Ishtar and Kobi Peretz

April 11, 2009 5:22pm CST
I have a new favorite song but I can't seem to find it on iTunes. If you search for it on youtube - type in Ishtar Kobi Peretz - Yahad It should turn up right away. I love this song so much I can't listen to it enough. This one and the one by Sarit Hadad - Telech Kapara Alai Anyhow, I'm trying to find it on iTunes and search for it practically everyday and get nothing. If I search for Ishtar or Ishtar Albina, I get a lot of stuff but I get no results at all if I search for Kobi. I've spelled his name Kobi, Kobe, Perez, Peretz -- nothing. I'm really getting frustrated with this. Like I said, it's the second song I love like mad and can't find. If you get the chance, do a search like I said before, and tell me what you think of the song and the video.
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