I need advice from mothers who had a natural childbirth!!!!!!
By claudiamac
@claudiamac (154)
United States
April 7, 2009 2:27pm CST
I really want to have a natural childbirth and i need advice from people who endure this, to give me some hope i can do the same! I've had a great pregnancy, i've walked a lot and actually only gained 23 pounds so far (week 36) so i think physically i could be ready to have a natural birth, but sometimes things happen and you have to get a c section or epidural, and i would like to avoid that....ANY advice would be really appreciated!
8 responses
@clcweberff (19)
• United States
7 Apr 09
I would suggest that you take Lamaze classes to learn breathing techniques.
They really helped me thru my 3 childbirths.
@claudiamac (154)
• United States
7 Apr 09
I think im a little late for that one, dont you? I missed like four classes, something always came up (and ok on one of them i forgot, :S) but before i was pregnant i did a lot pilates and relaxation classes so im hoping thats gonna help me a little bit...I've also walked like a horse these nine months!
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
8 Apr 09
don't worry about Lamaze classes, the nurse will guide your breathing when the time comes & they'll give you an oxygen mask if necessary
@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
14 Apr 09
i came to find out that the breathing really dont help much at all , everyone i know that had taken lamaze classes said it didnt help them at all when they where in labor

@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
24 Apr 09
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. I am sorry to hear that your baby girls birth was over 20 hours long and you had quite a lot of medical intervention. I hope that all is going well for you now and your dear little baby girl.
I had a home birth with my toddler son. My labor lasted just two and a half hours. I didn't need any pain relief. I had some strong contractions and didn't need to push at all. It was the most perfect birth I could have hoped for. I hope for something similar in June when my baby girl is due to be born.
@claudiamac (154)
• United States
24 Apr 09
Are you serious? Wow i can't believe it! How did you arrange to have a home delivery? I mean we're not gonna have the second one for a while now but I would really like to know for the future, I think that I handled this pregnancy very well, it was just unfortunate that my water broke so early on, but I have to congratulate you for doing it like that, maybe is just my experience but I really don't think I could have done it without an epidural, but listeni g to you I feel a little more hopefull about my next baby!
@claudiamac (154)
• United States
25 Apr 09
Are u serious? Wow I really envy your delivery! How did u arrange to have a home delivery? We are not planning on having another baby for a while but I would like to know anyways! I tried to stay very healthy during my pregnancy and I felt I could have had a better delivery.., I had a second degree tear I thought could have been avoided, but whatever it's over now. Anyways I'm happy you had a good delivery and I wish u the best on the next one.
@claudiamac (154)
• United States
25 Apr 09
Oops sorry I just realized I posted twice, I thought the first one didn't go thru. But it did...:)
@maybebaby (1230)
• Canada
21 Apr 09
I had a natural childbirth with my now three month old son. He was my first baby and I didn't really want to go natural because I was scared of the pain but he came quickly and we had no choice. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Breathing really helped, yoga style breathing and NOT that panting that you always see. Very slow in through the nose and out through the mouth with a long cleansing breath at the end of the contraction.
@claudiamac (154)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I was able to breathe camly until she was about to come out, and then i lost it!!! i screamed like twice and she was out! is not as bad as they say, but that last moment is painfull, at least for me, but is true what they say it is really fast and when you see the baby is like you get another epidural and then you dont feel it as much....
@kezabelle (2974)
15 Apr 09
I have had two children and both natural births, I really dont think there is anything you can do to avoid a section sadly sometimes its just required for baby and mothers safety! Make sure you are sitting properly at all times to help baby stay in the correct position while you are still pregnant, prefarably with you hips higher than your knees!
Natural births are possible for most women though, try some raspberry leaf tea from 36 weeks this helps prepare the uterus for contractions keep calm and relaxed through the contractions and as upright as possible walking around the room if you can if not then lent over the back of a chair did the trick for me!
My labours were 2 hours 45 mins and 1 hour 23 minutes long no pain releif the first time but i did require some the second time because it was that fast and intense and painful good luck!
@claudiamac (154)
• United States
16 Apr 09
How lucky are you to have such sort labors! I swear when my water broke at 5 in the morning and I had no pain I told my husband, let's just sleep a couple of hours and then we go to the hospital, LOL! But he didnt like that idea....because of the fearvof having to stay so long in the hospital, but hey, it was not so bad even though it was 25 hours....she was born on Easter sunday and now I'm so happy she's here!
@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
14 Apr 09
i had 4 natural child births mine where plained that way i didnt want any pain mends and let me tell you 2 of them where very long labors my first one was 2 days and 12 hours and my second one was easy he was only 4 hours my third was 2 weeks and 3 days of pain but i got through it just fine with no meds, my 4th one was 9 hours but that one wasnt that bad because i walked around when i was in labor it made it hurt less, and i am a small woman i am only 5 feet and weight 90 lbs so if i can do it i know you can . the advice i can give you is when you are in labor see if they will let you walk because it makes it hurt less also when you are lying in the bed move from side to side it helps , make your plain clear that you dont want a epidural ahead of time thats what i had to do all 4 times i just thank god i didnt need a c section . good luck and just believe in yourself, and you can do it.
@claudiamac (154)
• United States
16 Apr 09
Thank you for the response!! I HAD my BABY!! It is a beautifull baby girl!!!! It was everything I didn't want but I'm just so gratefull she's here now with me!! My water broke but I had nopain and when I went to the hospital they told me that since my water broke they couldn't let me go home because of the risk of an infection, so after the pain finally started they had to induce it because it was not progresing fast enough, so after getting the pitocin I didnt want to get the contractions started geting really bad so I ended up getting the epidural and I ended up having a second degree tear such I also was fearing, but oh my god,what a beautifull sight that of my daughter!!!! it'swas 25 hours of labor but Soooioooooo worth it!
@XxlenalouisexX (73)
• United States
24 Apr 09
I had a natural childbirth. Well I was induced at 37 weeks 6 days due to low fluid. I was already 4 cm dilated, 80% effaced before I got induced. I was induced with pitocin and for 8 hours, the monitors where reading that I was contracting but I wasnt feeling them. Then they broke my water and a hour and half later I had her. I had wanted an epi but i progressed too fast. It hurt like hell and I felt like I wanted to die but Im glad I did it that way. Yes the pain is extreme but its a healthier route to go.
@claudiamac (154)
• United States
24 Apr 09
I really dont think I could have done it without an epidural, but my delivery was really different from yours, even though after my water broke I was not feeling the contractions either until they put the pitocin. I wanted to have a birth a little bit like yours in the sensethat I wish I could have gone to the hospital when I was almost ready, but hey my daughter is here and that's all that matters.
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
7 Apr 09
I had natural birth, but it wasn't planned, it just happened so fast nothing could be done. I would suggest you let your doctor know beforehand that you would like a natural childbirth. I am sure the doctor will be okay with that, and of course if the pain is too great they would be able to intervene.
@claudiamac (154)
• United States
7 Apr 09
That's how I would like my birth to go!! I really would like to have it natural, did it hurt a lot? Was it a good experience overall?
@sxrxnrr45601 (1171)
• United States
7 Apr 09
I have given Natural childbirth 3 times and if you ask me it is the way to go. Just remember that your baby can feel what you are feeling so try to stay calm so you do not stress you or the baby out. When I went to have a contraction I hummed and tapped my finger and tried to relax as much as I could. The more you carry on and make a fuss the worse it is really. So screaming and such just really makes it harder on you and the baby. So just take some deep breaths and put your mind at ease. Find something to do during contraction to try to calm yourself the pain will go away although it seems to last forever. Lamaze did not really seem to help me although I have heard from some women it helped them I took it with my first child and well it just made me want to throw up when I tried to do it when in labor. I wish you the best of luck hun and will be praying for you. Like I said just remember that your baby feels what you feel so.... Keep that in mind.
@claudiamac (154)
• United States
7 Apr 09
that is exactly how i feel things go, but since i have never experienced it, I really cannot say, but your comment has really helped me confirm what i already felt....And also makes me feel a little better about missing my classes. jejejejejjejej
I think when you think about it like you say it helps to take it easy, it's all those tv shows and movies putting the idea in your head that you have to scream at everybody when you're in labor....