Prez Obama is the best thing to happen to political discourse in US in Years!
@valentinesdiner (1214)
United States
April 11, 2009 10:19am CST
George W tried top be a uniter and not a divider, but last fall we were shown as being very divided. Everyone, from pro-life advocates to anti-immigrationists to free traders felt under attack and had to defend their turf.
Obama, for better or worse, is fostering political discourse where folks are less defensive. Wouldn't you agree?
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6 responses
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
11 Apr 09
LOL, George W. Bush a UNITER? That was the best laugh I have had in a while. Thanks Valentine.
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@valentinesdiner (1214)
• United States
11 Apr 09
I remember when he said that, in a debate with VP Gore years ago. It sounded too good to be true back then, too.
Gore still says I used to be "the next President of the United States".
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
11 Apr 09
Dude, you must be high. This nation is more divided than it has ever been. Last time I checked Rasmussen about 87% of democrats approved of Obama's performance while 89% of republicans disapproved. That is the very DEFINITION of divided. He has already made it VERY clear that he doesn't give a crap about bipartisanship as he uses the democratic majority to ram through a socialist agenda.
Pro-life people and people who support immigration reform ARE under attack right now. The farmer who called border patrol to deport illegal aliens trespassing on his land was sued and LOST. The sheriff in Arizona who enforces immigration laws there is now being called a racist by the democrats in congress and being threatened if he doesn't stop enforcing the law. Anyone who claims that illegal aliens convicted of felonies should be deported is labeled a racist by democrats in congress. Anyone who opposes gay marriage is threatened, their property vandalized, and their personal information published on the web.
Barney Frank, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee called Justice Scalia a homophobe. More recently he exploded at a Harvard student for simply asking him how much, if any, responsibility he felt he had for the housing crisis.
Look around man don't you realize that NOBODY here agrees with you?
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@valentinesdiner (1214)
• United States
11 Apr 09
Thank you for making my point... Obama may try to open up the discussion of politics, but the Barney Franks and judges and news outlets will just bring us back to the threnches against each other again.
Sad, ain't it?
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
12 Apr 09
Obama is about th worst thing that I have ever seen go to be our president, why, first of all he visited England and did he bow to the queen, NO, but he sure bent over from the waste when he met the muslim king. Second, he is putting more people out of work with his stupid way of doing things. Third, him and his lavish parties every night in the white house and flying in chefs at the cost of $800. a night, and taking 500 people with him overseas,all at our expense, is a slap in the face to the american people, the ones that are out of work, losing our homes, and trying to feed our children. While he parties it up in the whitehouse. What has he done for the poor working class people, what has he done for the poor. Tell me one thing that he has done to help them.
To him this is like a popularity contest, I dont' feel safe with him as our president, I think he is a puppet that bought the votes, he is connected to all kinds of people that are not of good standings in this country and some abroad. Every thing he talk about is written on a script for him. He will bankrupt this country and you will see it is coming. He could care less about what we need, he is in it for himself and that is all. And for her, I can't stand her. She is arragont,and self centered, it is all about them and how much money they can spend to show the american people that have no jobs and homes that they aren't the low lifes that they are.
He doesn't like the american people and I think he has shown that, I also would like to know if he is a american born citizen what the problem is that he dont' want to show his birth certificate. If he has nothing to hide then lay it on the table. You wanted change now you are getting it, I hope everyone that voted for him get just what they deserve.
He is going to put meters in our house to measure how much electric we use, not in this house he isn't. He is going to force us to do this and to do that, not in this house, he really needs to keep his nose out of my business. He's going to decide when I should go to the doctor and if I really need a test or not. Who the hell does he think he is, I believe before the 4 years are up, someone will take him out, or they will impeach him. And when that next 911 comes hope it isn't in your back door or it your relatives that you are burying. And believe me it's coming. Bush might not been the best president we had but he kept me safe at night.
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
11 Apr 09
I have absolutely nothing to add to this, but will be very entertained by the responses. snickers
@Ozarkgirl (774)
• United States
11 Apr 09
This can be a touchy topic for people do not want to offend others, but Obama is NOT the best things to happen to Political Discourse, he is stirring up a hornets nest and I do not want to be anywhere around when he gets stung. We are a hated country by so many others and while they may be playing nice by talking and trying not to be defensive or defend their turf, all the while they are waiting for us to back down enough so they can attack successfully again. I think this is a recipe for disaster. Eveyone does have a right to their own opinion and freedom of speech and so I will say it and please understand I wish not to offend anyone but I think having Obama in office is a mistake, and I think it is a mistake that our country is going to pay for with their lives.
@valentinesdiner (1214)
• United States
11 Apr 09
Thank you- - you understand my premise.
There is an old Sicilian saying taht once you open up a can of worms, you'd better get a bigger can. Maybe we are opeing up that can on all sorts of topics...
are Americans seen as arrogant?
should stem cell research get fdederal money?
should government be able to tell a company president to step down?
what kind of dog should the first family have?
Altogether, do you feel more free to talk openly and like you said, ozarkgirl, are we ready for what comes next?
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
12 Apr 09
i hope that US will be able to solve the problem they have now. and i for one don't hate US though i am not from US. i think we should not blame US for the wars and etc. anyways, i am too get surprised by this ordinary man attitude of Obama. He does not seem to act any thing like president. He is more like any ordinary person i know that happened to be in international news almost every day. Which was why i didn't like from the very beginning. Cause he does not seem to be a president in many ways. except of course he won the presidential race.
@Ozarkgirl (774)
• United States
11 Apr 09
These are great questions you are asking and from my understanding our government should be asking the same ones and more. It would be interesting to take a Poll on this to the citizans of the USA and see what the overall response would be, and are they ready for the consequences that will come with the decisions we make as a Country. Thank you and great debating and as we say "Food for Thouhgt"!!!

@joinforcash1 (90)
• United States
11 Apr 09
This is going to sound rude and really it is, but it was my first thought so I am going with it, sorry if it offends you.
Really...what are you smoking and can I have some?

@joinforcash1 (90)
• United States
11 Apr 09