Annoying Dog

@carolbee (16230)
United States
April 11, 2009 6:59am CST
We have a neighbor who leaves the dog out very early in the morning, off and on all day and late at night. They put it on their deck to do his "thing." The deck faces our house. I don't know them, don't know their last name and there would be a language barrier if I tried to speak to them about this situation. We live in a big city so they aren't the only family around here. We've lived here 35 years and never had an issue with the neighbors. I thought about putting a note in their mailbox but don't think that's doable without getting myself into trouble. Would you call the policem nonemergency, and ask them to stop by and talk to the people? I'm not the only neighbor who is totally annoyed by this high pitched, barking dog. By the way, we also have a dog but he is brought back inside the house as soon as he starts barking so it won't bother the neighbors. I blame the owners of the dog for not considering others, not the dog who simply wants to go back in the house.
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29 responses
• India
11 Apr 09
U sure can complain the owner even if its offending them.. Cuz they just may not know that its disturbing the neighbours.. N if u wouldn like bein bad .. Since its a whole neighbourhood being disturbed, a group complaint would surely convince them. I would say take a polite request to dem first. If tat doesn't work u sure ve the authorities to handle. Ya its a problem here too near my place at night.. Street dogs! They howl like warewolves part midnight n ha ha u cant blame or complaint anyone here! Consider your situation betr n live wit it if u are someone who loves animals. Cuz lookin on a humanity side..We sure don ve the right to ask a dog not to bark .. Its like askin a woman not to speak! Lolz.. Any of above options would help i guess. Tak care..
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
11 Apr 09
Your situation sounds worse with the wild, street dogs. That would be awful. I would ask my husband to speak with these people since he may get a better reaction than if I walked up the street and tried to talk to them. It's so inconsiderate and so annoying. They might leave the dog outside for an hour, Thanks for responding.
@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
11 Apr 09
The owners of this animal may be at risk of being charged with animal cruelty for not paying attention to the needs of the dog. Check with the local humain folks for the laws in your area.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
11 Apr 09
Good idea. They also run the risk of being ticketed for disturbing the peace. It's more than annoying at times and it sounds like the dog is in distress just trying to get back in the house. Thanks for responding.
• Canada
17 Apr 09
If it sounds like the dog is in distress then it very well could be classified as cruelty! I never leave my dog outside longer then it takes her to do her business unless I or my family are outside with her!
• Canada
7 May 09
I agree it would be worth checking into your local laws on Animal Cruelty.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
7 May 09
Police usually get annoyed if there is a dog control officer in an area that are supposed to be called and they're called instead. Do you have a dog or animal control officer in your area? Has this situation been taken care of? In our country area, we still have an animal control officer for the tame ones and a forest ranger for the wild ones. But our nearest city cut their nusance animal officer and now they have no one to call.
@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
7 May 09
I have 3 annoying dogs across the back alley from me...They have gotton better mind you but on clear days...These dogs will howl at everything and anything...I didn't complain too much about it back when they were seeming to do it all the time because a friend of mine had his stock car in the back and would start it up to see how it sounds to get it ready for race day...Stock Cars are LOUD lol....The dogs have seemed to let up and don't do it as much but I still notice them once in awhile and they are 2 goergous huskeys!
• United States
27 May 09
Well carolbee I think one idea that might work if you have already not said anything would be to confort them in person I myself if my neighbor had an isue with my dog I would rather them come to me than write me a note. Also what if they feel you are kinda of like stalking them in writing a note they can show that to the cops and than you might have more issues. I know that is a little far fetched but hey you never know. Take care and happy mylotting to you as well.
@smartjack (520)
• India
11 Apr 09
hehe this is funny, such an issue only for a dog.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
7 May 09
Where I live, people were leaving their dogs out all night and the dogs were barking so loudly that we couldn't sleep. Finally the dog moved when the owners moved. It's only funny if it's not you trying to sleep.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
7 May 09
That should be: It's only funny if you're not the one trying to sleep.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Hate to say it but part of owning a dog is they by someone who has a dog means it will bark. You can complain but in honesty it's just part of having a dog. Here's a little local story: A couple moved into a house and had two labs they'd had for years. A woman 2 houses down kept complaining about the dogs who normal dogs. A policeman came around and told the couple that if they got more complaints that the dogs would be picked up and taken to the animal shelter (and charged to the owners) and the owners would get up to a $500 fine. The owners were so upset, knowing that they couldn't stop the dogs from barking, that they had the dogs put to sleep. They sold their house and moved away. All b/c one woman threw a fit b/c it bothered her. I'm not saying ppl should never speak up but simply that ppl should realize that certain pets do certain things. Dogs bark, cats scratch, alligators bite...their animals afterall. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
• Canada
17 Apr 09
As far as I know you can phone the police (non emergency of course) or you can phone the city and file a complaint. We have had a similar problem where the people next door have let their dog out all night and it has barked like crazy! I was happy when the neighborhood put together a complaint and it stopped! I just let my dog out to do her business, and then she comes right back inside!
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
12 Apr 09
Don't go on the offensive when you talk to the dog's owners. Try not to start with "Leaving your dog out barking for hours on your deck", it starts the neighbors on the defensive. If you present it in a win-win situation they will be more positive in their response. I would start by greeting them and explaining why its taken so long to meet them. Do some small talk to start with. Then mention the dog and how beautiful it is (everyone loves a compliment!). Then explain about the fact that the dog being exposed to the sun for so many hours every day can cause cancer in the dog and that it does need relief form the confinement. Also go into the fact that the dog is a pack animal and needs to be with someone for company otherwise it will just sit and bark for hours on end. Since it is a "deck" and I assume there is spaces between the boards, mention how easy it is for a dog to get their toes caught in the wood and break a bone...and how expensive it is to get it dealt with. Also mention that the dog could fall off the deck and lay in misery for hours waiting for them to come home. Don't go in with an attitude of we NEED you to get your dog to stop its annoying behavior. Let them know that you are concerned not only for the dog, but also them as they could also be brought up on animal cruelty charges if the dog is injured while it's out on the deck and treating the dog for cancer or broken bones could get into BIG money. If your dogs would get along with their dog, offer to let it come over and play with your dogs for a couple of hours. Also, talk to the dog yourself. If it knows that there is someone there that will acknowledge its existence it will settle down a lot. Get some dog treats that you can pitch on the deck for the dog... Sometimes people just don't think when they do something. But if you go in with a offensive attitude things won't improve and you might end up with a war with these neighbors. If you go in like your trying to help they will be more receptive. Do let them know that you have heard rumblings that someone might call the animal control (dog catcher) people and they could end up being fined or the dog being removed...that you just want to help them out with the situation with the dog. Your neighbors might not be as bad as you think. I am finding that the win-win attitude is really working for everything that I am trying to accomplish. I currently have managed to get a show that is being planned scheduled to be aired on television, donations for door prizes for the show, lined up more people to participate in the show, and the list goes on. I also have used it in my personal life and have lined up people to do a lot of the chores that I am not physically able to do. I don't know if I have helped any, but I do know how aggravating it is to have a dog that is barking constantly! My neighbors now know if the dog is barking while they are gone for a couple of hours they can come down to my place and pick up the dog...and the dogs love it as they get to play with my dogs and they also get doggie treats too.
@athinapie (1150)
• Philippines
12 Apr 09
Well there are really people who do not think about others but just themselves. We had neighbors like that before. They would burn their trash in front of their house. My sister was still young that time and it would cause potential danger on her health. Good thing the village officers scolded them. And good thing they moved out already. That's just reality. So sad why there are people who are like that.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
14 Apr 09
From what i understand its illegal to put things inside of mailboxes. Why dont you and perhaps another neighbor go talk to them?
• Canada
13 Apr 09
the only way to deal with the situation is to talk to the neighbour, language barrier or not. Be sival , no yelling or such then it gets defensive. I have a neighbour that is a total asswhole. No matter what i do he complains about. When he or his kids and their friends do anything wrong he doesn't do a dam thing about the situation. He is always right, i have a solution that will solve all problems. Now you have to find your solution, good luck. Rember doing nothing solves the same. Luv your dog , they will always luv u...
• United States
12 Apr 09
Call the police on a non-emergency basis and then call the health department. It cannot be sanitary unless they are scrubbing the deck after each time the dog does its thing. Language barrier or not, I would attempt to talk to them before doing either of the other things. That's called being a good neighbor.
• United States
18 Apr 09
So the problem is that the dog is nuisance? You should talk to them in person and ask them politely to try to keep the dog more quite.
@smacksman (6053)
12 Apr 09
When you are woken by their dog, find their telephone number and phone them and say 'Bark, bark, bark, bark, ......' for a minute and then put the phone down. You can't be traced and your message will get through especially if you do the phone call regularly at 3am!
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
12 Apr 09
If it were me, I would go over and put a note in the mailbox. I would explain that I understand the dog needs to go outside to do his business, but that his continual barking is becoming a nuisance. If nothing comes of that, then I would file a police report about the noise. But you have to be careful and know your rights. For instance where I live, a barking dog is not considered a nuisance unless it is between 9pm and 6am. Loud music is allowed until 10pm on weekdays and midnight on weekends. So, check with your city codes first and then leave a note. The people may be so used to hearing their dog bark that they are not even aware that it is bothering their neighbors.
@bdugas (3577)
• United States
12 Apr 09
I do believe that complaints with dogs, neighbors against neighbor is the best way to start the fight in the neighborhood. Here we have them that are brought outside and let run loose by the owner. They jump your dog that is chained out in your yard, say something to them and bam a fight, seems some think that the laws does not apply to them. I have this tiny peakingese and when I ask that the people across the street chain their dog, they called the police on me because my dog which you can hardly hear barking standing next to him, they had the windows shut and the A/C on in the apartment. Bet they could relly hear. I think I would go over and ask them if they could please bring their dog in after it is done doing it's business before I called the police, the police for some reason gives them a some idea you are a trouble maker. You say you live in a large city, and you dont' know them. I think it a shame anymore that we dont' have time or whatever to know who is living beside or behind us. If you get a answer as to it is my yard then you know that it will take more than just a polite asking to get them to do something to keep the dog from barking. I know I tell mine stop that and he will just go on, he is protecting his home. I try not to have to call the police right at the start because it causes so much trouble, last time I called them on a neighbor I ended up with the air let out of my tires. Couldn't do anything about it even though we knew who done it.Or even leaving them a note would be a good way to start. They may not realize the dog is barking, but if you can hear it I assume they can too. I always try to talk t them first then if they don't do anything to clear up the problem I call the police and ask them to go by, but most times you have to file a complaint to get them to go by. And that gives your name and it could end up being a bigger fight than you expected, depends on what kind of people they are.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
12 Apr 09
Have you tried calling your local SPCA to see if they have any suggestions? Maybe they would investigate the situation and make the people keep their dog indoors. My dad had a dark that would bark from INSIDE THE HOUSE, that is it did it's job, when he was at work but the neighbors complained and he had to go to court and the dog went to obedience school.
@mira91 (985)
• Singapore
12 Apr 09
Yea the dog shouldn't be the one to blame, it should have been well trained by their owners..Can't you just go overand do some special hand signs or stuff that would make them understnad that their dog was disturbing not only you, but the other neighbours as well? Gosh, if it was me, i wouldn't be able to take it, i get irritated very ^_^
@home992 (18)
• China
12 Apr 09
I think the dog should be optimistic about the director of this dog , do not let it rest when others disturb neighbors rabies ,and the other is not to let the dog out just walking ,so as not to scare children .