Does God Exist ?
By dreamssri
@dreamssri (1796)
April 5, 2009 12:03pm CST
Well, looking at the topic you might think that i am a NON-BELIEVER...if you think so,you are wrong...i BELIEVE!
This discussion is for those who DO NOT BELIEVE in god which is started by me on behalf of the rest of us who BELIEVE!
If you are a non believer then just justify or reason why you don't believe in Existence of God? This discussions is NOT ABOUT RELIGIONS! But about GOD!
and if you are a believer,then support me to make them believe!
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28 responses
@simbrialuis (387)
• Philippines
8 Apr 09
People keep on searching, researching, and proving God's existence like chasing the wind.
Science disapproves God's existence for God FAILED the "existent testing" of science. Science wants a tangible GOD, can be seen, touch, heard, smelt or even taste? Not Quite good.
Religion approves God's existence based on the experiences, signs and wonders in this word.
Have they proven anything???
Both entities whether approve and disapprove God's existence are correct and wrong at once. Science is correct for the idea of what is tangible, is existent. religion is correct as this shows FAITH. BUT BOTH are INCORRECT for both thinks GOD is MEASURABLE.
GOD is immeasurable. And what is not measurable is hard to manage, Now can you manage to approve and disapprove the existence of GOD?
No, because, it is like putting God in the box and set a parameter to it.
GOD is GOD that is why no man can prove his existence. Man's capability is far beyond GOD's. Man's brain is too small for a GOD that is too wise to be mistaken. So as to those who want to concur God's existence....Go ahead, measure your GOD, let me see if you can ever do that.
God is more than words you can say, more than the math you can compute.
So please...STOP MEASURING YOUR GOD!!! instead start to FAITH to the GOD whose existence cannot be measured by any wise men.
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@simbrialuis (387)
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
Collecting scientific data, finding the truth..these are very scientifuc act.
But based on what measurement? Can you specify? Science, makes theories & laws based on what? on something that are measureable. And TRUTH is always their AIM.
Have Science found the truth about GOD yet? Let me guess, GOD cannot be smelt, cannot be touched, cannot be tasted, cannot be felt, cannot be heard....what would be their conclusion? GOD is inexistent, because they cannot measure it. So don't ask me for the basis of the statement cause you yourself do not have the fact that he can be measured, IMMEASURABLE is just a term for that has been used for what cannot be measured by science...And even thought GOD FAILED SCIENCE basis of TRUTH...Did they believe it? or some of the scientist still believe that GOD exists?
It is human nature to believe to the supreme being, maybe it is the reason why GOD created small human brains for us to recognize the supremacy of his brain over ours.
There is one TRUTH that i know, there are things in this world and universe that is beyond human brains, creative energies you described existed....but the question is....what triggers these energies? why such reaction on who's action? MAN? or someone MAN's cannot fathom?
another truth...there are people who existed who cannot embrace their ignorance, they deny the fact that there are things beyond human's capability to understand.
The question is, are you one of those ignorant who denies these truth or are you one of the ignorant who embraces his ignorance learn from it?
@dreamssri (1796)
• India
8 Apr 09
friend,i know that the existence of God cannot be proved,nut its something that have to be felt/understood...
according to me,there is super power(nature) above all of us,and i don't care if they call it God or Jesus or Allah or anything else...
i have written a blog entry regarding this and i dont wanna copy/paste it here,i would we happy if you could read that and give me your comments..the link is :
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@Vaddiba (190)
12 Apr 09
["God" is immeasurable.] How do you KNOW that "god" is immeasurable? Do you have "physical" privileged access to this "God"? Have you collected scientific data and analysed it? What is the basis of that statement?
And when you say "god", are you referring to "Yahweh" or "Allah" or another "god"?
Science doesn't WANT a tangible "god". Science is only interested in knowing the the truth behind the creative energy of the universe. Science doesn't pretend that it KNOWS the qualities of that creative energy. Religious people who believe in a PERSONAL "god" continue to pretend that they KNOW the qualities of this creative energy based on the mere acceptance of ancient writings that are not supported by evidence.
Evidence is always a BAD word for religious people. They prefer to JUST accept what they have been told by their pastors, priests, and religious writings. Religious people don't care whether or not their fellow human beings had their own religious agenda when writing ancient scripts.
FAITH is an idea which has led to religious wars and genocide. That's why Christianity, Islam, and Judaism ALL have a history of war and genocide, even though they ALL claim that life is sacred.
Well, if man's brain is too small, then it's all your "god's" fault, isn't it: because YOUR "god" created human beings, right? So, your "god" created an inferior human being in comparison to what could have been created in the first place. Doesn't make any sense, does it?
The universe has creative energy running right through it. At this very moment new life forms are being created in the oceans of the world.
Ancient religious man has been giving this creative force a human personality and calling it "god" (Allah, Yahweh etc.). It's like giving "electricity" a personality and calling it "Ben". Or, ...
... it's like giving a hurricane a personality and name: Gilbert. The hurricane is a "destructive" force of nature, but it doesn't have a personality, does it?
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
6 Apr 09
If we exist, then God exists. We didn't make ourselves.
Psalm 104:24 (New Living Translation)
24 O Lord, what a variety of things you have made!
In wisdom you have made them all.
The earth is full of your creatures.
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@Vaddiba (190)
7 Apr 09
Hmmm ... There we go ... back to the religion of Christianity. It's really difficult for many people to talk about the concept of "god" without talking about their religion, isn't it? :)
If the definition of "god" is defined as "any phenomenon that creates human beings", then we ALL believe in a "god". However, ...
... if anybody says that the "phenomenon" that created us is the Jewish / Christian "god" called Yahweh, as described in the bible, then I disagree because no Christian or Jewish person can point to evidence that the "phenomenon" has the characteristics of a deity. It's similar to saying that electric power (the "phenomenon") has a personality.
So, does the "phenomenon" that created mankind have human characteristics? Or, is the "phenomenon" more like the power of electricity, which is impersomal and merely a form of energy?
My perspective is that the "creative phenomenon" doesn't have a personality such as that described by Christians, the bible, and other religions that are based on an intelligent deity.
My perspective is that the "creative phenomenon" is a "creative process", which doesn't have a personality. If water is added to a piece of bread and left for an extended period of time, mould / fungus will eventually develop on the bread. There isn't an external intelligent deity that makes the mould / fungus grow. The mould grows, based on an impersonal natural process.
My position is that the universe itself also came into existence based on a process that mankind does not yet understand, although religious people seem to think that the bible offers a decent explanation. And, of course, my view of the religious CREATIONIST THEORY as epitomized by the bible, is very inadequate.
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@simbrialuis (387)
• Philippines
23 Apr 09
Hahahahahaha you mentioned "phenomenon" a lot of times...or should i say "Phenomena" the denotation itself....what evidence you are looking for?
Hello.... watch the Logic!?
@Vaddiba (190)
24 Apr 09
Phenomenon is singular. Phenomena is plural. (LOL)
In the context of "creative energy", life is a phenomenon.
In the context of "creative energy", the transformation of a fertilized human egg into an embryo; then into a baby; then into an adult; then into a corpse, is a phenomenon.
Hmmm ... What evidence do YOU want to present my dear? I'll be waiting. (LOL)
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@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
10 Apr 09
I don't think that you are a non believer however not every body has the same ideas on God. It is good for you to pass on your beliefs to a certain degree however not everyone can be sold into believing whatever you put on the table.
God to me is a deity or spirit in which I do believe in. I have come to find the Lord throughout my life. I have departed in my faith also from time to time.
I don't know how you can make people believe in him.
Some people just have to experience life and then learn from that and then come to know the Lord if they are willing.
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@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
10 Apr 09
If anyone questions the existence of God, they should look at the nation of Israel. All the Biblical prophesies regarding this nation have either come to pass or are being fulfilled now. Look at Israel's history. Could a nation so hated by the world for generations have existed without the blessings and protection of a higher being? When you consider the size of Israel, how often earthly powers have tried to destroy them and continue to do so, and how Israel continues to exist and thrive, you have to wonder how it's possible. Israel's earthly allies are not enough to protect them from the rest of the world. Their protection has to be coming from a higher power. Therefore, I think Israel is good evidence of the existence of God. The Holy Bible does tell us that God promised to bless Israel and to curse those who curse them. It also tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
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@simbrialuis (387)
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
I am not a Palestinian and i don't know how they really feel right now.
But if this happens to me, i will work on the piece of land i have and make it prosper, i will make myself rich enough so by the time all these evaders would need my help, i will help them or worst buy their land. It maybe territory that would define power but, mastering the expansion of territory is the wisest move.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
14 Apr 09
Vaddiba, The land of Israel neither belongs to the Palestinians nor has ever belonged to them. God promised the land to Abraham and his descendants through the line of Jacob (who became Israel) forever. Because of their sin, there were times God removed the Israelites from the land, but He never took ownership away. Those incidents are recorded in the Bible. Part of Isaiah (a prophesy book)66:8 reads, "shall a nation be born in a day?" That's exactly what happened to Israel, she was born as the nation of Israel on May 14, 1948 after having been driven from the land in 70 a.d. by the Romans. During those years of absence, the land was neglected and turned into a wasteland. The people who lived there during this time neither settled the land, nor cultivated it, nor set up any form of government. They have no holy nor secular claim to the land. Besides that, Israel asked the Palestinians who already lived there to join with them in statehood, but the Palestinians listened to the Arab countries around them and joined with those Arab countries in attacking Israel on the day they became a nation. But Israel defeated the Arabs and will always be the ultimate winner because they are God's chosen people.
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@Vaddiba (190)
12 Apr 09
If you had a piece of land that was rightfully yours and a group of wondering gypsies occupied your land with the help of their powerful friends, would you consider that as justice and love towards you?
If the occupiers banished you to a small area of your land so that you couldn't lead your normal life on your own property, how would you feel?
Why does the story of Israel support the demoralisation of another race of people, so that another race can dominate another? Is this truly what "god" is about: instead of building harmony, ... building war and hatred based on injustice and occupation of somebody else's land?
The Palestinians have been unjustly treated and marginalised on their own land. There's nothing "godly" or "holy" about that.
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@ulalume (713)
• United States
6 Apr 09
It all depends on what you call "god." I am not imagining anything said would be very swaying for me to alter my beliefs, simply because I am an ex-Christian and have changed in many ways (many of which have inadvertantly bettered myself). I consider myself an atheist/Satanist, and no not just simply out of sacreligious rebellion. It has been a long time coming of studying, past praying, and many experiences that have come to mold me as I am now.
For me, I do not believe in this god or any god in the sense of a deity. The only "god" I believe in is the one that is...myself...and nature. The energy that holds all things together is god. From my own perspective, I am the axis, I hold these things together. Without my own existance I would have no need to question who god is at all. I entered into this world and have become my own creator. Every thought I think and emotion I feel, every life I impact (for better or for worse). That is creation, and inadvertantly that makes me a part of "god" (or, a better word, everything). You see, religion calls god all powerful and all knowing (and all things all together). However, he is constantly limited in so many ways; as if he is a separate entity. The word "god" entitles whatever this thing is to make up of all things. This is why I say "god" is everything, because nothing can exist outside of everything.
I could also give you some cliche (yet real) the church has hurt me, God has forsaken me, why does god let all my friends go away and siblings die.
I probably may appear whiny and less intellectual than usual, this is probably due to the fact that I am tired and don't feel like writing any more. Any questions, feel free to ask. I need sleep.

@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
8 Apr 09
What evidence? Truth as far as you are concerned isn't evidence.
@shebeck (114)
• Jamaica
6 Apr 09
Hey ulalume, I am really not pleased with the many posts that I have seen from you, your story saddens me. Anyway being an atheist and a satanist are two different thing. An atheist is not believing in God and a satanist is one who is an agent of satan, worships satan and carry out his deeds. Satanist also believes that God exist, but have somewhat rebel against God and have turned away entirely from Him to being a Satanist. I just hope and pray that you will soon find your way and your true self as being a satanist is not going to worth it in the end.
@ulalume (713)
• United States
6 Apr 09
You apparently have no idea what real Satanism is, like many Christians. What is new? Ignorance? I think not. Only a very small group of "Satanists" actually believe in a "real" Satan (IE: the entity opposed to God). This is my view (and most Satanists) is completely pointless and stupid. If you are going to believe in God and Satan, you may as well follow the one who has an organized religion and power. Its one thing to disagree with another persons beliefs based on evidence, but I at least know something about my own beliefs. I would recommend even just running a search on Wikipedia and learning about Satanism. I know one of the "Church of Satan" leaders was interviewed by someone from Wikipedia as well, and from that interview you would be able to see the basic foundation of Satanism as a believe. A majority of the things that offend people are simply meant to offend, as they are exclusively symbolic and theatrical in nature. The pentagram has a negative connotation to most people, though it is nothing more than a star inverted. Baphomet is the symbolic representation of mankind. Satanism is much like a classical performance by an orchestra. These compositions always have an essence of darkness, but there is also much joy and pleasure to be found in listening. Many of Satanisms symbols and "black humor" (satires, such as the "black mass") are dark in nature and very negatively viewed by our religious socieities, however those who follow real Satanism only find themselves and come to enjoy our generally meanless existance. Not to mention, despite the darkness; no war has been fought in the name of Satanism. Hardly any murders except by really those who are extremists (but there are extremists in any society, culture, and religion). Unlike Christianity, Judaism, or Islam wherewhich so many wars were (and still are) faught in the name of "God" or "Allah."
I am not writing to please anyone, either. I like learning and enlightening. I've never been forceful in my beliefs, I just tell people what is the truth as far as I am concerned and as far as evidence is concerned. Heck, I am somewhat like a walking encyclopedia.

@cecillecarmela (3818)
• Philippines
2 May 09
I believe God doesn't just exist. But HE lives.. He lives everywhere. He even lives within us.. only if we let Him.
Understanding God's existence or absolute being doesn't have to be that complicated. He talks to us in many ways, more than you can imagine. You see, each time I would wake up in the morning, I would think of God speaking to me, as if giving me the chance to correct my mistakes.. Each time I am with my family, I would think about God telling me how great life is especially if I value these people. Each time I would see street children living on slums, I'd think of God speaking to me saying that I should do something about it.
Understanding God's doesn't necessarily constitute intellectual knowledge about Him. Knowing God should be mostly based on your personal relationship with Him and that is through imitation of His goodness :-)

@dreamssri (1796)
• India
3 May 09
WHAT THE F**K sergedan?
i didn't said you that i am jesus christ or some priest but i am believer...
..and please leave my profile
if you dont like the topic of discussion then why you just cant SHUT THE F UP AND LEAVE THE DISCUSSION..NOBODY HERE WNATS A B.S. RESPONSE LIKE YOURS...

@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
5 Apr 09
I believe in God, and I believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior. I feel sorry for those who do not know Jesus as Savior. However, I have gotten into countless arguments over this topic in the past, and I am not about to get into another one now. People will not believe in God, or ask Jesus for salvation, until God Himself puts it on their hearts to do so. It is our job as believers to witness to them, and to live by example, so the non-believers can see God in our lives.
@Vaddiba (190)
12 Apr 09
Every human being knows that the universe has "creative energy". The challenge is that nobody KNOWS EXACTLY what that "creative energy" is. Religious people call that creative energy "god". I call that creative energy "a natural process" or "nature" or "life" that no human being has been genius enough to precisely define and figure out so far. Mankind will eventually figure it out, using analytical approaches instead of using religious guess-work.
Religious people like Muslims, Jews, and Christians have created their own separate "gods" to try and explain the workings of this "creative energy". And ALL these 3 "different" "gods" (creative energies) have never revealed and identified themselves. It's as if these "gods" are dumb (not having the power of speech). And ALL these 3 "different" "gods" have entirely "different" cultural practices, customs, and beliefs. These obvious differences make it virtually impossible for these religious groups to treat each other with love and mutual appreciation. Religion and the concept of "god" is ALL about the power of human imagination; coming up with different ideas and perspectives on human existence.
The Jews have their own IMAGINATION (Yahweh)
The Muslims have their own IMAGINATION (Allah)
The Christians have their own IMAGINATION (Yahweh / Jesus)
Non-believers have their own IMAGINATION (Atheists, Agnostics, etc.)
At the end of the day it all boils down to individual opinions.
I prefer scientific enquiry that focuses on objective approaches to finding the truth instead of relying on guess-work and human speculation that isn't based on hard evidence.
@dreamssri (1796)
• India
2 May 09
i dont think that "GOD"(in general) is an imagination...i believe that Nature is has the power to destroy millions in a second and the same has the power to create new ones!
you may have heard something like this "God is everywhere"....just think for a moment..which is everywhere? air...yes,its nature.....its watching us from just can escape...
science and spirituality are too close to each and they are one and the same...
look at newtons third law"for every reaction,there is an equal and opposite reaction" spirituality or belief "you do good - you get do bad - you get bad"....equal and opposite..
@Vaddiba (190)
14 Jun 09
If you ask any religious person if they have ever seen their "god", the truthful answer would be, "No, I've never seen my god".
Well, if believers have never seen their "god", then that "god" has to be a mental concept. It has to be imagination. That's why the rituals surrounding religions are different from one another.
The way muslims imagine and worship their "god" is different from the way christians imagine and worship their "god". Even though religious people will claim that they are worshipping the same "god".
The muslims have a different imagination from the christians and vice versa.
@martina0919 (8)
• China
6 Apr 09
Well,actually,I'm a non-believer .We have few religious beliefs here.Sometimes,I do believe God is very good,but I really doubt the existence of it.Can you tell me some benefits of believing in God?Or it's just a kind of beliefs?~~
@dreamssri (1796)
• India
8 Apr 09
you need to get benefited to believe in the existence of god - thats funny..
i have written a blog entry regarding this and i dont wanna copy/paste it here,i would we happy if you could read that and give me your comments..the link is:
@mira91 (985)
• Singapore
6 Apr 09
Is it possible to be doubful? I can't say yes and i can't say no at the same time. My religion is a very complicated one, and some of the things it teaches may look/sound/feel right in other people's eyes, but it doesn't to me, neither do i like to be forced into believing when i don't even know for sure that it's the right thing for me. If i ever do believe in god fully and devotedly, then it would be because i believe in myself to hold such things true.
You can never steer someone towards believing in god, that's just wrong. One must want to believe or feel god as many of you might say, in order to truly devote yourself to such hope and faith.
I hope i would come to believe in Him one day...fully.
Till then, let's just say God is Hope and Will for me.
@shebeck (114)
• Jamaica
6 Apr 09
Of course you can steer someone towards believing in God, that is the job of christians and the Holy Spirit will do the rest. This is called Evengelism, there is nothing wrong with steering someone towards God. And for the benefit of others God the creator is spelt with a capital "G" because He is above all other gods (all other gods are inferior to Him)and all is worthy of all respect, so we should address Him properly.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
God does exist. i believe in his power, his divine glory and his divine plans for all of us. we are merely blinded, distracted from all the good things there is in this life that we forgot he existed and that he is the pure creator of all things...
@cecillecarmela (3818)
• Philippines
2 May 09
In my own opinion, I strongly believe that God does not just exist, but God lives. He lives everywhere. He even lives into our own lives.. only if we allow Him to live.
You see, understanding God's existence doesn't have to be that complicated. He is everywhere, and He even talks to you in many ways more than you can imagine. Whenever I would wake up each morning, I would think of God speaking to me.. as if giving me another chance to correct my mistakes. Each time I would be with my family, my friends, I would think of God speaking to me of how great life is if only I value these people. Each time I see street children living on slums, I would think about God speaking to me, saying that I should do something about it.
Knowing God doesn't necessarily constitute your intellectual knowledge about Him or His absolute being. Knowing God should also be based on our personal relationship with Him, and that is through imitation of His goodness :-)
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
6 Apr 09
Dear friend,
I believe in God and to prove it, it is simple that we all are here only because of the God. The most common question I had faced from non believers of God is why does not God come to help us in the bad times. You could see the flowers, those birds, those nice things always like to be in the nice place and do good things. Hence if we do nice things if we belive in good things, one could easily feel the God and may be even could see the God. For that just do the right things and say the right words. I had felt the exitence of God when ever I did a good thing. I am sure you will soon become a believer of God. You will feel it soon. Moreover I do not want to go to any arguments, as arguments may be hurts others, I just want to clarify my part why I believe in God. GOD BLESS ALL ............

@shebeck (114)
• Jamaica
6 Apr 09
I am a firm believer in God and when I say God I am talking about the Creator, the Alpha and Omega. No one can otherwise divert my belief. I am standing by my belief for various reasons. Contrary to what others think, Christianity is not just a religion, christianity is a way of life, follower of Christ and this is the true religion. Others might have bad experience with christianity but I am here to tell you all that we are not here to serve people and no matter what people has done to us we still have a Creator who will judge us and who we will all have to answer to on that great judgment day. It is time to we all face up to where we destine ourselves to go, to be with the Father in heaven or be with the great deceiver Satan in hell. We all have a choice to make and we should not make others influence our choice, we should seek truth for ourselves.
@Vaddiba (190)
6 Apr 09
Before there can be a proper discussion regarding whether or not "god" exists, there needs to be a precise definition of what you mean by "god".
I don't accept that there is a distinct personality described as a deity / "god". "God" is an idea developed by ancient people who found it impossible to explain the world in which they lived. And history has been littered with many "gods". Such is the active creative nature of the human mind.
Another point: In the main, is it possible to talk about "god" without talking about religion? A lot of people who talk about "god", practice a religion: Christianity, Islam etc. These are religions because they are organised systems of HUMAN THOUGHT and ritual practice that purportedly guide the lives of its believers.
Those who don't profess a religion, might want to define what they mean by "god"?
As for me: The impersonal and mystical energy of the universe is EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING that is seen and experienced is nothing more that different states of energy. If I were to define this impersonal energy as "god", then I could say that I believe in "god" based on that definition.
However, when most people talk about "god", they are really talking about their religion.
If a so-called "god" exists as a separate entity that is distinct from the universe itself, then that "god" is limited to the space that it can occupy. And since that "god" is limited in terms of the space it can occupy at any one time, then that "god's" presence cannot be experienced collectively by ALL the universe at any single point in time. For example:
... because I, as a human being, occupy my own space (volume), as I move around I cannot be in more than one place at a time. And because of this, I can only make myself available to other people if they are within relatively easy reach. So, ...
... if a "god" exists as a separate entity that occupies its own space within the universe that it created, then that "god" is limited in its availability to the rest of the universe.
However, if "god" is not seen as a single standalone deity, but an integrated and pervasive energy that permeates every element of the universe, then that is a totally different perspective.
@NuttyMomma (901)
• United States
2 May 09
how do you look at a newborn baby and not believe?
how do you see a beautiful sunset and not believe?
how do you feel love and not believe?
how do you explain how and why this world is here without believing?