Are there rats in your place?
By kalav56
@kalav56 (11464)
April 7, 2009 1:56am CST
Unfortunately, of late there are rats in my place.You would not believe it , in fact , my shopkeeper was astonished when I kept buying rat poison [11 tablets in all within a month at such a rate.I thought I had got rid of them all but now, once again I see one having a gala time in the kitchen at night.We cannot keep all our windows closed because it gets unbearably stuffy .So, I just keep the kitchen door closed.
Once again , I would have to attack them diligently.We are in the first floor and these happy things climb on to pipes and make a carefree entry.
Do share your experiences.

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59 responses
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
10 Apr 09
Are you sure you have rats, or are they just mice? Either is a health hazard as well as a nuisance. Can you get a cat, or maybe a couple?
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@mishastar (734)
• United States
9 Apr 09
I hate rats so much! I used to live in New York and would watch giant rats run around in the streets and subways. I am not a native there and wasn't used to seeing them in abundence and at such a large size.
In my old apartment building I would see them occasionally in the halls but never in my room. I had rat traps and poison set up in corners, just in case they would try to seek in.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
8 Apr 09
We had river rats in the heating system in an apartment where we lived for awhile,
the landlord called a company to come get rid of them. They also fixed the place where they entered so no more could come in. These rats were as big as cats, it was scary.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
8 Apr 09
Thankfully no! I hate rodents and if any get into the house I can not sleep well at night. I even had one get in the bed once. I felt something on my leg in the middle of the night and woke up in time to see it scurrying away from me! Ugh!

@cvrajan (354)
• India
15 Apr 09
It looks, next only to terrorism, rats menace seems to be the global problem, based on the huge response you have received! From Newyork to Singapore, rats seem to be there everywhere!
I have an interesting anecdote on rats. 4 years back we had been to Tirupati (a group of about 8 to 10 people). We had our darshan, collected laddoos (twice the number of people) and slept in the Cottage. Mid night there was a "karakara kasamusa" noise and somebody switched on the light. A huge rat was found running away from our stock of baggage hurriedly towards the window.
The plastic bag in which the laddoos were kept was found partially open! Panic! Has the rat tasted the divine prasadam or not? Some investigation was done and except for some nibbling marks on two of the top laddoos, there was no visible damage. Whether the nibbles were because of the rat or because someone of had tasted it became a hot topic of discussion. Someone said we can't take risk and we should throw the whole lot away. Someone said it can be donated to the beggars. Someone warned that if something happens to the beggars, then we will all acquire sin!
Finally one of the strong willed lady who had a bulldozing power of convincing others said that she did not see the rat coming off from the laddoo bag and the nibbling marks were definitely not from the teeth of the rat. Most of us were not too inclined to lose such a good stock of Tirupati laddoos, really! Who can face friends and neighbors asking for the holy prasad back home?
So we were willing to get convinced and took the laddoos with us. Though there was a shade of worry in most of us while eating the laddoos, fortunately nothing happened!
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
15 Apr 09
That was great response and let me tell you one thing--that strong willed lady would have defintiely been a ladoo lover
Who would not be willing to convince themselves that there was nothing terribly poisonous [after all it was only a semblance of a rat bite and one never knows whether it was there earlier when the pack of ladoos had arrived,is in't it? It may have been the marks of some man's finger nails after all when he packed the whole lot
So, when one person is only too willing to have the papam of 7 souls around ,it really does not matter.And from the fact that you are alive and kicking to write out this response only shows that nothing would have happened to the beggars too[though it would have lent more credibility if the person upholding the virtue of the act had said that if something is not good enough for us then beggars also should not be given that in principle-[instead of talking about the crime and sin -}obviously he was also a ladoo lover].
But joking apart, it would have been terrible to see these stupid things scurrying away from our lovely ladoos.God Bless that strong willed lady !

@cvrajan (354)
• India
6 May 09
Hope you have guessed that the strong willed lady was my wife and she was "cvrajan lover" rather than laddoo lover. (cvrajan is actually the laddu lover). And naturally, her true intentions of "experimenting with the likely rat-saliva poison" had unfortunately fizzled out!
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
7 Apr 09
Kala! We are sailing on the same boat. We also suffer from rat menace. They keep coming from pipes, stairs and wires and once they are inside our house, they make it their permanent home, till they are trapped or killed. One big rat has made our life hell for the past few days, he has destroyed many things and cut my cell phone charger one night. We keep our doors closed and the bloody rat has mercilessly eaten our wooden doors and curtains from the bottom. We have no option, but we will have to kill him sooner than later. We do not feel like killing rats, but he is such a clever rat that he won't come in mouse-trap and he is so wise that he will eat the bread loaf in the mouse trap and will not get trapped in it despite our numerous efforts. He hides himself in the day time, however, at night when we go the sleep in our second floor bed room he makes marry on the first floor and do whatever he feels like doing. I wish somebody could devise or suggest me a mouse trap in which I could trap the nasty bugger.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
7 Apr 09
Hi Deepak! How frustrating for you all!Actually after that massive use of 11 tablets two months back, I ha ve seen the reentry of only one rat so far and Iam wailing here.Your story is terible.They sometimes keep on 'urrrrrr urrrrr', when they nibble at the door and it is really irritating. I heard this the last time.Our house is in a big compound where there are plenty of trees and otherwise this is such a wonderful place[where else would you see parrots and mynahs and many other birds in this concrete jungle of a place?];that is why I wont like to leave this place too.You will have to use rat poison Deepak becasue they are a big nuisance.In which floor are you staying?
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
8 Apr 09
Hi! Kala!
It is indeed very frustrating to see that we are not able to get hold of rat(s) and one big one is really causing lots of troubles for us. We are staying at the first floor, however, rats are so smart they even come through stairs.
I wanted to use the rat poision as the last option, but now it appears that I'll have to use it to get rid of nasty rat(s). The newer or the smaller ones, however, sometimes easily get trapped at night in the mouse traps.
It is really enthralling to know that you can enjoy the freshness of trees and exotic birds in your compound. I fully agree with you that it is very difficult to find greenary and birds in the jungle of concrete, now a days.
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@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
9 Apr 09
[i]Hello kalav56,
Yes, we have rats in our house. We used to put some sticky paper around the place where they walk at night. During the day when we check out the bait there are mice stuck on the paper and we just throw or buried them out. No we screened our windows and they can't get in the house. There are still in there and we see them once in a while outside the house.

@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
11 Apr 09
It must have another name. It's a piece of water with sticky glue that doesn't dry or hardened, that's the best way I can describe it. It is made by Baygon.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
8 Apr 09
I once lived in an apartment right on the river and so we had river rats that would crawl in thru the basement. I never ever went to the basement but I saw them outside a few times.....ugly nasty looking creatures! They would get up in my ceiling and I could hear them running around at night. I was always afraid that one would fall thru one of the tiles or find its way down to my apt. If they did...I was lucky enough to never see it. I was so glad when I was able to move from that place. Are you renting? You should complain to the landlord. They should be able to get a professional exterminator in there for you. It sounds as if you are fighting a no-win battle there...kind of like trying to kill off the ant population.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
8 Apr 09
Iam staying in rented house which is otherwise a rare find -with a lovely compound, trees and birds , ideally suited in other ways , and I aske d the lanadlord about this.He gave me a brilliant suggestion that I should keep all the windows totally shut[probably he thinks that poor circulation and ventilation at night is still better than rats.]Now, I just have my own way of tackling the menace.That is jsut keep rat poison after cleaning up the area thoroughly, keep the kitchen door closed[this is where right now the devil foools around]
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
I have similar experience with you in so far as rats are concerned. There were times that rat dominated our house. As you can see, we reside in a rocky place and a certain portion use to be a farm land. So obviously the place were dominated by rats before. Since we constructed the house in the area, some rats might have transferred to our house. But with the rat poison that I have used, I rarely see them anymore. But I think from time to time, there are still a few who will enter our house.

@ILANEDRI19 (278)
• Israel
7 Apr 09
The first time I saw rats on the streets was two weeks ago. We did an operation for arresting an wanted arab in his village, and as i'm going down on my knees i'm breaking into his house, i'm watching on the floor and see rats running between my legs! I don't afraid animals, so I didn't freaked out. It did was grows and kreepy. I must say that the villages of the palastinias are very nasty, and they live there in nasty and garbage all around them. I guess that's what brings the rats.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
7 Apr 09
of course they are every where you go. but we can drive them away if we can keep our place clean and if we can close every hole they can pass through going to our house. we used to have many rats. but we just cemented every place that can dig and make a way for them inside our place. we saw many holes in the garden. cause when they dug a hole in the soil in the garden they were able to create a passage way going out of the canal in the street. so we closed it. and we cemented every thing they can get into. and we renovated our place. like every hole in the roof which they can find their way into the ceiling we repaired it.
@kawalnarang (1095)
• Trinidad And Tobago
8 Apr 09
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
7 Apr 09
Hi kala, thats too bad. Once they come they make it a habit and come daily looking for some thing to eat. They take a while to break this habit. It happened at my place and it took nearly a month before they completely disappeared. Now we have no problem with rats..Why dont you continue with the rat poison, in time they will perish and stop coming..
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
7 Apr 09
Exactly Kiran! I have rat poison in hand and would use it.So far, the rat seems to haev evaded half a cake that I had kept. And last time , it created such a mess it gave me terrible work of cleaning up the kitchen.I was so paranoid about it that I kept cleaning again and again and sprayed deodorant in the drawers.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
9 Apr 09
My goodness, rats in your house?
There are rats in a lot of places in Singapore, but so far nobody has complained of rats inside the house.
Once Orchard Road was infested with rats at night and the news become a national news within days. A few pages of the newspaper were devoted to the pictures of rats, the type of rats (seems to be Norwegian kind of rats), rat poisons and various methods of catching rats, even a write-up of the pests controllers and their jobs.
If my house has a single rat, I will be featured in the front page of the newspaper!
Good luck with your battle with rats. Do you need to read Sun Tze Strategy of War to battle the rats?
@msmargo (361)
• United States
8 Apr 09
Ewe! I hate rats. They carry disease. I live in an old house and they come every winter. I keep my house clean but I am also learning that you have to keep all of your packaged food stuff in containers or else they will gnaw through the packaging. I had a sealed box of 24 containers of ramen up on a shelf and the rats gnawed through the corner of the box and then proceeded to eat most of the ramen in their containers before I realized what was happening. Same with rice cakes. They even got into a plastic salad dressing bottle and it leaked all over the floor. It was a mess! And don't get me started on finding their droppings and piss. They come out at night and get into things and make noise. Drives me crazy. I've even gotten up and shined a flashlight in the direction I think the noise is coming from and the noise stops; I go back to bed and the noise begins again. I am not a cat person. I used to use the pellets, but as alot of people here have said, you never know where the animal is going to die; could happen behind a wall and then you are screwed. I use the trap. I have to do it; I get no help from my bf (he is a self professed wimp). It is actually not bad. I use peanut butter. I use a rat trap, but I've also caught mice with it. Sometimes the mice are alive and I release those; altho I often think "Am I releasing this critter so it can come right back in?". When I catch one I lift up the trap part and slide it into a plastic bag. Tie the bag up real well and put it in the outsie garbage. I make sure I wash my hand real well. For awhile there I was catching one everyday. It almost became an obsession for me. I haven't caught anything in about a month. I have never used the sticky traps. Nor have l used the fly paper someone here suggested.
@amanda333 (739)
• France
8 Apr 09
I live in the country, so yes, I get mice and rats some winters, but not so much in the summer. I have five cats so they take care of them very quickly, I also have a golden lab dog, but he's next to useless...big soft thing

@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
8 Apr 09
Oh that would be so aweful. I am so sorry for you. No I have never had rats here, but we live out in the suburbs. We do occasionally get field mice in the basement, and one little guy did manage to get in in here once, I don't know how he got in here, but he practically ran run right up to me. I managed to capture him and put him outside thank goodness, but it really grossed me out that he was in my house. I don't know what I would do if I ever saw a rat in here.
@Nhey16 (2518)
• Philippines
10 Apr 09
When our screen door was broken, I saw a mouse came in here from that door, and at once I bought a mouse trap and fortunately got rid of it. From then on, I always keep our doors closed, so as to prevent any lost mouse go in our house. And I just hope that would be the last one in our house.
@moondance61 (164)
8 Apr 09
I've never had this problem but I really feel for you, must be horrible. Anyway, I read the other day about somebody who had an infestation in their house of rodents and they used essential oil of spearmint and peppermint, this got rid of their problem. Just sprinkle it around where they get in and hopefully they will not come near or cross the line. Hope this helps.