Maggie, my love - It happened again today, MUCH worse than yesterday
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
United States
April 12, 2009 11:37am CST
First of all, thanks to everybody who left such caring comments in my discussion about Maggie yesterday, you all have touched my heart. I read and rated positive every response. Thank you so much for your kind words! I may not get around to responding to all simply because this is so upsetting for me.
After she recovered form yesterday's episode, she seemed back to her old self. This morning she woke up happy, tail wagging and all and after our morning walk I fed her and the two other dogs - and it began again before she even finished eating. I am now convinced that when she eats, something is getting stuck in her throat and at least partially blocking her airway. you see, my dog is not one to chew her food, she just basically inhales it. Tomorrow I will let her food soak and get soft before I give it to her, if she is still with us.
After she seemed to recover from today's episode (which lasted much longer than yesterday's and had more thick foamy saliva), we went for a walk and she started choking again. She then went under the deck of my pool and started digging a hole to lay in. I can't get under the deck, so I coaxed her out and she proceeded to go under an old junk car on a ramp in my backyard where she lay down as if to die. It was horrible. No friggin' way was I going to let my beloved friend die underneath in a hole under an old car in the yard in the cold! So I got under the car and she was unresponsive to all my coaxing, patting, rubbing. Now I have a nerve disorder and am not physically very string, but somehow I found the strength to lift her out form there and bring her back towards the house. By then my husband had come out and we opened her mouth to see if there was anything blocking her airway that maybe we could dislodge, but there was nothing to be seen except that thick mucus and her tongue which was turning a bad dark color. I didn't know what to do, so I carried her inside and placed her on her blanket beside my bed, if she is going to die, I do not want her to spend her last moments alone in the cold.
She struggled for a very long time, and then managed to get up and drink some water. Mostly she's just been lying around only getting up to lay down in whatever room of the house I happen to be in. It's been a few hours now, and she's got moments where she's wagging her tail and seems OK, and then it starts again. I think she's just trying to put on a brave face for us. I will be putting a leash on her from now on, so she can't wander off on me. She sometimes runs off in the woods and if she did that now and I couldn't find her I'd be devastated.
She was my father's dog. When he collapsed in our kitchen in 2001, Maggie was there. I had to pick her up and carry her (about 80 pounds at the tie) out of the room so the EMTs could work on my dad. My dad never woke up, but lingered in a coma for 8 days before he passed. Maggie has never been the same. There is always this sadness about her. She didn't eat for a very long time after my dad passed, just lay on his side of my parent's bed and cried for so long.
I told her today that Daddy is waiting for her on the other side, and I asked my dad (if he can hear me) to please come and help her cross over peacefully and without any more pain.
My cats all love her, the kitten went up to her today and licked her face. All the cats are watching her, and the dogs are cuddling up with her wherever she lay.
I love my dog, she has the sweetest gentlest soul. I don't want to lose her, but I am pretty sure the end is coming. I just hope she goes easy.
Do any of you know how to perform the Heimlich maneuver on a dog? I wonder if that would be helpful. She's laying on the floor quietly by me now. She is so still, but I see her chest rise ever so slightly. She's with us for now. Please pray for my dog, that if it's "her time" she will go easy, and also maybe that we can get just a little bit more time to love her here and that she will have some more "good days".
I hope God will grant me the strength to do right by my Maggie no matter what.
Thanks for reading this.
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8 responses
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
12 Apr 09
Hi MSV; You are breaking my heart, and I know yours is breaking too;
I just don't know what to say except that it does not sound good at all for your dear friend Maggie there;
I would keep giving her all of your love and I know you are, but it seems as if her time is almost near; The color of her tongue has me worried too, that is one way to tell on animals as to how they are "doing".
Don't worry your Father will be there to meet Maggie and Maggie knows this, just as your other pets there know her time is near too; Animals know and pick up on things that most humans don't have a clue about; But I know you do, you love your pets as I dearly love mine and it breaks my heart reading your story about Dear Maggie;
Just know in your heart that she loves all of you, and you all will see each other again someday; If she recovers from all of this I will be really amazed but it just does not seem she is; I am truly sorry to have to say that;
Watch the other animals, they will continue to be there laying around her and giving her love and support just as you are and your husband;
if she suddenly perks up and appears well and happy its more likely that your Dad is there waiting to receive her to come home with him now; Happy and Healthy
in Heaven and in no pain and misery;
If not today, whenever her time comes ok?
The only way I ever make it through the loss of a pet is to know that I will again be with them someday up in Heaven and when I do there is going to be a huge stampede of pets coming to greet me, my family won't have a chance as they will be over run with my babies I've lost in my lifetime (G)!!
I will still keep you and your beloved Maggie in my thoughts and prayers, I pray for your sake she does recover, please keep us all posted;
{{love to you and Maggie darlin}}
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
13 Apr 09
Hi MSV; That's wonderful that you are able to take a walk with her today;
that makes me smile (G)!
I could tell you many stories of how my pets were before they passed and other family members but those stories a lot of them are really sad of course and later this month will mark 12 years since My Mother has passed On April 26th, and my one brother that I was the closest too will be gone 14 years In Sept On Sept 20th;
So this month is going to be really hard on me, as it is each year at this time,
too many memories of her long illness and with my Father's health pffttt! He could go at any time too;
But I do pray that your darlin Maggie will continue to hang on for you, only if she is not in any pain you know?
I wish all the best for you and dear Maggie!
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
14 Apr 09
She's been acting like nothing has happened since after her breakfast yesterday. I don't know how long she'll be with us, but I am so happy to see her acting normal and feeling happy.
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
12 Apr 09
Funny you should mention about "perking up" my dad was very sick for a long time, and then on his last day with us, he was feeling really great, it was the man I had not seen in a very long time - but the dogs (especially Maggie) would not leave him alone. Maggie was all over him to the point that my dad asked me to bring her to my room or something. Later that day, my dad had a stroke/heart attack in the kitchen and we lost him for good after an 8 day coma. Maggie KNEW something was up with my dad, I always felt as if God cut my dad a break so he could enjoy his last day with us, but Maggie must've seen his angel coming to get him and didn't want to let him go.
Thank you for your kind words. Maggie is resting right now, she let me walk her a while ago, I hadn't used a leash on her in years, but she was such a perfect angel on it anyway, she even turned around and gave me her paw to shake. I won't let her roam loose anymore, for fear that she'll go someplace where I cannot find her - you know?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Apr 09
I'm so sorry to hear that Maggie is still having symptoms. I really don't know what to say here. Too bad you can't bring her to a vet, but I know you're strapped for money. I'm trying to read different things about her symptoms but so far not having much luck. I did read up on how to give the Heimlich Maneuver in a few places...don't know if it might make it worse though...says only to use if you're sure something is stuck in the throat
My thoughts are with you AngryKitty
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
13 Apr 09
Well she's still with me, and if I keep her calm, she doesn't hyperventilate, if she doesn't hyperventilate she doesn't have an episode. But Maggie is easily excited and hyperventilates any time she is happy. She ate today, now to see if she can keep it down...
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
12 Apr 09
Thanks for sharing,
I had a version of the symptoms you speak of a while back and the immune system has done it's job on me, so maybe this too will pass and Maggie will be fine once again, I do wish for the best and know that for everyone and everything there is a season.
Peace and Blessings,
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
12 Apr 09
Thank you. No matter how grim things may appear, I was taught that where there is life there is hope. I'm not giving up on her.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
14 Apr 09
I'm sorry I'm coming into this discussion so late MSV. I've been mostly off the computer all day disinfecting my house from the parvo. I was glad to see that Maggie was doing better based on your latest comments and I hope that she stays that way. Sounds like softening her food and keeping the other dog away while she eats is a good idea. Maggie has been in my prayers and I'll continue to pray for both her and you. Please keep us posted on her condition. I'll be watching for your updates and sending all of my good thoughts your way.
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
14 Apr 09
I think all the prayers must be helping, because Maggie seems to be feeling like herself again. Today I again softened her food and kept the other big dog away, and she ate without incident. We went for a walk and she was wagging her tail and gave me the paw, and even though she got excited (which ALWAYS makes her hyperventilate) she has not had one of those choking fits again. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I am just happy she's feeling better right now.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
13 Apr 09
I'm sorry to see that it was a one event happening. I wish I was able to say this is what is wrong but, I don't so the only thing that I can say is I'm really sadden by your experience and I hope the best happens for your dog. I have no idea how to do the Heimlich on dogs, I was only trained on humans. Good luck and I hope you find some answers!
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
13 Apr 09
After a rough night, Maggie seemed OK this morning, until I took her for a walk and she got excited and had another episode. However, once she came around, I gave her some food which I had soaked in water to make it mushy and kept the other dogs from disturbing her meal and she ate without incident. She's resting now. She's such a good dog, when she's not having an episode she's waggin her tail and just being her sweet self. I have to figure out how to keep her calm, she's easily excited and when she gets excited she hyperventilates (always has) which now seems to trigger an episode.
Thanks for the kind words.
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@Ozarkgirl (774)
• United States
12 Apr 09
My Pom did this and I took him to the vet and it was where a part of his Esophagus was weekend and had a small lining that was causing his throat to be smaller. They removed that skin and he is fine now.
Do you plan on taking her to the Vet tomorrow if she survives the night? I will pray for God to do what is best for her, and to help you in whatever may come. God Bless Maggie and you too!!
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
12 Apr 09
I don't have any great words of wisdom either. I'm sorry she's still ill.
This is why I don't have any pets today and don't want any more. I have had so many pet tragedies I have lost count. Maybe one day I'll get a fish or a bird but for the mean time, I'd rather not have to get attached to something I have to clean up after for a long time, if ever again.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
12 Apr 09
The pure love and joy Maggie has brought tom my family over the years is well worth every ounce of sorrow I will feel at her passing and every bit of sadness I feel now for my beloved friend. We've had some great times together, my life would not have been as good had she never been in it.
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@JABeau59 (446)
• United States
14 Apr 09
I don't have anything to add to all the helpful posts but I wanted you to know I am thinking of you and your beloved Maggie. My eyes are full of tears and I know that all pet lovers out there know what you are going through. Stay strong and I will keep you in my prayers.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
14 Apr 09
Thank you, the prayers and kind thoughts mean the world to me, and they must be helping, because Maggie seems to be feeling much better, she has not had another choking fit since yesterday morning and has been acting like her happy lovey self again.