Thank heavens for Tasks

April 8, 2009 7:17am CST
Because without them, I'd be earning about 3c a day. Where on earth is everyone? For the last two weeks finding anything to respond to, or getting responses to a discussion, is like drawing teeth without an anesthetic. Has anybody else noticed that Mylot is currently like a street you could fire a cannon down and not hit anybody? Lash
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11 responses
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Apr 09
I'm here - though that may not make any difference to you I still have my mailbox full of notifiers and still have difficulty keeping up to date. Only done one discussion this month - did you miss it? There are a lot of new users and some are a breath of freh air here Then of course there are the others - nuff said! I have certainly found enough to respond on and no complaints but I am aware of something 'different' in the last weeks. Just a circle going round I guess.
2 people like this
• Australia
8 Apr 09
Just had a look at your discussions, and I notice that a lot of them are in the interest. I know I have just started this one there, but normally I have that turned off, since most of the discussions there I find boring, and they also tend to be largely overrepresented in the deleted discussions list. Not yours, I'm sure, but I still consider the interest as less than safe. Lash
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Apr 09
I went and looked at yours and I can understand why we are not bumping into each other - you go to two places I never go either because it gets too 'hot' there Not all of mine are here though. Maybe next time, who knows
• United States
8 Apr 09
I'm brand new here, but quite old to the 'write for money on the Internet' phenomenon. I get an okay amount of residual income from my short stories and articles, but I am always looking to expand. Hey, if I'm going to be a 'Net junkie I may as well make money at it, right? By the way, if you are into writing articles, I recommend Triond (no, I don't get any kind of signup or incentive if you join, it's a legitimate recommendation!). Christian M. Archer
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
8 Apr 09
I've noticed a few people I normally see regularly aren't as active lately, so new discussions from them are a bit on the quiet side too, I agree, but I seem to be getting responses at a similar rate as always. This kind of suits me in a sense though, because I've been pretty busy workwise lately, so am not here as often either. Tasks however are not something I've entertained to date and I have no intentions of getting involved with them at all. I guess I'm not so adventurous when it comes to things like that.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
8 Apr 09
It seems that many people don't get them for me for some reason? It's all good though because I can't possibly respond to everyone's discussions myself, so it all evens out in the end. We cross paths often Mysdiana, so it works out just fine.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Apr 09
I don't get your notifiers
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Apr 09
Maybe it's for the best or he would get no sleep! We seem to find him just the same ... must be the mustard coloured suit that shows up in the dark!
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
9 Apr 09
I noticed that too... in the past, i used to get like 30 notifications of discussions started by my friends... but nowadays... i am lucky to receive 15... i wonder what other mylot members are doing... i haven't tired any on the tasks yet... but i might the available ones if this lack of discussions continues...
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
10 Apr 09
It is quite difficult for me because i am more of a responder rather than a discussion maker... so i mostly depend of those started by my friends... i hope they start making more discussions after the long holiday...
• Australia
10 Apr 09
What I'm noticing, both in my own discussions and those I respond to, is that mostly they are dying very quickly. Where I used to be getting 15-20 responses on average, I'm now getting 5-10, and a couple of geniuses aside, I suspect most others are having the same problem. Lash
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
8 Apr 09
Well I have been seeing lots of discussions here lately just not very much that I was able to respond to. When I was working hard at mylot last year to see how many I could respond to I was posting all day and answering any discussion that I found. After 6 months of heavy activity I took a break and now I just post a little bit but I try to make sure I get all the other stuff I need doing before I come on here so some days I do not make it. The tasks have actually given my earnings a nice boost without spending all day posting and that means I enjoying the posts I do more now than I was when I was spending all day here. But it also means that I am only on here for an hour or so.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
8 Apr 09
It is. I am fed up with all the blinkered right wing racists and bigots so I am easing off. Not that I post much that's worth getting your teeth into. So I pop in a few times a day, despair, and move on.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Apr 09
If you made the cake instead of just mentioning the recipe there would definately be more to get your teeth into
@p1kef1sh (45681)
8 Apr 09
I have the eggs now. I just need some cherries. Then it's all systems go.
• Australia
9 Apr 09
Now you come to mention it, you are conspicuous by your absence. Please come back. Lash
@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
8 Apr 09
Hey grandpa. How are ya? I know where you are coming from. There are days that I log on and I can find several discussions or topics that suit my fancy however there are days that I can't hit the side of a barn. There must be some days that are just a little off for some people. I like to be somewhat choosy about which discussions to reply to so I can have some good quality. I have to say that I haven't ventured on to any tasks because I am still not sure how they work or if I will do them right. I imagine that the tasks that were brought forth have helped you in some way and that you have found it to be productive for yourself. And I am wishing you continued success. For now I am probably going to stick to what I am doing and hope that some good discussions pop up that are in my interests and I can continue to make a little extra money here and there. Take care friend.
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• Australia
9 Apr 09
The tasks are pretty simple as long as you follow the instructions and use a normal degree of intelligence. The first couple will take a little getting used to, but after a half dozen or so you should be able to do them in your sleep. They are almost all identical in process, except the 4 paragraph ones. There it would be helpful if Mylot remembered to actually tell us what the topic and related keywords are lol, the last one of those is missing those somewhat important items. Lash
• Philippines
8 Apr 09
you are right tasks had been a great help to everyone to increase their earnings.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
9 Apr 09
Heyya Lash! I am enjoying the myLot tasks. They have brought in a few extra earnings. I have ups and downs. Usually the discussions I think are going to be good are flops and visa versa.
• Philippines
9 Apr 09
I admit, i am not doing well now on participating discussions here on Mylot. Since my time was divided into so many busy things, i get choosy topics here to answer. I only do tasks here on Mylot. And yes, i am thankful for the tasks here, i have got 15 approved tasks here and at least i am still earning thanks to Mylot. But just like you, i do noticed that nobody is posting much nowadays. I guess most people shifted on the greener side of the fence, if you know what i mean. I don't know, till now i still struggle what i am going to do to reach the next payout. I got $15 for March earning, but sadly, i don't think i have the same energy to pull up the same earning this month of April. But anyway still thankful for this site because of their tasks.
@mathss1 (1181)
• United States
8 Apr 09
Ouch you injured me I do not know why people fire canons just to check if people are present Lol Have a gr8 time Njoy
@NIECIE21 (365)
• United States
8 Apr 09
I am still here. I have not been responding much lateley due to working full time and being in school full time with mid terms this week, but I am back and will be responding/posting more for the next few weeks. :)