United States
12 Apr 09
I believe in dreams, although most are daydreams. My problem is that I tend to 'sleep on my dreams'..things that I know I can do, should do but I tend to find something that prohibits me from doing exactly what I dream about doing. I think it's mostly fear of the unknown and more procrastination than anything. As far as my dreams in my sleep, it's like I don't recall until something actually happens in real life...most things are insignificant but I find myself thinking 'this has happened before' and most cases it was a dream I had! I'm starting to pay more attention to my dreams now, and I've even began recording them into a journal of sorts - not sure what I hope to accomplish but just trying to be more aware about EVERYTHING these days.
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
7 Apr 09
Hello chimrani, I never had a dream comes true, maybe close to my dream, yes it does. I don't really believe in dreams but I remember my mother told me once - if I dream of something bad, do not tell people or it might come true in my life. Even though I don't believe in dreams, I still remember her words and never tell people whenever I have one.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
6 Apr 09
yeah. i of course believe in dreams and they could come true. i would some of my dreams have come true. anyways, that does not happen often now. but before it does happen. luckily all of my dreams were beautiful ones. i don't like to dream that much but seeing them dreams quite nice too though. th ough there are some dreams i thought are real or will come true but just happen in dreams and will not have its fulfillment in real life.
• Singapore
5 Apr 09
i do not believe in dreams as i never really have any of them being real.In this realistic world,i knew that life isn't easy.SO i would depend on a thing called dreams.:]
@neha2k94u (406)
• India
6 Apr 09
Dreams are always related to some happening, somehow... What I feel whatever is in our subconscious, that we want to do or fulfill, we see in our dreams... and there is nothing strange in that your 70% of the dreams are coming to be true... This is a reality and everyone shud believe... Happy mylotting dear!!!
@luqman87 (25)
• Pakistan
6 Apr 09
Well for me its not happening but good for u. I think its the believe that u have in urself, sometimes u dont trust urself so things getting worse for u but when u start believing and having care about others than things starting for u. I must say u r a good believer thats all.
@snow_one (202)
• United States
6 Apr 09
i believe in dreams, all though i never remeber mine. i think that is just an age thing to remeber most of them if not all of them. i honestly can not remeber a single dream, and i can not recall even having one each night. i do know that it is a proven fact that you have multiple dreams every night in your subconsious state of mind. it helps you reflect on that day i guess.