Do you believe there are another world exist?

@emma1987 (107)
April 7, 2009 2:49am CST
I am very interest to know it.where are we from, where are we going? what do you think about this?
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5 responses
• Romania
7 Apr 09
Honestly... yes I believe there are many other worlds out there that we don't know about. Call me crazy but I think there are many hidden places/worlds that only some people know of. You have to be really open-minded to believe in this. They exist, in my opinion, even if we're aware of them or not. If you want you can go there, it all depends on you, on the way you think. The only limits are the ones you set for yourself. You can do whatever you set your mind to. The power of thoughts is greater than you may think...
@emma1987 (107)
• China
7 Apr 09
I can agree with you.
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@chookie1971 (2271)
• Australia
13 Apr 09
As space is very big, there is a huge possibility that there are other worlds out there that contain life. At the moment we won't know what is out there. Probably not in my life time but we might find out in the future some time.
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• United States
13 Apr 09
Hi emma1987, I do believe that there are other worlds. I don't believe that God would make one planet with intelligant life and only one in the whole universe. I think that there is a whole lot that we don't know about the universe. But I do believe there are other planets in the universe with intelligent life also.
• India
7 Apr 09
Yeahh...i mean itz kinda strange buh yes i do..
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• United States
9 Apr 09
If the big bang theory holds any water at all, there must be other worlds. I doubt they're like ours, but I'nm sure some random particles got together somewhere.
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