women's education

April 6, 2009 7:41pm CST
Hello everyone here Ji, Even today, in our country, people are of the opinion that, in rich families, it is not necessary that women must be educated, giving reasons that women do not have to earn to make their livili-hood. I think, this is a totally absurd idea, because one has to earn money, so one must be educated. I have found some serials on TV, where such feelings are being conveyed. I think Govt must stop such serials. Education for all must be widely promoted without keeping aside women's education. Any of you dis-agree or having any other plan, please shatre your views. My main point is women must be educated more than men. May God bless you and have a great time.
24 responses
@wxo200345 (101)
• China
7 Apr 09
i certainly agree with the opinion that woman and man should have equal right in any aspect. but i can't understand why you consider women must be educated more than men. this is unequal to men ,hehe
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• India
14 Apr 09
Hello my dear friend wxo200345ji, thanks for your response. have a good day.
@gxyywhyzy (450)
• China
7 Apr 09
in my hometown,there are only a few girls have chance to go to school.when i was a little girl,my father believed that it was no use for girl to be educated.may be most of the farmers in my village were agree with my father.so,nearly all the girls at my age were illierate.however,except for me,my mother determined to let me go to school.in fact,she was right,i have graduated from university and got a good job with high salary,and my peers in my hometown,they are farmers and as poor as our parents .
1 person likes this
• India
14 Apr 09
Hello my dear friend gxyywhyzyji, well first of all i congratulate you that you got educated with the help of your mother.may god bless you. it is so nice to hear from you. have a good day.
@riyasam (16556)
• India
7 Apr 09
a women must be educated even if the men want their women not to work for compatibility reasons and also to educate their children(noe dont its men who educate their children)
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• India
14 Apr 09
hello my dear friend Riyasamji, it is so nice to hear from you and thanks for sharing. i agree it is only women who teach their childrens, not men. have a good day.
• India
7 Apr 09
as you say, education is compulsory irrespective of the economic background of the family. I know about what you mean in rich families….there girls are usually married off early and they need not work at all. But education has a different meaning altogether. Even basic schooling goes a long way in improving a person’s outlook towards life. I don’t think girls from any families are totally uneducated these days…they may not pursue higher studies or career courses, but they do go to schools and colleges. There are places in India of course, extremely rural and backward, where girls are married off very early and their education ends there. Regarding serials, yes there are some serials which show uneducated girls from rich families but I think these serials are a reflection of our society and the more people see them, they more they would think about the negative effects of keeping girls out of schools and getting them married early.
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• India
14 Apr 09
Hello my dear friend sudiptacallingu, it is so nice to year from you and thanks for sharing your ideas. i agree with you. Education is important. Have a good day.
@sweetyethot (1737)
• China
7 Apr 09
Dont have to earn their livelihood cant explain the reason why education for women is unnecessary.In modern society,everyone has right to be educated and government should make sure women be educated as well.I agree that women must be educated more than men cuz women play a really important part in families.Generally speaking,an educated woman makes a better family than those uneducated.
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• India
14 Apr 09
hello my dear friend sweeetyethotji, thanks for sharing your views in a positive way. have a good day.
• China
7 Apr 09
in my country women were in lower social status than men in the old times ,so many women have no right to receive education.Now with the development of the society,more and more women can go to school and sit in the class together with men. In my opinion if have chance one must receive education in any case.it is absurd that one can escape from education because of their rich finance.
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• India
14 Apr 09
Hello my dear friend Damojinghongji, it is good that you shared your views in my discussion. thanks alot. Have a good day.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
7 Apr 09
Education is for every one and if they stop the women from it how would they take care of thier selves if hubby paaes on before them. So Yeah for womens education!
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• India
14 Apr 09
hello my friend Lakotaji, It is very nice to hear from you. have a good day.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
7 Apr 09
I fully agree with you May. As a women and a very vocal one on women issues, we should not be treated as second class human beings but on par with the men. We should be standing and sitting in level head with men in all things and should therefore be well educated in all fields. I come from a family of strong women and supportive men. My grandmother ruled the roost and my grandfather believed in the education of women. He forbade my mother to get married until she finished her college education. I have an exceedingly energetic 76 year old aunt and my own mother is of course one of the best role model I could have. So it is only natural that I feel strong about women's issues. Too many seem to think that to fight loudly for their rights is too 'unfeminine' which simply buys into men's ideas of women's roles. So we have a long way to go yet. But I see hope amongst younger women though. Perhaps they are more exposed, less complacent and more willing to take risks. The challenge is to keep their fighting spirit going before age and comfort dampen their enthusiasm for rocking the boat.
• India
9 Apr 09
Hello my friend zandi458 Ji, So nice of you for being so frank and sharing your personnel views, quoting from your family. I know taht you are very much vocal and speak from heart for up-bringing women on the whole. Here, one point is emerging very clearly, that a single woman should stand to fight out for her education and no compromise. May God bless you and have a great time.
@roysville (496)
• Philippines
7 Apr 09
I know there are still some places in this planet where women still don't enjoy equal rights and priviledges as men, although I'm still surprised when I actually hear of them. Unless somebody really made a stand against it, this whole thing won't change.
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• India
14 Apr 09
hello my dear roysvilleji, well its really true. thanks for sharing and have a good day.
• Philippines
7 Apr 09
well, for me both men and women should be educated whatever status in life..they have the right to be educated..but if culture will deprived you well you have the right to change your culture by means of intermarried..but it always depend upon the situations..sometimes this so called poverty is the big hindrance in our lives that is why the government prioritize man to be more educated why because they are the one who is bringing the family or the breadwinner of the family..
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• India
14 Apr 09
hello worldbestwriter2008ji, It is good to hear from you and your sharing with me. thanks alot. Do you think intermarried is the only solutiion for this? have a good day.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
7 Apr 09
I think that men and women need to be educated equally. Both genders need to be able to provide for themselves, and each other. What will happen to families if we all rely solely on the man to provide and he falls ill or leaves? I would not allow myself to be in the situation where I couldnot take care of myself and my family.
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• India
9 Apr 09
Hello my dear lynnemg Ji, So nice of your positive response. Your expresion from bottom of your heart would bring fruitful results. No stone should be left unturned to educate women in particular. May God bless you and have a great time.
• United States
7 Apr 09
I think that it is very important for women to have the same availablity of education as men do. I do not think that this should change no matter where you live. I also think that it is important for women to get an education if they hope to have a good job in the world. An education allows them the ability to work if they need to at any time in the future. I also do not think that the financial stability of a person means that they do not need education. After all, much of that stability is founded on education. You also never know what might happen to your money, so an education is always a good back up plan.
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• India
14 Apr 09
Hello surveytaker29345ji, I appreciate your ideas and many thanks for sharing your ideas. have a good day.
@chinitz (27)
• Philippines
7 Apr 09
education is very necessary in our lives. Its not a matter of who must be the more educated, its a must that all of us needs to be educated. Its everyone rights. How can we deal our lives not knowing whats the right or wrong. Learning don`t stop in the school as we grow old we learn and educate our selves more.
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• India
14 Apr 09
hello chinitzji, it is so nice to hear from you . i agree with you , everyone of us should be educated as it is necessary. have a good day.
@prinzcy (32303)
• Malaysia
7 Apr 09
It is important for woman to be educate. They must have strong background to support themselves even when they already has a husband as the breadwinner. Education also help them in educating their children. They can't just depend on teachers at school to do that.
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• India
14 Apr 09
hello my dear princyji, it is so good to hear from you and thanks for participating in my discussion. have a great day.
@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
7 Apr 09
I don't care who you are, man or woman, you should have enough education so that you can support yourself down the road. So one don't cheat you out of yours, so you can read when someone tells you to sign, that kind of thing. In my country, the USA, one must finish high school at the very least. I have seen some folk who didn't and they struggled behind it; Or some got just enough to make it happen for themselves and did well. But for a woman, it's not easy although I have seen examples of women doing good for themselves without a college degree. I have a college degree. never used it. never. I could now but to get a job I want, I can't just get it the same day, that takes time.
• China
7 Apr 09
You've put forward a good topic. The issue of women's education has been remaining a controversial point ever since education began. In my country, women's right of receiving education is still restricted in many parts of the coutry, espcially in poor mountainous areas. An old Chinese saying known as "Ignorance is women's virtue" vividly reveals people's idea on women's education. Illiterate women are considered virtue rather intellectual. Women, after they get married, are requested to fulfil the duty of being women: to help husbands and teach children. This seems rather unfair because it deprives women of their right to be educated. Though women's situation is changing gradually, there is still a long way to go.
• United States
13 Apr 09
I think that's totally insane! Everyone, man or woman, whatever religion, whatever ethniticity, etc should have their right to education. Not educating people, especially women is the stupidest thing ever. It's the women that keep the household alive, bring up children when the husband goes to work, right? What are they suppose to teach their kids? Nothing? What a stupid thing to do. And what country is this?
• China
7 Apr 09
i agree with you. the woman lived in a rich family need more education, they have enough money to improve themselves.
• India
7 Apr 09
Iam aggeary with your discussion that eveary women must be educated and no superation between rich or poor and educated is one type offer that must be uttilise every women make their livili-hood.
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@valpopa (154)
• Italy
7 Apr 09
The reason women do not get educated is because quite ofthen education is viewed by women as a punishment for not being goregeous looking or a way in which a more educated man may look after her. I see that generally speaking the aim of all girls out thre is that of finding a rich guy that keeps them at home and maintains them while they stay at home and taking care of the home things (whatever that might mean I have no idea but that what most women talk about). According to their opinion if something is not fun to do then don't do it. But if you are born in a rich family and staying at home doing nothing is already your routine, then why putting all that effort in learning and studying and prepare for exams...it is so unconfortable. In anycase, there will always be some poor and good looking young guy that will be attracted by her mercedes benz when she park it in the handicapped parking of the gym or sauna. So why bother with school. According to some of the most beautiful girls I have met so far, school is for loosers. What else can I say?