Books from thrift store

@deebomb (15304)
United States
April 9, 2009 1:33pm CST
Lately I have been buying my reading material like books from the thrift stores. Last week when I was at a couple of thrift store i noticed that they didn't have as many books to chose from as usual so I guess that a lot more people are getting their reading material from thrift stores. Have you noticed a decline in the number of books at the thrift stores in your area?
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6 responses
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
10 Apr 09
Hi Deebomb, one of our major used bookstores often run a sale every month, and they seem to have lots of books. I've not noticed the decline in books, but there seem to be more people at their stores. It's so much cheaper to get novels from them than other bookstores like Borders.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
10 Apr 09
The only used book store that I know of here is for rare or books on history.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
9 Apr 09
I buy all of my books second hand and erven third hand. I buy from the cancer society that has a curbside sale at the end of each month. I usually give them a pile of books for them to sell and then buy my self soem 'new' ones. I have noticed that I have to get there early as people just buy up books. The cost of book sis so high. I also swop reading material with my friends and this helps too.I just cannot afford to buy new books when I have nothing to read. My budget does not allow this unfortunately.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
9 Apr 09
We don't have any thing like the cancer society that sells books here where I live. I too only buy second hand books and they are 25 cents at the thrift stores. When i get threw reading the books that I buy i return them to the thrift store too. The one I go to helps people that have had fires or are just needy so they don't always sell things to the public. I may have to check out the flea market if the thrift store doesn't get some more in.
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
10 Apr 09
I haven't noticed a decrease in them, my area's thrift stores seem just as packed with books as they did before. Our one store just added more bookshelving to hold them all, and there's boxes of them underneath that on the floor. I like getting books there and rummaging through to see if there's anything good. I've gotten all kinds of good books there, usually I don't buy fiction, for that I'll borrow from the library because I probably wouldn't read it more than once. I've gotten some great kids books, and 'teaching about nature' for kids. One store we have offers a great deal with the paperbacks. It's more like a book exchange where they'll give you something like 25-50 cents for each paperback you bring in, then swap, and when you buy more paperbacks they take it off the total price. I don't mind spending a couple of bucks for a book that way, and I've had editions that were almost brand couldn't even tell somebody read them. Hehehe, when I go to a thrift store, I probably hit the books section first before checking anything else out.
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@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
9 Apr 09
i love to read! i generally don't like eading books more than a couple times and hate keeping them on my book shelves, so i usually get reading books out of the library. a)because its free! and b) because i can take the book back when i am done reading it and dont have to store it. the thrift store that i shop at the most always has a huge supply of books.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
9 Apr 09
I have a problem with getting books from the library and that is the 2 week time limit. I usually take longer to read a book and the hard back books are hard for me to hold so I prefer to get the paperback books from the thrift stores. Maybe I was there on a bad day for books.
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
10 Apr 09
Yes.....those squirrels have discovered our source of reading, haven't they? We are lucky, here on this Island! Our Volounteer Fire Dept. has a huge book sale, the second Sat. of every month! And so far, so good, as we still have the rich, nouveau riche, coming as weekenders and they still leave their brand new store bought editions for sale! Sure hope this source doesn't dry up, as in my WILDEST dreams, I could never, ever pay the cover price...e.g. $10.99 US, that works out to $14.83 Cdn + $1.93 = $16.76....OUCH! Glad the rich have to ride Ferries to get here, so need to buy a book to entertain themselves...or I wouldn't be reading! Happy Easter, my dear...and Cheers!
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
10 Apr 09
That sounds great. The only other place that I know of to buy cheap books is the library when they remove some books that are no longer checked out. I can get books for a $1.00 or less.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
10 Apr 09
I love to get books second hand from libraries, friends, thrift stores. Paying full price for a book seems so expensive when you can find them for 25 cents to maybe a dollar around here second hand. I took my grandma into the library last night to buy some books and we ended up coming home with 3 bags of books and the librarian just GAVE them away they've had so many donations of books in the last few weeks she has no room to store them. (very small library)