Is it fair to pay back in the same coin?

@dpk262006 (58673)
Delhi, India
April 8, 2009 11:50pm CST
Some of us are very particular in extending our wishes and greetings to our near and dear ones on their birthdays, their children’s birthdays and their marriage anniversaries etc. However, everyone does not reciprocate by wishing us on our birthdays, our children’s birthdays and our anniversaries etc. Some of the near and dear ones do acknowledge our greetings and admit the fact that they sometimes forget to wish us on our birthdays etc. I on my part make it point to extend my greetings to each and every of my near and dear ones and friends on their birthdays and anniversaries, irrespective of the fact whether they reciprocate the same on our special occasions. However, one of my dearest friends (in real life) is of the view that those who forget to extend their greetings to us, should not be ‘wished’ on their birthdays etc., they must be paid in the same coin, then only they will realize their mistakes. I differ with his views and do not feel like following his suggestion. I feel that extending my wishes to my near and dear ones is my decision and to reciprocate the same is their sweet will. I do not much bother if they do not extend their wishes to me (may be I am a fool), I just cannot change this trait of mine. What do you do you in such situations? Do you believe in repaying to others in the same coin or you continue to extend your ‘wishes’ to your near and dear ones, irrespective of their gestures? What is your take on this? Would like you to share your opinion on this. Many thanks in advance.
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28 responses
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
9 Apr 09
Hi Dpk..No I am not of the opinion that we should pay back in the same coin when our near and dear ones forget to reciprocate to our greetings which we sent to them on special occasions....Well when I was a kid I used to treasure the birthday and greeting cards that I received and meticuloulsy sent back greetings to all my friends and relatives.I also used to feel bad when a particular person failed to greet me,and used to bear a grudge against that person..... But now I have realised that true relationships are hard to find ,wehther it be relatives or friends,and hence precious...So I happily sent greetings to my loved ones and do not keep a tab on the greetings I receive....I know they may have forgotten to sent greetings on a particular day,and if the person is really close to me,I do not hesitiate to give a hint before hand that a greeting is due to me from that person,so that there will be no cause for heart breaks and ill feelings later on...after all life is short and it is up to each one of us to savour all the good moments and try to reduce ill feelings and grudges to the minimum......
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
9 Apr 09
Excellent Rose!And I used to do this earlier regarding my wedding anniversary [in fact I have told my sister also that I would not allow my husband to forget our wedding anniversary because I would make so many announcements prior to an anniversary-- But otherwise, for the general discussion that Deepak has posted here I have had some bad experiences that has made me rethink about my attitude.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Apr 09
Hi! Rose! I am glad to see your response because we are on the same boat. I also do feel like paying in the same coin, I know it very well that we I extend my 'wishes' to my near and dear ones, they acknoledge the same in their hearts of heart and whenever they confront me they will highlight the fact that 'it is me who do not forget to 'wish' them'. Their simple words makes me happy and I feel that I have achieved my purpose. Life is too short and we never know who is going to far away from us or going to leave this world, so it is better to be positive. You are right if the other fellow forgets to extend his/her greetings to us, when can always tell her/him that something is due from his/her end and we can score on him/her. In nutshell, your advice tells me that I need not change my nature/attitude, as far as this particular area is concerned.
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
9 Apr 09
hi deepak,i am really guilty of this,sometimes i am not able to respond back(maybe because i am lazy) but then many of my friends do wish and my family on their birthdays.some i do respond back back but some i donot,not because i have less affection for them but because i know they wont be offended and that their love for me runs deep.
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
9 Apr 09
hi deepak,i would still greet him/her ,they out of shame or embarrassment would not forget to wish me the next time.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Apr 09
Hi! Riya! Many thanks for sharing your own experiences and letting us know about your memory lapses (just kidding). However, I would like to know from you whether it is fair to pay back in the same coin or we should act as per our own nature/instincts? What would you do, if someone fails to wish you and it is you turn to wish him/her, will you greet him/her or just ignore the occasion, thinking that he/she did not wish you, so why should you?
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Apr 09
It means you do not believe in paying back in the same coin. Your thinking is similar to mine, I'll also keep extending my greeting to the fellow, even s/he forgets to wish me.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
9 Apr 09
Very nice post Deepak,- I can share a lot with you here.First ofall, let me say it is very commendable of you to do this.Next comes other elaborations.Deepak! I for one, used to believe in wishing near and dear ones on their birthdays[especially very close people--son and husband excluded because we are one family--and I am talking about others, like siblings,friends etc..,]and anniversaries and this practice is something that I have followed for a very long time.But, there came a stage when I got cheesed off with statements like''Kala alwa---ys remembers all thesena" but there was no reciprocity whatsoever,..There is not a soul among these to wish me on my birthday or think of my family[[meaning --these people to whom I had diligently sent my greetings come what may]or anniversary.So It was a bit hurtful when I saw no reciprocity [I carried on for 30 years with all noble intentions but now I have come to the conclusion like your friend.The only difference is that I would not say' then only they will realize their mistakes.'--I would NEVER say this because there is no mistake here.They have their priorities and do not believe in exchanging these small gestures.So BE it.If they thought that is important then they would do it.It does not mean that they are vile or malicious.It is just an attitude.So, we either have to do it wothout any expectations and be happy about it.Or else just stop it and restrict to people who reciprocate. I have found another solution too to my hurt--meaning I just do it for my ownself and do NOT expect anything from them .Iwould mentally will myself for total indifference from the other party and then just do it because I remember.[I dd it for 30 years and there are special instances where I still do behave like what you do, but essentially, for the totally indifferent category I have changed my behaviour in order to avoid hurt to myself. You try mentioning it in passing to these people who dont reciprocate Deepak--[in a veiled way or in a playful manner and if they say''I don't expect anyone else to do it; they do it on their own" --then it is an indication of how insensitive people can be. Then why show sensitivity to insensitive people Deepak!Anything needs care and attention to detail;we are all human .As I told you using words like 'repay' is too strong becasue it is not a crime.People have different priorities.So, we would also keep their best interests at heart and go our way.We do like them but whether we should take that little bit of extra effort becomes a matter of our own capability of maintaining peace and nobility in the face of insensitivity. Incidentally, if it is anyone's b'day at home my best wishes.If it is your anniversary'Happy anniversary'! If not, then consider my wishes as advance wishes for the impending occasion. Sorry if I have bored you with my long post.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
9 Apr 09
Sorry Deepak , mypost became too elaborate .Essentially , in answer to the question I would put it this way--if I happen to see the person who is normally forgetful , and I happen to remember at that point then I would still convey to him a happy birthday or any other wish..Otherwise, even if I forget ther is no need for me to feel bad about it because that person does not believe in it anyway. So, he is not going to get disappointed.I too need not worry if I don't remeber.If I remember, then fine .It wont harm me if I do it when I see him.But I won't [WON'T take the extra effort of sending a greeting card or mail or whatever.Soemtimes people also say'she/he has not much work and so can do all this'[as though these people are carrying stone structures all the time and have all the burdens of life singularly direced to them] This callousness irritates me no end.May be you have been fortunate not to have come across such gross insensitivity.[like what I w as earlier]
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Apr 09
Kala! Please do not say that your response bored me. In fact there was no question of getting bored, I read it twice very carefully. I know it takes considerable time to write on any topic and probably my topic appealed you, therefore, you response was lengthy and you kept writing and writing. I appreciate your views and gesture which you adopted for 30 years and I have understood your point about repayment too. Very well explained.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Apr 09
My birthday is many months away (I'll let you know separately) and my marriage was in the month of Feb. Many thanks for your wishes.
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@mayka123 (16843)
• India
9 Apr 09
I very often forget to wish my friends and their families on birthdays and anniversaries. I do not maintain any diary for birthdays and occasions and only depend on memory which is very bad and is going worse by the day. Very often I have forgotton to wish my best friends on their birthdays and recently I wished a friend 20 days in advance for his birthday!!! I do not give much importance to who has wished me on my birthday. But if I happen to remember anyone's birthday I do make it a point to wish them.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Apr 09
Hi! Mayka! Many thanks for sharing your own experiences and memory lapses. However, I would like to know from you whether it is fair to pay back in the same coin or we should act as per our own nature/instincts?
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Apr 09
In nut shell, we should give benefit of doubts to others and assume that sometimes even if they extended their wishes the same did not reach us. Also, we should not pay back in the same coin, this is what I understand from your response. Thanks for coming again.
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@mayka123 (16843)
• India
9 Apr 09
I do not agree that we should pay back in the same coin. Nowdays everyone is busy in their own work. So there are memory lapses. besides everyone depends on the electonic means of communication like sms and email which sometimes does not reach us. So it does not always have to be a memory lapse. Sometimes it could also happen that an sms or email was sent and has not reached the receipient. Everyone should be given the benefit of doubt. I personally do not feel hurt when someone does not wish me. BTW My boss usually forgets everyones birthday including mine. And when she does remember I get a long lecture for not reminding her!!!!
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
9 Apr 09
I think there too many 'shoulds' in our society and a lot of the time things are done out of obligation instead of from the heart. I like to extend good wishes or give a gift when I feel it would warm my heart to do so irrespective of whether it will be reciprocated. In my opinion a gift is not a true gift unless it is given without any expectation of return. A lot of my family members give presents at Christmas all the while grumbling what an annoying exercise gift shopping is and it is obviously done out of obligation only and I find that extremely annoying! I think life is a lot more peaceful when we give without expectation. I don't necessarily return a good wish just to repay someone but possibly because it has made my heart sing to receive it in the first place! Life is about perception I think...
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Apr 09
Hi! Paula! I must say that you have added a new dimension to the post. I full agree with you that when we wish or greet someone, our wishes should come from our hearts not as an obligation. I also extend my wishes to others thinking that my wishes would make the other fellow happy and joyous on his/her 'special day' and I believe that if I can make someone happy with my gestures, nothing is greater than that for me. I am really impressed with your response, many thanks for sharing and joining us.
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@ktosea (2026)
• China
9 Apr 09
you could just do it in your way and disregard your friend's suggestion,life is giving rather than receiving,we should not expect too much greetings from our friends,a guy who could lend us a hand when we seriously neened is our real friend,a good wishes or greetings are good gestures but not that important to me.just my thoughts
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Apr 09
I am glad to see your response because you have supported my view with justification and logic. I full agree with you that life is about 'giving' rather than receiving. In nutshell, your advice tells me that I need not change my nature/attitude, as far as this particular area is concerned. Many thanks for sharing.
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
13 Apr 09
Hi dpk, for me it is nice and fair as well, for the both parties to pay back in the same coin to wish the opposite sides by greeting them before or on their birthday or wedding anniversary. I don’t blame my loved ones, relatives and friends as well, if they do not extend their wishes to me in return. I know sometimes I would forget to extend my greeting to them as well, if I am really busy or engrossed in doing some other essential affairs. Yeah, they would experience the same situation as well. So I would keep on sending my greeting to them in the coming birthday or wedding anniversary day as usual. I know I won’t feel happy if I do everything systematic, just follow the fixed and unchangeable way. I’m afraid that others won’t feel in this way, so we would better make a conspicuous mark on the important dates of our loved ones and good friends on the big calendar posting and have a nice day.
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
19 Apr 09
Hi dpk, I admit that I’m not the kind of romantic person as well as a lovely lady lol . I feel tired to do that sort of things. Besides sending my greetings by sms, I would like to give something my near and dear ones wish, as a gift a week or so earlier. I understand what you mean dpd. It’s true that we would feel happy and satisfied as well to see our beloved ones feeling happy after receiving our wishes. I believe they do would have the same feeling to see me in great form after receiving their greeting as well
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
2 Sep 09
I'm very much impressed with your positive thoughts.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Apr 09
Hi! Ikbooi! So you are not very particular in extending your wishes, even sometimes you forget to extend greetngs to others, therefore, you do not feel offended, if they do not reciproace. Fair enough! I appreciate your approach. However, if we extend our wishes to our near and dear ones, they feel happy and this gives us a kind of statisfaction. Have a great day! Deepak
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
9 Apr 09
Hi Deepak, Usually I can remember birthdays/anniversaries of friends and relatives if once they told me about it. And very rarely did I forget to wish them in time, may be something happened suddenly and I got busy with that otherwise I like to extend my wishes irrespective of their reciprocation. But my drawback is, in case I forgot to convey my wishes; I may think that, they are not wishing me so why should I worry or no problem… …. May be I am taking an advantage on their failures … (lol), but I agree it is my drawback eventhough I am not doing the same intentionally. But I do not bother whether they are wishing me or not.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
10 Apr 09
Hi! Sree! So you do not believe in paying back in the same coin, even if others forget to extend their wishes to you, you will continue to do so. Great on your part!! I am very much impressed with your views and I wish people who believe in other side of the theory should take a leaf from your book and follow you. It is a positive trait of yours and you should not deter from it. I follow the same theory and I extend my wishes to others, irrespective of the fact whether they reciprocate the same or not. Thanks for sharing.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
13 Apr 09
Thank you for the positive comments.
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• India
9 Apr 09
That is really great of you..
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@weng_08 (282)
• Philippines
9 Apr 09
Hello... Some people are just not as thoughtful as others, therefore, we cannot possibly expect them to remember our birthdays and other special occasions. I do not really mind when few of my friends forget to greet me on my birthday. It is a good thing though that most of them take the time to give their greetings, for I really appreciate it. It is heartwarming when friends and families remember our special days. It makes us feel elated. But then, people differ from one another. We have our own ways of showing our sincerity. I guess we should accept our friends as they are, including their ways or means of showing warmth and affection. Have a great day! Weng
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
10 Apr 09
Hi! Weng_08! So you do not believe in paying back in the same coin, even if others forget to extend their wishes to you, you will continue to do so. Great on your part!! I am much impressed with your views and I wish others should be as broad minded and positive as you. It is one of your positive traits and you should not change it. I follow the same theory and I extend my wishes to others, irrespective of the fact whether they reciprocate the same or not. Life is too short. Thanks for sharing. Deepak
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
11 Apr 09
Hello Weng! Many thanks for your kind words about me. I normally make it a point to post my comments to to the responses submitted by my dear friends. I know my dear friends take considerable time and effort to post their responses to my discussions, therefore, it becomes obligatory on my part to acknowledge their responses and post my comments, so that they could know my reaction on their responses. The discussion will remain incomplete, if I fail to post my comments. It is true that I normally do not fail to forget my friends' birthdays and try to extend my wishes to them. BTW when is your birthday, please let me know through PM Have great day! Deepak
@weng_08 (282)
• Philippines
10 Apr 09
Hello Deepak. It has always been nice to comment to your discussions, for you never fail to respond. Probably the same way that you never fail to remember your friends on their bdays and anniversaries. Hmmm, you must be a very thoughtful and considerate person. Keep it up. Have a great day! Weng
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
9 Apr 09
My general feeling is like paying back the same coin. If you are not giving me wishes on occasions then you will not get it from me too. I have been of that kind of a person who used to give greeting irrespective of whether I get something in return or not but later I count how many messages I used to get and found that I got only 1 or two. That really hurt me and now I am only giving wishes if they are responsive.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Apr 09
Understandably, your bad experience changed your thinking pattern. I'll have to note down your point that if I do not wish you in that case you are going to pay back to me in the same coin. Many thanks for sharing.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
10 Apr 09
I did see you in that AF discussion where you were congratulating me. So, you will get the same coin and will get greeting from me on good occasion in your life, if you choose to share with me !
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
10 Apr 09
I am not going to get a congratulatory message from you, as I had sent you, because I am already married.
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@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Hello deepak! I believe that in everything we do, we should be recognized. If not for money, maybe for appreciation. In extending birthday wishes, I am generous in giving it. If the person forgot to greet me a "happy birthday", I will still greet her. But if it happen three times, probably, I guess it's intentionally and probably won't greet her on her birthday either. I am sorry it took me so long to reply deepak, I am out here for two week for easter vacation.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
18 Apr 09
Hi! Aisa! I fully agree with your views, everyone loves to be recognised and it is a positive sign in we human beings. It is so sweet of you that you always extend your wishes to your near and dear ones, irrespective of the fact, whether they remember your special occasions or not. No need so say sorry, you are always welcome to respond to my posts and your responses are eagerly and keenly awaited. Hope you do not forget to wish me on my birthday, when it comes........LOL! Deepak P.S. Nice to see you back. In fact I was wondering where did you disappear and whether you left for your husband's place.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
2 Sep 09
Aisa! Where are the pictures, your promised?
• United States
18 Apr 09
hehehe..thanks..I never got a chance to tell everybody I'll be away because I was in a was unexpected..don't worry, I'll tell you when my husband and I will be together..probably, I'll post some pics of the two of us together..
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
9 Apr 09
Hi deepak! I don't expect anything back when I gift them. If they do it's nice but I think it might be rude to expect it. Ido the things I do because it makes me feel good and that is usually award enough to me. I have had my feelings hurt before when someone close has forgotten my birthday but that doesn't mean I will forget theirs. Everyone makes mistakes and I don't think I was forgotten on purpose.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
10 Apr 09
Hi! Jen! So you do not believe in paying back in the same coin, even if others forget to extend their wishes to you, you will continue to do so. Great on your part!! I am very much impressed with your views and I wish people who believe in other side of the theory should take a leaf from your book and follow you. It is a positive trait of yours and you should not deter from it. I follow the same theory and I extend my wishes to others, irrespective of the fact whether they reciprocate the same or not. Thanks for sharing and joining us.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
11 Apr 09
By the way Jen when is your birthday? Please let me know through PM.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 Apr 09
thank you
@ag_sekar (112)
• India
9 Apr 09
Hey , what you are doing is good and required a broad mind to do so. I too feel we should not pay back others with the same coin
• India
9 Apr 09
it is not fair to pay back in same if ur nearone forget to wish u or ur child then it may be possible that he forget.but it is not good if u do same with him because sometimes it may be possible that he didnot do intentiatlly he really for got so dont do the same but yes it is equally important to remind him his mistake as it will help him next time not to forget
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
10 Apr 09
I fully subscribe to your views and I agree with you that the other fellow might not have sent his wishes intentionally, he may be too busy to spare time due to some urgent preoccupations. We should not pay back him same coin, otherwise we will become like him. Many thanks for joining you appear to be a new comer, welcome to mylot family.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
10 Apr 09
This is nice question and pertinent too. we are living in a time when we think we hardly have any time to do all this things! But I believe it all comes down to your intention and we can always manage little time for most of us kind of drag on the time. 'Paying back in the same coin' is a nice phrase but its something that I never use except in my writings. I would never do the things that I find disheartening when coming from others. How can I bite back when I know it bleeds bad! And as you have said, may be I am a fool too! we both are Deepak. But I would love being a fool as long as I can afford to. Its feels good to be stupid at times. However, if someone doesn't like my company and is trying to ignore me , I would make things easier for him without creating and butter circumstances. Time and again, people had asked me why am I so passive, so cool and I have only one answer: PEACE is all I need.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
11 Apr 09
Hi! Mimpi! What a superlative response and great attitude on your part! It is very true that we need to have some positive intentions and we should spare little time for others because life is not limited to us only. You are very right PEACE of our mind is most important and if we can keep our patience and can ignore the unwanted attitude on others part, we can have our way. We (you and me) just cannot hurt or bite others because we very well know that it bleeds when you bite someone and it is painful and full of agony. Throwing mud on someone and saying nasty things about someone is a kind of negative attitude, which I firmly believe does not serve any purpose and it deprives us of our peace of mind. Have a great day! Deepak
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
well for me, i am not very used to not greeting my friends. i love to greet them in occasions and i guess it is always true for some, most of the people here or i know in real life because most will only greet you back when you greet them and there are others who dont care less about your greetings, these are the people that gets deleted in my phone book. ha ha it is always better to show appreciation and greetings to those(and only those) that is also concerned about you..
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
15 Apr 09
Yes, I agree with you that there are some noble souls who greet us only when we greet them. What I gather from your response is that we should pay back in the same coin to others, if they do not show concern towards us, we should also not show our concern to them. Many thanks for joining and sharing.
@anonymili (3138)
10 Apr 09
Good lord pal - your dearest friend must be very bitter about not having received wishes in the past from his nearest and dearest. Personally I agree with you. I keep an online record of everyone's birthday and anniversaries, etc, and have a reminder sent at least a week in advance to remind me to send a wish. Obviously with immediate family like my parents and brother (and hubby obviously) I don't need reminders but I make sure I get alerts for everyone to make double sure that I don't forget. I send greetings and wishes to literally dozens of people who rarely remember to reciprocate but that's not an issue for me, even they might say that they don't bother to celebrate their birthday but for me, I get pleasure out of wishing them on their special days regardless of whether or not they wish me back. It's a ME thing - I want to make the gesture so I do :)
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
11 Apr 09
Hi! Mili! What a superlative response and great attitude on your part! You are right that my friend would not have received someone wishes, therefore he developed a bitter attitude. It is really nice that you do not fail to extend your wishes to your near and dear ones and you keep a double check on the dates. This shows your positive attitude. I agree with you that it is a matter of statisfaction and pleasure for us (me and you both)to extend our greetings to our near and dear ones. I also do not much bother if someone does not reciprocate, I keep extending my wishes to him/her. Have a great day! Deepak
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
I do agree on you, although its not fair that you receive as much as you give it doesn't matter. Me, like you is a different person. I have my own decision and sometimes life is not what we expected, the more you give the less return but that don't bother me. What is important is being yourself, you love your friends whatever flaws they have. If they forget they are only human, i must have understand it. It is never important to me if they value some of my love what matter is I love them.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
15 Apr 09
Hi! Grecychunny! I fully support your views and buy your arguments that we should not change our concept of living because others are not like us. If we get some pleasure in extending our wishes to our friends and if we can shower our love to them, we should continue to do so. Many thanks for joining and sharing,
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
9 Apr 09
I know you won't follow your friend's advice. For you have your own mind. You have a very clever way of looking at things. Am sure you set a good example to others. If somebody treated you like you would never have treated him. Does this one person make all he rest of mankind the same? Does that warrant retaliatory approach on your part? Many person think that meekness or kindness of any kind is a sign of weakness. Should that bother you when you know it's not true. It is only people with kind hearts and big minds that understand how temporary our sojourn is, so if there be any kindness you may show or any good thing you can do, do it now, for you will not pass this way again.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
10 Apr 09
HI! Zandi! What a superlative response from your end. Rest assured, I am not going to follow my friend's advice because I am not in agreement with his opinion, therefore, to know the opinion of my dear friends here I started this discussion. I fully agree with you that some person do think that showing kindness or meekness is sign of weakness, however it is not the case. Yes, it is very true that our sojourn in this world is brief, we never know, when we are going to leave this world, therefore, we should continue to do 'good' to others, as we please. Many thanks for your valuable guidance and support, as you always do. Deepak
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
9 Apr 09
Life gets in the way of many things including birthdays of family and friends. I have been guilty of forgetting just as my family and friends have forgotten mine. I don't hold it against them and this does not mean I will forget theirs. I turn the other cheek on many occasions - life is just too short not to.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
10 Apr 09
Hi! mysdianait! So you do not believe in paying back in the same coin, even if others forget to extend their wishes to you, you extend them, provided your memory serves you right. I agree with you that the life is too short and we should have a positive attitude towards our life. Thanks for sharing and dropping in.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
11 Apr 09
What a superlative thought
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
10 Apr 09
Absolutely! Always positive because that makes the wrinkles go upwards!