The Messiah Part IV

April 5, 2009 6:15pm CST
Now in this part we will discuss is Messiah Man or God. When the Council Of Nicea convened, one of the main things on it agenda was to make Jesus divine. Believe it or not, Most of the Christian sects did not hold Jesus as divine. Even the words "Son of God" that had appeared in some of the text had a different meaning. The King of Israel had the title "Son of God" as David was a "Son of God" and many others you will see in the old testament were "Son or sons of God" So what is it to be a Son of God? It was a term meaning that the King of Israel was not an absolute power, That they rule temporary here on earth but the true ruler of Israel was God. Being anointed or the anointed one (Christ or Messiah) meant that you had been anointed by God to rule over HIS people Israel, And thus this day ( the day of anointing) you have become my son. For many of the first Christians, Jesus was the anointed one, and he brought a new covenant to them. But Jesus did not change any of the laws, in fact he strengthened the laws, Nor did he change any of the holy days. But Rome wanted superiority and many days were changed, and they wanted a divine Christ, Constantine knew that military power was not enough, that to control the masses, he also had to control the religion of the masses. So he had the new religion (Christianity) married to the pagan religions of the empire of Rome to help bring total dominion over the masses, And Jesus became not the son of God, the King of Israel, But the Only Son of God divine himself. In the Old testament Prophecies it does talk about the King Messiah as the holy one, But the Holy one as the Lord, never as the Lord himself. It also talks about his sufferings, death and resurection, But not as God himself. I know to some I may be a heretic, But You will have to read more posts to find out.
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2 responses
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
6 Apr 09
Anyone that reads the account of the Council of Nicea knows that the pagan Constantine was trying to stop all the fighting between the different factions that would eventually become christians and the pagans and the polytheists. The Jews were also invited to the party, but would have nothing to do with it. At the Council of Nicea, the christ was suddently made divine for the first time and mary his mother was made a virgin. Before that she had had other children etc. Now suddenly she was a virgin and the christ was born without sin and so was she. Cool transformation. Also mary was impregnated by the holy ghost. Now there were officially three gods instead of just one. So, christianity officially became a polytheistic religion, much more appealing to the pagans. Pagan holidays were substituted for the old Jewish religious holy days and they were good to go. Shalom~Adoniah
6 Apr 09
Exactly the point. At the caruncle of nicea there was a overt decision made to change the tone and direction of the gospels and the movement. Not only did they insist on making Jesus divine, but threw out anything any book or scripture that would point to his humanity. As for the Virgin birth, I can not say whether or not this was made a case here, but it was clear that Mary had other children, Jesus definitely had brothers, and possibly sisters. Rome went to great lengths to hide as many things pointing to his humanity as possible, including possibly his marriage. How ever they could not hide everything, those things they couldn't hide because it was in books or scriptures they need because they felt it strengthened their view point were lied about. Mary Magdalene became a Wh_re, Mary became a perpetual virgin and had also been conceived of a virgin birth, and the siblings of Jesus disappeared. The truths that they could not hide or lie about, they simply said they were of no importance or that maybe they were "mistranslated" or didn't mean what it said, because if it meant what said it would have said it a different way. LOL!
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@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
6 Apr 09
The Holy Bible speaks of Jesus's brothers, not of sisters that I am aware of. A virginal birth of Jesus, not of Mary. It does not say that she remained a virgin, merely that she was a virgin up to the birth of Jesus. I really got read that book again.
@ivbsav (193)
• Indonesia
6 Apr 09
If you carefully read the Isaiah 9:6, it clearly states about Jesus is not just a son of God, but God itself. And If you want to know clearly the devine of Jesus Christ, read John 1:1-12, Rome 9:5, Phi 2:1-12 Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Council Of Nicea has given no effect to me and Christian, it just a history that never brought anything to Christianity.. May God bless you
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
7 Apr 09
Isaiah says nothing about the christ. The Tanach never mentions the christ anywhere in it. It only speaks of the Jewish Messiah who will be an earthly King not a god. It is about Jews not christians not gods, Only THE G'D and an earthly KING. Christians twist the words and change the translations and slip out a line here and there to make it say what they want it to say so that they can have their christ. Until the Council of Nicea no one called the christ a god or mary a virgin. Read your history. The only time a christian reads the Tanach is to back up their story of their christ. Any other time it is the Old Testament. Old and forgotten. That is wrong. Your whole religion is based on our Tanach and yet you twist its words.
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7 Apr 09
Never brought anything to Christianity? WHAT? Everything Christianity became was based on what happened at Nicea. If the council would not have convened there would still be the early church present now and not the twisted doctrines of Rome. and my friend, that is from a christian who believes, just not what Rome has shoved down our throats for almost 2000 years.