Was the 911 World Trade towers center staged?
By bmwfinders2
@bmwfinders2 (807)
United States
November 11, 2006 12:01am CST
Im nervous to ask this, alot of my colleagues, and family say that the buildings were Intentially blown up that is why they collapsed. Now this is a real jugular issue, and my regrets and deppest condolences to any families affected by this horrible tragedy
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54 responses

@bmwfinders2 (807)
• United States
24 Nov 06
These are all great responses im giving you all + ratings. I love reading all of your ideas. Thanks and hope you had a nice thanksgiving
@mlmpeople (777)
• India
24 Nov 06
Yes only idiots believe these cooked stories. Every criminal gets some support from similar people.A thief support another thief like wise a terrorist supports another terrorist or like minded ones.All those who supports the terrorism hate Bush.It is very clear.
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@yourpress (307)
• United States
24 Nov 06
amsharma, I could have not said it any better. You are right on in your answer.
@forfein (2507)
11 Nov 06
I don' mean to be rude, especially on a subject like this!
Why are Americans so silly?
Two Aircraft hit the twin towers.
All the evidence prooves it. We actually saw one LIVE on the TV.
I saw a documentary on The Discovery Channel where they pieced together the flight from take off to when it hit.
They used actual Mobile Phone records, and one of the Stewardesses was actually talking to the people on the ground and was describing the Terrorists, naming the seats they were in and everything. This is how they knew who they were!
The twin towers were designed to withstand a hit by small aircraft. They were NOT designed to withstand the Impact of a Bloody Great Big Jet !!!!!!
With all the fuel on board and everything else put together it was like a HUGE bomb hitting the towers.
To plant explosives at the bottom of the towers to bring them down would have taken ages!!! And the noise of the explosion would have been HEARD for MILES !!!!!
Now PLEASE......
I apoligise for being rude at the top of this post, but come on.............................................

@bmwfinders2 (807)
• United States
12 Nov 06
Im listening to both views (sides) and I really remember watching the towers come down live, discovery recap, you name it ive seen it and the buildings collapsed too perfect. almost looked like the floors were imploaded one by one. Im not a expert in building demolitions. But it seemed to fall too perfect to me
@orneryoldcuss (144)
• United States
11 Nov 06
I have to take exception to one of your comments. The buildings were designed to take full frontal hits from Boeing 707 aircraft - even multiple strikes. At the time they were designed, the 707 was the largest commercial aircraft. If you look at the weights and fuel capacities and other design features of the 707 and 767...they are VERY close to being the same. I suggest you view the film "9/11 Mysteries" for an unbiased view of the entire sequence of events. The film just reports the observable facts about the collapses, not any "wild theories" about who did what when.
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@gabby77 (142)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I don't mean to be rude either. Especially on such a touch subject. But, everyone saw the towers fall live on tv. We did not see a survailance of that area the weeks and months before. We do not know what was already in the building or who hired the people to hijack the planes. I think the original question has more to do with who was behind the actions that took place 9/11. I watched the movie Farenheit 9/11 in my college history class and we had a big discussion on how we know what we are told by the media. The media plays a big influence in how we think feel and act. As responsible adults, we have to learn to be critical thinkers and not just take what we are told at face value. As for me.... I believe anything is possible. I actually have seen documentation that Bin Lauden and Bush are friends. That would explain alot wouldn't it??!!

@mlmpeople (777)
• India
24 Nov 06
This is a twisted version.I dont believe it.Some one puts this kind of thoughts to divert the focus of people to lies.This kind of story making must be from the source of terrorists or by the supporters of terrorists. I feel this discussion must be originating from such people who after killing so many innocent lives are trying to put the blame on Americans to safegaurd the name of dirty terorists. What about the terrorism in other countries? You mean to say people are putting bombs on themselves in every country? Whom you are trying to divert ? The terrorists are bringing bad name to Islam that every muslim should understand instead of hating America and other countries.
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@brentjh (677)
• Namibia
1 Dec 06
Ok then, but please can you show me one picture, just one in which you can see actual identifiable plane wrekage at the Pentagon or at that place where the one plane flew nose first into the ground. Like maybe a piece of a wing tip or tail piece or maybe even a passenger seat. That hole in the groung looked like someone made it put some junk in it and set it alight. In any legitimate crash site anywhere in the world, and in any circumstances you will see identifiable plane wreckage! Except of course in the pentagon and that so called hole in the ground!
@bmwfinders2 (807)
• United States
24 Nov 06
Like said before the only one who knows everything that happened is God. Thanks for your response

@wiseper (787)
• Philippines
15 Nov 06
i thought it was already given that it was intentionally blown up, of course, by the 2 planes that struck the 2 towers. but if u mean that after the 2 planes crashed in the 2 towers and after that they still planted a bomb for it to collapse, i will give a lot of credit to the US government if they have thought about it that fast! i mean, after the shock, what? they easily thought, ok, let's bomb it some more to make it collapse some more... be realistic.. but if ur right, i congratulate those who did it. they have very very fast minds!
@Violette13 (1048)
• United States
15 Nov 06
The thinking behind it that is was PRE arranged. There were a LOT a LOT of people who weren't in that building that day. There were reports of "utility workers" roaming about the WTCs a while prior to the attacks, One of the floors of the building that has an empty floor above it heard a whole lot of construction and weird noises going on days before the attacks. There were bottom floors and undergroud floors that had explosions in them, those surely weren't cause by planes hitting the tops of the towers. FEMA was ALREADY near the site the day before it happened if i'm not mistaken. Again i bring up Tower 7, no plane hit IT, yet it still fell in true demo fashion.
@wiseper (787)
• Philippines
15 Nov 06
u have to also know that there was proof that the other planes were hijacked by terrorists. would u really think it was coincidental that terrorists were hijacking a plane to crash on the pentagon while another group was in the works of crashing 2 planes on the 2 towers? wow, some coincidence... people really were very busy that day, wouldnt u say?
@Violette13 (1048)
• United States
15 Nov 06
You don't seem to understand what i'm saying here. ;) It's my opinion that the government was involved in and knew about the hijackings and had a hand in the planes hitting the WTCs.
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@becnusoon (212)
• United States
20 Nov 06
I have seen several specials on the subject which seem to indicate the buildings would be the first in history to ever collapse that way on their own. So perhaps there is something to the theory they had help! Thanks for the subject.
@brentjh (677)
• Namibia
21 Nov 06
Ever heard the term "pull it"? This is what is used in demolition terminology. There is a recorded call where the call is given to pull it - just pull it. This was a demolition order. This also sugests the buildings were built with demolition shape charges already in them. And oh yes... I can maybe understand one building comming down like that (which would be pure luck), but 3 buildings... I don't think so.
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@brentjh (677)
• Namibia
16 Nov 06
Ok so were the Twin Towers Built whith Explosives already in them? Read this from http://www.rense.com/general48/chargesplacedinWTC.htm
The downing of the Twin Towers and other buildings of the complex where done by (Planned Implosions).
I was working at Kirkwood Commutator in Cleveland, Ohio from 1974 to September 30th, 1998. We had an Industrial/Refill Department that large commutators from 1 foot in diameter to 20 feet in diameter were made. A commutator is the circular switching device on an armature shaft that (commutates), switches the electrical current that flows thru the windings of the armature coils of an electrical motor. It is the thing that the brushes ride on that the current flows into an electric motor that energizes the field coils that causes the motor to rotate. The commutator switches the current from coil winding to coil winding that causes the motor to rotate.
I was the metrologest, gage technician who set and calibrated all the measuring devices in the plant for over 18 years.
We had a team of consultants hired by Otis Elevator to supervise and inspect all aspects of those commutators we produced for those motors. That were being made for the largest ever Twin Towers going up in Asia. Otis Elevator had the elevator contract for providing the elevators. The lead consultant engineer would always come into my gage calibration lab to watch and inspect my setting up and calibration of gages for measuring the components we were producing for the assembly of those motors. Most people who worked in the tool room, screw machine and industrial/refill departments knew (because they were making the parts) that we were manufacturing 4 or more very large commutators. But, they did not who the customer was or who they were for. Or what application they would be used in. Most of the other people in the plant had no knowledge whatsoever about was being made. All they did was make this part of something they had prints and shop orders for.
On day, as the lead consultant engineer was in my lab talking just about "stuff", I asked him, "Sometime in future, in 50 years or so, how are these Twin Towers are going to be taken down as tall as they were going to be and as tight as land is in a crowded city, without causing fast destruction to other buildings?"
He was standing upright. He outstretched his right arm with his palm down. And said, "Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam" as he lowered his hand down one imaginary floor at a time. All the way down to the floor. I knew that we had to certify these commutators to be able to operate continuously for 50 years without service or repair as our part of the contract. He explained that as the buildings are being built, explosive charges are being incorporated into the structures at key floor joint locations. So, that when the first charges are set-off at the top floors, they will take that floor down to the next. And the charges at that floor will take it down to the next floor. This will continue all the way down. The Twin Towers will come straight down like a stack of pancakes. When the buildings get old and no longer useful or profitable to have and maintain, all it will take is a phone call to take them down.
So, you see, Jeff, no one had to sneak into the buildings of the WTC in New York and plant charges during a terror drill or a practice fire drill. They were already there...built into the buildings when they were constructed, just waiting for the call to detonate; waiting for the day when the buildings were no longer profitable to keep and maintain for whatever economic reasons of their owners and controllers.
The jet airliners crashed into each one on the Twin Towers and, thirty minutes later, the phone call was made and the first tower was taken down...and then the second tower was taken down. By the way, the other buildings of the complex were going to be a liability and no longer of use. So a phone call was made and they went down as well.
The controllers of the building complex of the Twin Towers made 500 million dollars profit. They did not lose any money. They do not care about people. They only care they have is their profit margin and bottom-line being as far in the black as they can get it.
This is what happened. The true story. Alex Jones is right about Building 7, but he should not forget the above in regards to all of buildings in the Twin Tower Complex.
Again, it is my contention and stipulation that when those buildings were being constructed, shaped charges were set into the joints at key places....waiting for they day when the buildings were to be declared obsolete and to be demolished by the powers that be. This way, they could be taken down...one floor down onto the next...all the way to the ground. This is also the plan for those highest Twin Towers in the World that are standing in Asia.
What needs to done. Is for someone to get the "real" full constructions blue prints, building plans for those building in question. It may show, in detail, what I have said about them.
Robert L. Parish Sr.
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@bmwfinders2 (807)
• United States
24 Nov 06
This is amazing info I cant believe that these building were built with implosion devices in each floor upon the completion of the tower. This is definetely sensitive information and i hope you dont share this info with everyone. But anyway brent Im glad I did write this discussion
@bmwfinders2 (807)
• United States
20 Nov 06
cool yeah i agree with yah. let me know what you think really happened that day 911
@bmwfinders2 (807)
• United States
20 Nov 06
cool yeah i agree with yah. let me know what you think really happened that day 911
@braveheartpt (3037)
• Portugal
15 Nov 06
You don´t have to be nervous, you start a discussion that all, (when I say all I´m talking all in the world, I´m not american) really like to know what did happened there. I´ve saw a documentary that makes more believe in some staged thing. but only God knows what really happened. Congratulations you have here one of the best discussions I read.
@bmwfinders2 (807)
• United States
20 Nov 06
Yeah i agree i have had so many different versions of what happened, God does know exactly what really happened. What do you think really happened that day?
@kerryq2705 (8672)
• United States
11 Nov 06
No ,I do not think that it was staged. What exactly do you mean by staged anyway? I know that I believe that the terrorists are the ones who flew the planes into the towers. Do you mean...did we intentionally blow it up? Be a little more specific and i'll get back to yah.
@kerryq2705 (8672)
• United States
11 Nov 06
What I mean is do you think the towers had help? Meaning is it possible that the floors were intentionally blown up causing the building to collapse.
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@bmwfinders2 (807)
• United States
11 Nov 06
Kerry that is exactly what I meant yes now you can answer the discussion.
@bmwfinders2 (807)
• United States
19 Nov 06
ummm dont look at me like the nimcompoop. everyone on this discussion says a different thing of what happened. And for years i was fooled for awhile i mean who could believe that are own government would blow up are own buildings?
@bmwfinders2 (807)
• United States
19 Nov 06
Well this is certainly shocking i dont know what else to say about this
@Violette13 (1048)
• United States
15 Nov 06
There are tapes of the firefighters and other witnesses hearing the explosions of the charges going off. The way the building collapsed was textbook of a planned demo and let's not forget the fact that BUILDING 7 COLLAPSED AS WELL. There were only some minor fires in that building when it collapsed and it too collapsed in the typical demo style. There is footage of an f-15 flying by the building right as the plane hit the second tower, they knew what was going on. The F-15 that was on film was only going about a quarter of it's top speed. They say that they couldn't reach the plane in time to stop it, that's bull, if that f-15 were flying anywhere near top speed it would have intercepted that plane. Look at the reaction of Bush in the classroom, he actually SMIRKS at one point. What president SMIRKS when something like that has happened to his country. The WTC were BUILT TO WITHSTAND a plane hitting them, the have an amazing structural build, it's not possible for planes to have taken them down. In addition to that, a chunk of metal from the site was tested by OUTSIDE parties and it tested postive for elements created by thermite. Thermite or a similar compound can only be the explanation for how the core of the building gave way. How can you explain the molten metal at the seen for weeks after, Thermite is the only thing that could have caused that. I'm sorry, but no amount of jet fuel or papers on fire are going to get hot enough to MELT the core of the WTCs. I'll stop for now, i can really get going about this subject. I think it's appalling what our government has gotten away with.
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@bmwfinders2 (807)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Violette I'll have to talk to you personally. How do you know all this? Are you sure about all this about the f15 flying by the other small tower that collapsed? I mean is that really true? Where did you hear about that dear? This is getting crazier by the minute
@Jennibug29 (157)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I really dont think so, I am going to go back to basics here I am sorry if I offend anyone. Airplanes hit the towers, airplanes have fuel, alot of fuel.
@Violette13 (1048)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Indeed they do, BUT it doesn't matter how much fuel they had on them, the fuel would NOT burn hot enough to melt steel. There's no way the fires there could have.
@Violette13 (1048)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Indeed they do, BUT it doesn't matter how much fuel they had on them, the fuel would NOT burn hot enough to melt steel. There's no way the fires there could have.
@Violette13 (1048)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Indeed they do, BUT it doesn't matter how much fuel they had on them, the fuel would NOT burn hot enough to melt steel. There's no way the fires there could have.
@brentjh (677)
• Namibia
16 Nov 06
I don't know why the images are not uploading :-(
Anyhows also from http://www.letsroll911.org/phpwebsite/index.php
Did the second plane follow a laser guide to the seconde tower? mmmm... read on!
Now as we continue with the odyssey of Flight 175 you will be exposed to all of the other feats of this famed flight. Before impact, a large laser light spot appears from nowhere onto the left side of the World Trade Center, and as the plane gets closer, the laser light moves across the building about 70% across, and then the plane hits just beneath it. It then dances onto the fireball, then onto a buildings face more than a mile away in an instant!
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@deeds14 (815)
• United States
11 Nov 06
No one knows for sure. There are people who think it was a conspiracy theory. They think it was used as a reason for us to go to war, with the real reason being oil. I don't think they'll ever find out.. but most people think it was a terrorist attack.
@kerryq2705 (8672)
• United States
11 Nov 06
This is what my family says. They say that the planes hit the building but charges blew every floor causing the building to fall down. Thanks for ur reply.
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@bmwfinders2 (807)
• United States
11 Nov 06
My family says things like this too.
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@caraj444 (1075)
• Canada
11 Nov 06
i think theres a good possibility they could have been, and its unfortunate to think of how many people are in power that would be capable of that. I also think you asked a difficult question in a very tactful way that allowed people to see you really wanted to discuss the issue ( a lot seem to start contriversial issues just to have people give lots of responses because theyre just arguing back and forth)
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@bmwfinders2 (807)
• United States
11 Nov 06
thanks for ur response, i feel better about a difficult question thanks for ur input, have a nice weekend