Which do you prefer for a manager: A man or a woman?

April 9, 2009 11:32am CST
My previous job is a Manufacturing Supervisor. My managers are mostly men since I work at the production area, although we have some lady managers but they are in the office. I had experienced having both sexes as managers, but I prefer the ladies. This is because I feel that they are more understanding and approachable. How about you?
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27 responses
@savypat (20216)
• United States
9 Apr 09
I also have worked for both men and women as managers, being a woman I prefer men as managers, the women I worked for were lacking in confidence as managers and so tended to over manage rather then just give a job and then let you do it. The men didn't care as long as the job was done and law followed so they wouldn't get in trouble.
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@GardenGerty (159850)
• United States
9 Apr 09
Maybe that is it. Women micromanage. I also have experienced that you can be given a bad evaluation for something one year, and the next year, the same people think you can walk on water, and nothing has changed on your part. Not consistent, or they jump to conclusions too soon.
@happy2009 (330)
• China
10 Apr 09
My view is no matter male or female,when i'm a sales assistant ,I have a famale manager ,and also all of the member of the sales apartment are famale ,our manager miss lin is a very nice person ,all of us felt happy to work under her lead,but one years later ,she's gone .and another famale manager come ,she's thoroughly another kind of miss lin ,and the happy atmosphere has gone too . so i think the sexes is not important, if you like the character your manager he/she has ,you'll work toghter with pleasure
• China
10 Apr 09
You are totally right.Yes,female or male is not the problem,just every person has his own character.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
10 Apr 09
Hi, fatherblogger! I would prefer to be my own manager. Every male or female can be rude and obnoxious. From what I have seen. And, I have seen a few male managers that are nice and some women too. It just all depends because both genders can be out of line when they want to be.
@deedeehall (1144)
• United States
10 Apr 09
well i have seen both and to me it total depends on personality. i have seen women that are totaly catey and i have seen women that have been thru alot in life and are very fare . i have seen men that look at you for your looks i have seen man treat you like you are less because you are a women and i have seen men that are totaley fare that will treat you with respect and help you any way they can because you are a hard worker. so to me gender does not matter personality and who the person really is matters to me.
• United States
10 Apr 09
I have had both managers..most races, and most age ranges. For me I prefer older women in there (30s-50s) as my managers. For men I prefer(late 20s-40s). I have worked in the office, fastfood, and retail. They are all the same, it just depends on the evironment, place of work, number of employees...etc. lots of factors can tell you personally wether they are a preffered manager or not.
@mira91 (985)
• Singapore
10 Apr 09
Haha, hmmm, i think i agree with you on that...I think ladies make excellent managers, and i am not saying that because i'm a lady, it because from my experience working as a salesperson before, my female superior is much more understandable than my stuck up male superior. He thinks he's all that, omg, never have i met such an arrogant fool. Well, that's work for ya...=\
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
10 Apr 09
The last place I worked . I worked under both as I was in production lines. At first was under a lady and several ladys had their own production lines. Somr were very good at what they did. Was told one was rough to work for but ya know I never saw it , I got allong with all the ladies. Then I got moved to a new line of a new product. and Had a feller as a super. HEard he was tuff to work under. I had even seen him make women cry and saw him treat them bad. BUt I put in my mind he wasnt gonna do it to me. and as I was the first one to be put on this line plus the head lead feller. I ended up training every one. and finding the work and stuff for every one to do. Had the next group that was working on another parts ask me was I the head of that line for I did every thing. oh well I wasnt. But I would take off and go smoke outside. When I was way ahead of every thing and he would catch me! NOt realy he would be out there him self and he would get me to talking and I would have to really stop him and say I had to get back inside. But I thought he was very good to work under. I know one thing If I needed tools or parts I would get on to him for them and he would come thru with what we needed
@shay3434 (881)
• Israel
10 Apr 09
Hey! I have worked with man and woman managers. Every one of them had advantages and disadvantages and I can't really tell with who I feeelt more comfortable. I think that I can bebcome use to work with any manager. It can be a man or a woman and it isn't make any differenc for me. As long as my manager is a good person that I can talk to It really doesn't matter for me if the manager is a he or a she. My last woman manager was great and I had a good relation ship with her. But I don't think it have to be this way and maybe some other men prefer a man as a manager... Anyway, this is a very interesting topic. Have a goo day.
• Philippines
10 Apr 09
Hey there! It doesn't matter if it's a she or a he. What matters to me is good management and how the person interacts and communicate with his subordinates. Personally, I choose male over woman. Men has a broader understanding and makes decision according to the law of the company. He has a stronger personality and stands firm to what he believes is right. Women are also good managers but there are times that they fail when pressured. They tend to get emotional.
• United States
10 Apr 09
i would prefer a woman as a manager. They are quite manegarial when it comes to managing and quite understanding. think i would prefer a woman to a man
@waseem86 (138)
• Lithuania
10 Apr 09
a man wants to show his territory but a woman does not care about such things, a woman manager is for sure better.
@sayh123 (150)
• Philippines
10 Apr 09
I choose for a man being a manager. Man has a good capability to handle many things unlike woman it can defined their works and also the ability being their position. Man is the best way to handle difficult to solve the problem of their works. They cannot easily to hurt and also it can prove themselves to make things perfect automatically.
@mhil84 (182)
• Philippines
10 Apr 09
For me, I don't care whether it would be a man or woman. A fine and well skilled manager would be better no matter its man or woman, having this will help offices/ firms to develop well. Its not really on gender based.
• China
10 Apr 09
I haven't attend work, so I don't know what kind of manager .But I still think they do way the position of manager should be very good.
@paulw33 (297)
• United States
10 Apr 09
well i think neather id rather be my own boss i had men boss that are real jerks and don't like them i also had a women boss a couple of times the one that i had a while back use to call me names utill one day i blew up in her face i blew up at her cause i have kids and she told me the job was more important well she got a great surprise when i told her to take the work pin and shove it up where the sun don't shine yup i worked there 5 years and it came to that but toher then that id rather have no one right now i got a women boss anmd she is cool but thats because it is my women well gotta go Paul
@gxyywhyzy (450)
• China
10 Apr 09
I prefer a man as my manager.In fact the men have more passion than ladies.It should be helpful to my work.
• China
10 Apr 09
I prefer Man,also I have not met a male manager.But it is said it is difficult to work with a female manager.Maybe it is not true.
• China
10 Apr 09
prefer to ladies
• India
10 Apr 09
of course woman.with the softness character with motivative words & charming face automatically im removes from possible & work converted to possible work..thts why woman are great..
• China
10 Apr 09
my present job is similar with you, all the managers of the company are man, and there are no woman manager even in the office. I think we counldn't say absolutly that the man manager is better than the woman manager or the woman manager is better than the man manager. many experts of management provide us the characteristics that a effective manager should have. each type managers have some individual characteristics but meanwhile lack of some other,no manager has all the characteristics. prefering the ladies or men manager ia based on the subordinates' like and characteristics, you like ladies manager, but i like man manager.