My pup has Parvo!

@spalladino (17891)
United States
April 8, 2009 6:15pm CST
Dyna is about 9 months old now. She's a Florida Cur dog...slim with long legs who now weighs 33 pounds and has never left the yard. Yesterday I could tell that she wasn't feeling well. She wasn't her usual energenic self when we got up and, after both dogs went outside to do their business, she refused the dog biscuit that is their usual treat. She also wasn't drinking. I tried to get her to eat some scrambled eggs (which she normally likes) but she refused. Later on in the afternoon I offered her small bites of left over chicken breast. She ate some but it soon came right back up. So, this morning I took her to the vet and they diagnosed Parvo and roundworms. The vet gave me the option of treating her at home since the disease is in it's early diarrhea at that time and no fever...or letting them treat her with IV fluids. Really, the only thing you can do is to support the body and I didn't want her alone and sick in a cage in a strange place when I can care for her 24/7 unless it's absolutely necessary. I brought her home armed with some support while her body fights this virus. I have a container of canine electrolyte support, which smells like chicken broth and a syringe which I've had to use because she's not taking it willingly. I also have antibiotics for the secondary bacterial infection that will develop once the virus enters the lower intestines and causes diarrhea. I also have pills for vomiting but she vomited the first one shortly after I gave it to her so I don't know how helpful it was. I also have medication for the roundworms...enough to treat both of my dogs...but that's for after Dyna is better. I had her outside earlier because it was warm and sunny today but it's a little chilly in the evenings here in Florida so I brought her inside around 4:00. So far there have been two accidents on the from each end...but I don't really care at this point. I shampooed the spots and let Dyna know it was okay because she looked so sad. Every few hours I give her some of the electrolyte liquid because she can't take it as instructed...3 to 4 ounces every 6 hours. Smaller doses at shorter intervals seem to have a better chance of staying in. I've been researching Parvo today and I'm praying that I'm going to be able to care for her throughout the next couple of days. I'll probably be posting on mylot late into the night because my plan is to stay up most of the night, pushing these fluids every few hours and getting up early to start again. You know, I didn't really want this dog in the beginning. She's supposed to be my husband's companion at the motorcycle shop but the noise of the bikes scare her so she spends more time at home than she does at the shop. She's a very loving dog and a great, playful buddy to my little dog but she's very least she was until now...and has been killing my carpal tunnel when I take her out on the leash. Now that she's sick I realize how attached I've become to her. Today I paid the vet $282 and, if she gets worse and needs IV fluids, I'll willingly pay more to let them care for her. Has anyone else here dealt with parvo and how did it go? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
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11 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Apr 09
Poor Dyna!! I hope she recovers quickly and completely. That's strange she would get that, isn't that vaccination included in the puppy shots? She's blessed to have you, a lot of people wouldn't spend that much on their dog. I've spent a lot on vet bills for my Gus and he's worth every cent so I know how you feel. Kisses and hugs to Dyna! You should ask your vet if you can give her some benedryl--that's the brand name for diphenhydramine, which is what is in dramamine the stuff people take so they don't vomit when they are motion sick. Maybe she could keep the fluids down that way.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
9 Apr 09
The vet said that a dog isn't fully protected until after the fourth series...the last one. My husband's nephew's wife just stopped by and she said that her brother lost a litter of hunting dogs to parvo...but she didn't say when that was or if it was since he's moved in with her mom down the street. They must have 15 dogs in kennels down there. The parvo virus can live in the elements for a very long time and Florida doesn't have extreme temperatures that would easily kill it. I suspect that the kids have been bringing not only the parvo virus but also the roundworms onto my two properties from there so I'm going to call the county tomorrow and ask if anyone can check those folks out. I know how to kill the virus and worms that are currently on my property but what good will that do if we're reinfested the following week? The vet also gave me something to help with the vomiting but Dyna couldn't keep the first dose down. If she can't keep the second one down...which she's due for later on tonight...I'll call the vet and ask ehr about Benedryl tomorrow. I already have it for my little dog's itchy attacks.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
9 Apr 09
I'm sorry to hear Spalladino! My friend's dog was a pound dog and it had parvo when she got it. I think she said after $1,000 in vet bills the dog was better. The dog is like 7 years old now and doing great. Today must be the day for animal problems, my duck twisted it's leg today some how and I hate to say there's no cure for that. My mom has to do the deed when she gets home from home tomorrow. I'm like you, I would pay the money but, the vet can't do anything for my duckling.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
9 Apr 09
I'm so sorry about your duckling, Zeph! Pets certainly can touch us in ways that people can't. There were several times during house training that I wanted to kill this saving her is my main concern. My daughter has a new puppy nextdoor...a pit about 10 weeks old...and I told her that they need to get that puppy to the vet asap for shots and to keep her in as much as possible. If Parvo is on my property it's on theirs, too, since they live nextdoor. Dyna has had two of the four shots in the puppy series and the vet said that they're not fully protected until after the fourth shot. I would hate for my grandsons to watch their new puppy die and, as sick as Dyna is, I'm sure it wouldn't survive. My thoughts and prayers will be with you, too.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
9 Apr 09
I didn't know that parvo was in the ground. I don't know how parvo could live in the ground here with our artic weather we have. I really hope your dog has a speedy recovery. I hope your daughter's puppy stays safe as well. I think that pets touch us because they don't talk! lol
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
9 Apr 09
They don't talk and they love us even when we're really, really ugly! The virus is shed in the dog's stool and can survive as long as conditions aren't too extreme. Cold here is in the low 40s...and REALLY cold is when temps drop to the mid 30s....brrrrrr! Thanks for the good wishes, Zeph.
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@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
9 Apr 09
Sunshine after surgery - This is a picture of my dog, Sunshine, after his bladder surgery last month. He had to wear a head collar so he would not disturb his stitches and staples. He is all better now and recovered completely. Hopefully he will not get bladder stones again. He is now on a special diet to help prevent any more occurences. He was in such pain and I am so happy he is feeling better.
Oh noooo spalladino! I'm so sorry about your doggie Dyna getting the parvo virus! I sure hope the best for her. Was she vaccinated? I don't know what I'd do if my baby got something like that. I was a wreck last month when he had to have surgery for bladder stones! He was so pathetic wearing the head collar so he wouldn't mess with his staples & stitches afterwards. I will be thinking about Dyna and hope she feels better soon. Hopefully the meds you have her on will do the trick and make her all better! :) Jill
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
9 Apr 09
Thanks Koalatbs. Dyna hasn't finished the entire series of vaccinations and the vet said that she's not fully protected until after the fourth one. Your poor doggie looked like he didn't like that collar at all! I have one of those, too, for my little dog who had an issue with skin irritation a while back. Her's was clear and she hated wearing it but I did have to use it a few times.
@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
11 Apr 09
Well, I sure hope Dyna has a safe & full recovery from the Parvo. How is she feeling lately? Does she seem to be doing any better since starting on the medication? I sure hope so. Yes, my dog did hate the collar! He always looked soooo depressed when he had it on but I knew he had to keep it on until a day or two after those stitches and staples came out so it wouldn't get infected. I was mainly concerned that he would ripped them out by picking at them but luckily he is all healed up now and feeling 100% better. He no longer has to pee every 5 minutes and the blood in his urine has stopped completely. The vet showed us the stones she took out of him and they looked so painful... all jaggedy and the size of pebbles. You'd never know from looking at him now that he even had surgery, except for a scar on his belly which is starting to fade now. Thank goodness! Give Dyna a big hug & kiss from me. I'm sure she can use all the cuddling she can get right now. Take care of her! Let us all know how she is doing. Hope you are having a nice & relaxing weekend! Jill
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
9 Apr 09
My sister had a dog who had a large litter (12) and some of them got it. It was a large litter, and some were weaker than others. Most of them did nicely after treatment. It really depends on the stage and aggressive treatment. But I tell you one thing it does get expensive. Sadly our favorite ( who I was watching for her while she was having a house built) did not survive. He did put up a good fightg and in the end parvo did not do him in, it led to another infection he could not fight. Elbows was the only one who did not survive, but 11 out if 12 is good odds. My best advice is just to keep a close watch on her, we fed Elbows baby food as he could keep that down.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
9 Apr 09
Thanks for the great idea, Barbietre. That's what I'll start her on once she's back on solid food. It's a little after 2:00AM now and we're still at it. Dyna wants to drink water but won't drink the electrolyte liquid willingly and I want more nutrients in her than plain water so I'm alternating between a little of each every 30 minutes or so. She's still vomiting off and on but I think more is staying in than is coming out and still no diarrhea. She's had her second dose of the antibiotic for the secondary infection in the lower intestines and it seems to be helping her.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
9 Apr 09
Hey spalladino~ Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Dyna. My ex-bf dogs had Parvo and it wasn't good. Most of them didn't make it because he found out way too late. Some of them did make it though so there is a good chance for Dyna. Keep giving her the electrolyes and seeing if she can keep anything down. If you are really having trouble then let the Vet do it. Parvo is very very hard to control and it is contagious. You don't want to let your other dog get sick too! I don't know if your Vet told you how contagious Parvo is! I feel so bad for Dyna and you too. Watch her carefully and if she just can't keep anything in bring her to the Vet and let him do it! They get very weak quickly! I will pray for her! Please keep in close touch with the Vet because Parvo is very difficult to control!
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
9 Apr 09
Hi Opal! Thanks for the info about your ex's experience and the advice. Earlier Dyna wanted to drink water so I let her and she kept it down for almost an hour. A little bit ago she wanted more so I had to force about an ounce of the electrolyte liquid in her first and then I let her drink. By then it was close to time for the pill they gave me for vomiting so I gave her that, too. It's been half an hour and, so far so good. I've figured out that she would rather lay on a towel...probably because she knows she's going to throw I got some big beach towels out for her to choose from. I'm hoping that her wanting to drink is a good sign. No diarrhea for over five hours now so that's a good sign, too. The one dose of antibiotics must be helping with that since that's for the secondary bacterial infection in the lower intestines. If she's worse tomorrow I won't hesitate to take her back to the can count on that.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
9 Apr 09
Hey spalladino~ I feel really like I know you pretty well. I went through this with my X and I don't want you to lose Dyna! So here is my personal email addy I will give you my phone # so that you can call me if you want. I went through hell with him when the dogs had Parvo. He was in Texas and I was in NY. I am up until all hours of the morning. I am trying to remember what we did to say then. So far, everything you are doing is right and more since you took her to a real VET!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
9 Apr 09
OMG, It's
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
9 Apr 09
I am so sorry you are going through this with Dyna, she sounds like a lovely dog. Fortunately I haven't had any experience with Parvo and as a dog owner I feel your pain; it's just like one of the children is sick isn't it? You are so dedicated to her and taking such good care of her; I pray that she will come through this and be back to her old playful self. I'm sure my dog is vaccinated against Parvo. I'm in Australia and I think it is included in the standard vaccine. Anyway good luck with Dyna, keep us posted...
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
9 Apr 09
Thanks Paula. Parvo is included with the standard vaccines here, too, but Dyna has only had two of the series of four and the vet said that dogs aren't fully protected until after the fourth. It's been touch and go so far. I'll definitely keep everyone posted.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
9 Apr 09
What a shame she caught Parvo before the vaccine was completed! I am going to send a few prayers your way, all the best to Dyna!
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
9 Apr 09
Sorry to hear about your Dog being sick, and I am wishing the Best for you and your dog. I have not owned a dog since I was in High School, so I have not had to worry about a dog being sick. We did own a Cat though that needed to see a Vet a couple of times though. Just remember no matter what to take care of yourself as well.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
9 Apr 09
Thanks, I will. My husband offered to get up during the night so I can get some sleep if I want him to so we'll see how it goes.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
11 Apr 09
My colleague's four month old pup has suffered the same fate which ended in tragic end. Hope your dog s fate will be different. The fact that you have noticed your dog's behavior immediately might help your dog to fight. I wish you good luck and hope that your dog survives this.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Poor Dyna!!! My mo works for a vet and I've heard that it's a bad thing to have but I don't have any personal experience with it. I hope she's soon feeling better.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
9 Apr 09
My Mom's little dog got Parvo, and thank God, the medication worked because it would have really been hard on all of us had we lost her. I don't know if the vet told you or not, but it is important not to let that dog, or any other dog go to the area of the yard where they normally do for quite some time. I honestly don't remember exactly how long, but I know it was quite a while. The reason is that the Parvo virus can still be present there and because of that, any animal that even walks through that area is at risk. I do think that there is a way to treat the yard, but don't quote me on that. You may want to do a bit of research on it to keep your dogs safe.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
9 Apr 09
I'm so glad to hear your mom's little dog recovered from Parvo, lynnemg...that gives me added hope. I did do some research on the virus and, you're right, it can live in the yard for quite a long time down here in Florida. One site talked about a solution of bleach and water that we can treat the yard with...and we're also going to have to treat the deck and our house with something...but not bleach. The deck is redwood stain, the carpets are dark blue and the furniture is hunter green so I don't think a bleach solution would be good for any of that! I'll find something that'll work...or I'll have a funky looking home but I definitely want this virus gone!
• United States
9 Apr 09
I am sorry to hear that. We had a pup that caught parvo when it was young and we were not able to fix it and save her. We always thought that once a dog gets parvo that there is nothing that you can do but years after we lost that pup the vet told us that if you catch it in time you can actually get rid of it and save them. The vet told us that parvo is usually carried by cats and also other dogs poo. The dog that we had also never left the yard and at that point she hadn't been on two many walks. I know that our pup got sick fast one day she was fine and the next she was down and out. we didn't really know much about parvo back then and she got sick on the weekend so we thought we would just wait till Monday to take her to the vet but by then it was too late. The vet pretty much told us that we could spend the money for meds and such but she told us that she thinks it is too far along and that she couldn't promise a recovery. We decided against it because we had just got her and with their not being a sure recovery she pretty much told us to just let her go. It was still hard whether we were really attached to her yet or not, you don't want to see them go through that. She passed two days later. The vet advised us that we should not get another dog for quite awhile because even though the dog has passed that parvo was still in the house and that we should go through the house and thoroughly bleach everything trying to get the parvo virus out of the house. We waited along time to get another dog because we didn't want to see another pup go through that again. I would say that it sounds like maybe you have caught it in time and your pup might be alright because I know the vet told us that an IV and meds wouldn't help so it sounds good. Good luck and I hope she turns out to be okay and gets better soon
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
9 Apr 09
Thanks froggieslover. Dyna is a large dog and I'm hoping that her size and age will work in her favor as we fight this. I know that my husband and I are going to have a lot of work ahead of us when it comes to disinfecting our home and property after this is all over with. My daughter nextdoor has a young puppy who is going to the vet on Thursday because she's definitely been exposed to Dyna as recently as this past weekend.